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Everything posted by shinn

  1. TESO is not only for elderscroll fans. more than 75% of the players are MMOplayers. and i guess nearly every "NONRPGMMO" player will hate this change. not everybody like the rpg in mmo
  2. the stamina costs arent accurate anymore. earlier the days u could spam the skill at 50% to end, but now they increased the stamina costs and this was a slight nerf to the skill. imho there are other better executes now for every class and executioner is a melee attack, flying blade for example is spammable as executioner as a rangeattack vs retreating enemys and slows aswell.
  3. tmrielfoundry has a large list with pvp guilds. and btw u can interact with a smallscale grp in large battles aswell. if u pc has problems disable blurr and shadow effects. it helps alot
  4. the pve in cryodill ist just for one action LOAD SOULSTONES everybody whos expecting sth else having a bad time
  5. Casttimes may are ok if u use them as opener and the enemy doesnt see you, like crystalshard as sorc. but infight casttimes are a nogo to be efficient. especially if somebody is focusing you. as executers its quite useless aswell bc while u are casting you movmentspeed is decreased.
  6. there are over 30 minnidungeons in cyrodill and plenty of mal ruins with mobs. its way enough. shiity pvemobs has no place in pvp. if uwant to do pve go on an adventure. one of the worst thing in gw2 rvr was u added always any shitty mobs with attacks.
  7. ur skills are replaced while in werewolf,u cant use class/weapon abilitys. your class doesnt matter. just ur stats matter... gear n stuff etc in this case, everybody "COULD" be a werewolf
  8. sry i call this bullshit. did u watch in your crystal ball? your post makes me rage a bit. just another random who claims to know everything. Daggerfall did many emeperors in beta, we did THE HIGHEST SCORE in bloodthorn after EACH beta weekend so far. tell be where its the 3. nation? Daggerfall already had in beta serveral organized raids via voicechat. Leadingexperience just matters if its out of other mmos? oh little boy you have to learn a lot in your life. and just another shitloadstatement about the 2 fraction pvp. did you ever do anything else than dieing in pvp? prolly not. The map i friggen big. even if u are the 3th place in the matchup atm u can rape the 1st bc of splitting and attacking on many fronts while hes on the 2nd. And leaders are in mainstreamnords and gayelf vally? I'm playing mmo for 8 years now and everytime some guilds claimed their hardcoreness with old archievments on shitty server vs bad ppl and they guessed to dominate the next game aswell, 90% of em are fast disappeared. but i stop here or i getting personal... but plz go out of pvp discussions you have no clue about Realm vs Realm
  9. i dont knwo where's your problem? do you invest your whole life to find things u can brag about? if everybody use the UI's theres no imbalanced between the opponents. and if its YOUR OWN choice not to use the one addon. its the "GROUPLEADER OWN choice not to pick you and pick another person.
  10. 6p.m. MEZ but the servers are mostly up earlier.
  11. sry but "wow pvp only" player dont know whats "Realm vs Realm" Realm vs Realms pvp content develops itsself. Everyday is different, ofc u need sth new anytime but not like pve if the content is clear and boring. and if u think ppl play mmos to explore the world, u are gonna have a bad time. thata maybe 0,5% of all players.
  12. vsmpirsm rp, i lol'd gl for your project but tbh this wont have success
  13. as a fromer warcraft player my heart bleeds everytime i see a goblin or wrog player :I b2t= werewolf ftw. screw vamps
  14. well some of the limited beta testers hit 50 aswell. at least in the DC. u could spamm the Burma quests in cyrodil and they scaled with your lvl... now they fixed it with a 24h cooldown. makes them unattractive now.
  15. get lvl 50? oO how long is the next beta <.< or is this leaked of the alpha?
  16. well but JUST 20% may with a little spike and end (may a stronger executioner) but for example. Wrecking blow deals dmg and increases the next attack. And executioner increases all the time for 18%. imhho momentum is more like a pve ability when u spamm attacks all the time, but i work with running and kiting and charging again. less but hard attacks.
  17. Orc templar Heavy amor 5 – Medium 2 -2Handweapon Critical rush Wrecking blow Executioner Repentance Blazing Shield Flawless Dawnbreaker -Resto Rapid regeneration Vampires Bane Healing springs Immoval Brute Purifying Ritual IceComet
  18. well tbh stamina skills are the strongest ingame. imho stamina based builds are allinbuilds. If there's any room for all in builds in this game isnt quite sure. but for example u could use Critical rush->wreckingblow->executioner in a combo 3stamina based skills. But i didnt found a combo which does the same or more dmg so far. I, and stamina based orc templar will use these 3 skills and combine them with sunshield and sunfire in my mainbar. additional im using my restostuff with quick siphon, another stamina spell. Like said it quite all in. i try to combine it with heavy amor and survivel runes/enchantments but dont lose too much dmg. bc i have to take down my enemy in 1-2 combochains. Its just theoretically atm and i dont know if it works, but nobody knows if his build is as superior as he guessed. and at least i'll use my magicks for heals,auras, and shields well i just wrote it to show up there are possibilities to use staminabuilds. im going to test this build next beta and write my exp. btw imho there are way to many stamina skill and less magicka skills,. for example nearly all allicane and guild and world skills are staminabased
  19. its just a mistake, most informations are datamined and ppl got it wrong. its 3sec channeltime.
  20. well has positives and negatives. in regarding the lags/serverissues in the last beta i wouldnt prefer this in the release Version.
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