Templar, Heavy Amor, ORC ORC ORC, Daggerfall, 2hand+Restrobackscratcher, Dps/tanky (Bruiser), PvP (pve just to see it and if needed to farm money), 23years old, EU
imperials seems to be very strong but we have to have an eye to the hard and soft caps. Its seems to be easy to reach these caps and in this way the imperials just have 1 effective passiv and its nice but not very strong. imho orcs have still the best passivs for pvp. I guess a Nord is a slightly better tank bc of the amorbuff. (but i dont know how effective amor is atm)
EP = mainstream, WTJ cuz mass, hispter nords AD = RP, alot of couple/female games cuz elves lol this means no competition. DG = Underdogplayers -> elitisim, orcs gonna smash you! just my personal option of view
norefunds i played in beta alot with health regenskills. they are way cheaper as normal heals and imho more efficent. vampire sounds nice but i guess i'll going werewolf. seems to fit in my playstyle with my bruisertemplar. just 2 questions where to get it AND how hard its to get it? edit: light and heavy attacks are the small and big autoattack? and Mist form i guess its Channeltime 3 sec not casttime 3sec?
not "the longest" every class has a 36m attack to chase ppl. (btw its quite amazing when i used my 36m range cast sunfire at a maxranged enemy on a horse, and the bolt flow like hours and when it arrived it dismounted the enemy. just looked amazing)
01.04 but then zenimax said lol april april we dont even release an mmo. just a big fake ok just kidding b2t. i guess sunday aswell (but sunday is imho the worst day to publish a game, too many ppl could start right in time and the server will collapse)
healing is good in pve but in pvp its better to avoid dmg, bc while u are healing u cant deal dmg and the other just dmg vs you. imho i would never play with fullhealers in teso. bruiserhybrids are the way to win. templar ftw!
yeah quite a lot both betas. well they may change the levelmechanic but u have to know all quests in cyrodill scales with your lvls. each pvequest in cyrodil ist like ~1/20 of your lvl. There are many different camps to lvl up. Beanstean from daggerfall in bloodthorn campaign was one of the 50ish(last saturday morning) chars. I traveled a lot through cyrodil. tbh im quite amazed of the map. Many hidden quests/dungeons and the questhubs arent fraction based. It could happen a 5 man grp of your enemy apears in your back to kill you. imho its ok for this if the quests given slightly more exp. now i know where to lvl i guess i can be 50 quite faster. i guess some students will be "serverfirst" in the first 48h. ah and dont ask me, i given feedback its way to fast to lvl there and i hope they change it. i wont tell you any locations. @dionysis in the beta every 10-49 char had the same amout of stats. slighlty different, based on your class. e.g. templar had more stamina but dk more hp. imho i dislike it, of course u should scaleup but a lvl 40pperson should be stronger than a lvl 10. and didnt talk much with the 50ish char to check how his stats chance. (i hope zenimax just made all the same stats for the beta)
this is completly wrong i was lvl 40 in the beta and had exact the same status points, one member of the DC reached 50 and i talked with him and he replied he still have the same stats. i dont know if they did if bc of beta. but its shit. its quite easy to lvl in cyrodil the quests scales with your lvl
i played or more like tried to play a tanky bruiser templar. Once i reached my essential skills it went quite fine but imho i was still squishy. But on otherhand my dmgoutput was gorgeous. But once u get caught and cant escape instant its over. But well this occurs bc of the "scale up" in RvR and it doesnt matter what part of gear you equipped everybody 1-49 has the same about of stats.
wont be offensive but this is exactly what about many ppl complaines, ingame advantages what u can buy with RL money. in my IE would be: hardcopy: pretty similar the stuff what is actual included ingamestuff: mount, pets, costumes, and a unique weaponskin (it should be cool but endgameweapons should have designed better than this)
we are 54days before release. That's quite nothing in comparison to the total developtime. I dont want to destory your dreams, hype and hopes but we can be glad we're getting at least 1 beta before release... all mmodevs/publishers doing the same marketingtactic. sweetening the Fans and nonfans, but dont give em too much bc some of em would leave the game before buying it. but anyway im on the hypetrain for the next beta anyway! wanna play moar cyrodil!! (and i dont think they'll raise lvl cap to 50)
./bet 10 bucks for 2. beta this weekend with NDAlifiting. (right now the last beta is 1month ago.... in early march will be a 3. and last beta prolly..... just my personal guesses)