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Jack G

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About Jack G

  • Birthday 10/25/1995

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Jack G's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have 1 but not looking to sell it
  2. Jack G

    I had a sad.

    Now i feel sad for the dragon
  3. Jack G

    Smithing in Skyrim

    you can make arrows on one of the dlc packs
  4. Jack G


    I play on expert
  5. Jack G

    Y Dovahkiin No Share?

    this is why they arent paid
  6. Jack G

    Race Selection

    id throw up if i saw that in real life.
  7. Jack G

    Bacon Helmet

    Shut up and take my money
  8. Jack G

    Skyrim Encumberance

    story of my life
  9. Jack G

    Lonely Paarthurnax

    Remember, the bard would have to know the clear skies thu'um
  10. Jack G


    Ive only been a Khajiit stormcloak
  11. Jack G

    Wall Ninja

    This has happened to me before, but its not funny without the "soon" caption.
  12. Jack G

    Wtf o.0

    Delvin is quite the perv
  13. Jack G

    Skyrim Logic

    Those damn Skyrim chickens.
  14. Man I miss the Runescape 2. I dont really like the new update.
  15. I just wanted to say hello to all of the elder souls people. I'm new here and just wanted to say hi to everyone.
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