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Blue speed

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Everything posted by Blue speed

  1. Sweet lol, I thought it was down to finance issues
  2. Good to see another armed forces member, I got a few months left in deployment myself. Hope you enjoy it here.
  3. Hey guys, In case you been wondering my profile expired and I've been doing the Army thing again.

  4. That is fucking amazing lol
  5. Prayer, Herblore, Fletching, Firemaking, Summoning, Construction lul
  6. Blue speed


    Welcome back nub.
  7. Oh of course, and I always mention for the few rebelz who added me on facebook, if you ever post runescape related stuff I will delete you. The only girls who know are my ex's and my sister. xD
  8. It's a userbar not a name thing like yours
  9. Type of Image / Size: UserbarImage: If you can get sonic the hedgehog on diz. (sprite images)Main Text: TRR rebel since 08Subtext (if any): Hai I'm blueTRR Logo (yes/no): sure?Additional Comments: nothing that i can think ofMost Recent Past Request:
  10. Pre-ordered it, not gonna be able to play it online for awhile though.
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