well tbh stamina skills are the strongest ingame. imho stamina based builds are allinbuilds. If there's any room for all in builds in this game isnt quite sure. but for example u could use Critical rush->wreckingblow->executioner in a combo 3stamina based skills. But i didnt found a combo which does the same or more dmg so far. I, and stamina based orc templar will use these 3 skills and combine them with sunshield and sunfire in my mainbar. additional im using my restostuff with quick siphon, another stamina spell. Like said it quite all in. i try to combine it with heavy amor and survivel runes/enchantments but dont lose too much dmg. bc i have to take down my enemy in 1-2 combochains. Its just theoretically atm and i dont know if it works, but nobody knows if his build is as superior as he guessed. and at least i'll use my magicks for heals,auras, and shields well i just wrote it to show up there are possibilities to use staminabuilds. im going to test this build next beta and write my exp. btw imho there are way to many stamina skill and less magicka skills,. for example nearly all allicane and guild and world skills are staminabased