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Blue speed

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Everything posted by Blue speed

  1. Since I'm to lazy to copy and paste listen up!If your a runescape member you have 2 weeks from septemeber 15th to log in runescape classic. That way you can get the all mighty runescape classic cape! It's black so its naice. To do its emote you must press the skill cape button. That is all.
  2. 99 Range completed. cba to find the screenshot.
  3. Contributing.1 Personality- Someone who can deal with my irl shenanigans and have a normal sense of humor.2 Looks - A girl can be a little chunky but nothing crazy. I generally go for girls on the 6-9 scale. (Unless your a supermodel with an outstanding record and like ninjazs your not a 10) And have motivation to be running since I like to jog alot.3 ????? - Enjoy sonic the hedgehog
  4. Hello everyone, if your reading this thank you for being somewhat active on the forums, I myself have been declining but that will change now.I would like to see the activity on these forums go up. Seeing as how I provide most of the funding I wouldn't want for this clan to disappear. I met alot of friends of here, friends that I will cherish forever. I mean it's had its drama everynow and then. But somehow, we manage to keep it alive. Don't let an epic clan with such great history (despite some incidents) go to waste.I joined this clan as a level 70, rose up the ranks. Was motivated to play runescape again and level up my skills. Just so I can participate in more events, and dominate in wars. I remember how we had epic events created, such as the all time favorite Crazycow73 fire fest. The summer has ended thus dropping activity to an all time low. I would love to see us get our citadel above lvl 2, instead of staying at 1. So help me help you. You are a Runescape Rebel. Old and new, we all work together as a team. I will in the near future host a drop party, just for you guys. I also plan on doing a Event show up roster, so at the end of the month. The rebel who attended the most events, will get a shiny medal and a lucky award of my choosing. This includes the current MOTM (Which you guys are also slacking in voting) And MOTY. It wont be anything luxurious like a Party hat. But it'll be worth your while.So how about it guys, up for it?TL;DR - pick up the slack
  5. 99 Herblore took me a week from 66. Also 85 Fletching Side note, I finished Seer's Diary completely!
  6. Remember you can't vote for previous motm winners!
  7. I got a rune plate from a clue that was in my bank for more than a year. After that I never did a clue scroll again.
  8. .......sike! In the middle of my training I got a message from a person named "Fate Is Here'' AKA Timber wolf. Asking me if I wanted to participate in a random drop party event. My response. Let's do this. And so the race was on! We met up at fally bank and began the fake advertisement. We at one point got 51 people in his friend chat! They got mad. 20/27 pictures shit disconnected on me.
  9. I had no idea this was up already.Pinned!
  10. How could I forget this one, here ya go. Uploaded with ImageShack.us
  11. Probably the 5th time I've made this. My name is Walter Gomez.
  12. Lets see here.... 99/99 Magic 9/2/2011 99/99 Herblore 9/9/2011 99/99 Range 9/16/2011 99/99 Construction 10/20/2011 99/99 Crafting 11/4/2011 99/99 Firemaking 11/17/2011 99/99 Fletching 12/10/2011 99/99 Smithing 10/29/2012 61/80 Dungeoneering (Eh..) 66/80 Runecrafting (lol this one will suck) 67/80 Hunter (Hate this) 75/81 Theiving 68/95 Summoning 81/99 Fishing 80/85 Mining 78/80 Agility 69/95 Slayer (gayness) Currently working on Smithing atm Lets do this. Current capes achieved since being a 'rebel. In order Cooking '09 Strength '09 Attack '10 Defense '10 Hp/Constitution '10 Prayer Sept '11 Magic Sept '11 Herblore Sept '11 Range Sept '11 Construction Oct '11 Crafting Nov '11 Firemaking Nov '11 Fletching Dec '11 Smithing Oct '12 Misc Cape and Other stuff. Quest Cape March 20, 2010 Lvl 5 all roles of BA September 17, 2011. Seer's Diary 100% completed
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