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Everything posted by Musclemagic

  2. Numbers range from 35% low to 55% high on ESO class-polls for Nightblade... Definitely going to be the highest, especially on Aldmeri Dominion. As far as role #'s go, looks like the pretty typical (but a bit more tanks than healers, which normally isn't the case in MMOs I usually find): DPS >>> Tanks ≥ Healers
  3. Areodon, I hear there are 50 shades of grey.
  4. Anyone know what the morphs on Destructive Touch were?
  5. This post cannot be displayed because it is in a password protected forum. Enter Password
  6. I'll be making a PvP guild on PS4 when able. True elitists are welcome to join it, just PM me. I would really like to see a guild form for PC that I can casually play on until PS4 release. Someone just needs to man up and claim leadership of it, since David doesn't want to do it. It doesn't really matter if you're the best player, just be good at organizing data and planning events.
  7. In an interview with Matt Firror I'm pretty certain he said the only thing you'll be able to change is what morphs you choose, because eventually you could achieve everything else anyway without respeccing being necessary. As far as HP/MP/St? I'm not sure.
  8. Any idea on if you have the ability on both bars if it cancels or not (when it's a toggled ability)? If it does, they'll hopefully patch it so it doesn't, but it would be good to know for now.
  9. Do you really lose Shade when you swap? I don't think it's a toggle.
  10. Commrune, I'd like to PM you but you're on a guest account so I can't.
  11. That gives me a boner, thanks ...Hans. Haha, good idea using a guest accnt.
  12. Do you know if the armor bonus on the 2nd Puncture morph was a % or if it was a flat #? If it's a flat # I can see potential for using it on a light-armor user.
  13. Although I'm not going to play on PC after June (or whenever they launch console version), and I wouldn't have time to be an officer for PC, I could definitely help with recruiting and would love to be involved in strategy (both pvp and pve) conversations with officers. I don't think cross-faction would be a good idea, and although David doesn't want to lead it-I think that simply making an Elder Souls guild would be really good, we have a great foundation group and a great website for it to take off on.... plus, how awesome will it be to own the fuck out of TF? Think about it anyway, David. It looks like there's enough interest from a great group of guys, we just need you to give us a go-ahead and maybe see who's willing to be the leader, then start a poll for us to vote on the candidates. /nudge/nudge/nudge, so how about it, David? It would be really fun. PS- No worries about EU/AUS/US/Whatever we can all play together with our main-characters no matter what realms we started on. There's pretty low latency no matter who's hosting the group, too. It's amazing. We should probably join a campaign from whichever server has the most amount of members though just to make meet-times most effective and such.
  14. If there is it has to be Daggerfall. Just sayin'. Especially since Tamriel Foundry is AD.
  15. Only answers that are public knowledge will be posted, not things that you could only know through beta access/private intel. Someone might happen to have seen some answers that were publicly released by ZOS. By PMing the answers to the asker we keep things tidy. We don't want this forum to get too long, or it would be hard to find FAQ's. Duh! I'll start: 1) What are the morphs on Sparks? 2) What are the morphs on Puncture? Keep posting new questions if you have any, even if it doesn't appear like there are answers.
  16. I love when I acciddently type "Elder Souls" instead of "Elder Scrolls"... XD

    1. Fergal


      Or say it irl... Then everybody is like, lolwut

  17. I'm guessing that a Shield would do better than 2h or DW. You won't be doing much damage anyway, so you might want to gives yourself some extra tankiness and let your pets do more work. Something like this maybe: 7 heavy, 1h/S Shield Charge Low Slash Twilight Familiar Conjured Ward ? No problems there for a nice solo build.
  18. My guess is that they will profit hugely at launch like Diablo 3 did and then there will be enough stick-arounds for the monthly payments to keep them in the black. Even if subs drop a huge amount, they'll keep the p2p because they won't have a reason not to.
  19. irons, thal, areodon, and myself... Jizzworthy weekend. edit: Of course I'd like to play with all of you, but it's just one weekend. Be sure to add me and message me on there though! Character name is Musclemagic
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