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Everything posted by Aliath

  1. Probably not. But even so, it's not worth the trouble. I'd recommend picking up a really cheap microphone that you can just pair up with your headphones.
  2. I botted one or two magic levels but I promptly pussied out.
  3. Damn. I was MoTm in July '09. July of 2011 has just passed. I've graced you all with my presence for over 2 years.
  4. We pwnt AL, did we not? :P

  5. Aliath


    I don't understand.
  6. Aliath


    'twas a joke. I'm Nova-Scotian-- I detest separatists. I vote NDP. :PI do live in Quebec, though. And my mother is french-canadian.
  7. What is your favorite band and/or musical genre? Radiohead is my favorite band, and my favorite musical genre is French-Canadian folk rock.
  8. Aliath


    Quebec is my country. [/separatist]
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXpNzEmNy5I
  10. I hear good things about this game.I will not play it.
  11. Aliath


    For He created mountains, forests and midgets in His Noodly Grace.
  12. Suggested it to Tragic and he told me it could happen if we got enough people on. :)it'd be nice to get a pic in our Clan Citadel.
  13. Aliath


    I don't know what half of those restaurants are. >.>
  14. Aliath


    You should travel back to the middle ages and tell that to the Catholic Church.People often do things in the name of Christendom of which Christ would most likely disapprove. Bill Maher said it best: "They're not followers of Christ... They're just fans."
  15. I would definitely touch up on my Biblical Hebrew just in case.
  16. I love the pose, as awkward as it is. Showcases our awesome cape. 9/10
  17. Looking forward to seeing the new Grand Exchange. :DStill, though... The 'ol gal will always have a special place in my heart.
  18. Looking forward to that as well. When will it be up?
  19. Crazy, you've been here longer than me! Of course you've been here for more than two years!
  20. Aliath


    I agree. What I'm saying, though, is I'd rather have people going around saying that as opposed to "Science is a lie, God is an absolute truth! Convert or eat lead!"
  21. If there is a zombie apocalypse, I will commit my life to making dead things deader.
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