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Posts posted by APOLLYON

  1. Second Robin was Jason ToddThird Robin was Tim Drake is not Bruce's Son....

    I know he was Jason ToddAlso I could of sworn It was Tim Drake that was the the grand child of Ra Ghoul or w/e the leader of the LoA was. Cuz his daughter Talia Ghoul took bruce's was prego with Bruce's Son... ahh its been forever since I've followed the batman shit lol.
  2. First Robin Dick Grayson marries Barbra Gordon (Oracle)Second Robin turns into the Red HoodThird Robin turns into the Joker in the futureFourth Robin is a girlFifth Robin is Bruce's Son -.-

    Third robin is also his biological son, Tim drake became red-robinsecond robin was murdered by joker but ressurected as red hood.Still trying to remember who the fourth robin was... coulda sworn she became a batgirl...Also my bet is on Guy Gardner or Alan Scott. They are Green Lanturns.BoosterGold would be a safe bet.Also Captain America... how the hell you mix up Marvel with Dc... Captain America Had a love interest before he became a supersoldier, was fawned over by women after he became the Captain and then has a child with Black Widow.
  3. Posted Image

    Cant be aquaman, he a loving but wrathful father/husband, also most people say he sucks cause they've never seen his full story, hes got armor strong skin super strength and dominates the ocean, when his child was threatened and was being restrained he cuts off his hand to free himself, now he sports a wicked looking spear head for a hand and sometimes a metal fist/gauntlet, hes extremely aggressive and somewhat of a tyrant as he is king of atlantis.

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    The robins, i doubt it, bruce formally adopts all of them and the last one is his biological son, the second robin becomes redhood and then red-robin i believe and is a merciless killer of criminals.

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    The first robin becomes nightwing and was almost married to starfire.

    As for being the first gay dc universe character, thats false since there are already gay/lesbian and bisexual characters in dc universe such as bunker

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    and voodoo

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    and ofc batwoman

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  4. May 20th is the day of the annual solar eclipse fool. Not a holiday and I dont think it will conflict with event but hey it's just something really cool I'd suggest people check out.

    Also this is durring double drop boss weekend i think. So expect to be packed

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  5. Haven't heard of any of those besides Flower (I think?)? I s that the artsy game where you're the breeze collecting petals? Maybe I'm just stoned.Is Festival of Blood DLC?

    No, its the same guy from Infamous, just its a vampire game, It's standalone so you don't need to play Infamous or Infamous 2 to get it.From what I've heard its a decent game worth its price.
  6. Too many people logging in on first day at same time, blizzard servers couldnt handle, crazy.

    If you're talking about this, then I don't know what I'm doing with it either. Was going to turn it into a TRR/RuneScape-like Diablo section... but I'm leaning towards scraping that idea since I don't think Diablo has that big of a following to where we'll get our own active group going.

    Diablo 3 has a very large following, we just normally stick to in-game communications and older well-established sites.examples.http://www.d2sector.net/http://us.battle.net/d3/en/?-http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/forum.phphttp://forums.d2jsp.org/forum.php?f=21http://www.blizzsector.net/forum.phphttp://www.diablofans.com/forummany more but these were the only ones from top my head
  7. I need a calendar in my room or something, or at least something to get my brain working >.<.Bumped the event to May 20th.

    First Cinco de Mayo, now Mothers Day. A day of drinking and The one day a year where we all celebrate the awesomeness that is our Moms at the same time.You know what the difference is between Cinco de Mayo and St. Patricks Day is? Nobody pretends to be mexican.
  8. I actually had one typed up, but I was waiting for you to reply asking for it.

    I've always been a fan of the bi-Monthy. Two weeks is a long enough time to get shit together. That is also a long enough time for Runescape to update with new crap to talk about.

    Well, originally you had never replied back with your work that you said you were gonna do so I was like, hell, let me ask Apolly. But if you wanna get in on the next one with something, more than glad 2 have you.

    Take the initiative next times. Waiting on each other to make the first move.
  9. @Traag. Too bad there are actually people who take what they seriously and can not seem to understand or enjoy the humor we see in them.

    @ Topic, Argument of most people is that gay marriage is insulting of the sanctity of marriage, to that I say get rid of divorces. They say the marriage of same-sexed couples goes against what god had intended, to that maybe the old phrase "Separation of Church and State" seems to become forgotten.

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    My view is that if they are not hurting anyone(asides from themselves, blex understands), and they consciously made the decision to become wed to one another then why not let them? Why are people being so overly concerned with the affairs and personal business of people they know absolutely nothing about. Its not as if the American Gov actually continued their research on the "Gay Bomb" and are gonna drop it on us, Why do people treat homosexuality as a contagion and seek its destruction is the question I ask. As long as they do what they do and don't try to get me involved and don't hurt nobody then their business is their business. To this I point people get married everyday and then divorce later on, "Till death due us part" meaning nothing anymore. This to me has become more or less like interracial marriage was years ago, and now who cares aside from cheeky and other racist fuckers.

    This has been a rant.

    The picture was unrrelated but at some part after seeing it you probably began reading to yourself in his voice if you actually did continue reading. Donkey punch.

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  10. The Hulk is my favorite if you follow his original comic stories, however the movies they made of him suck giant hairy monkey balls, cept the second one( only because of the action scenes ha).I wish they actually made their(all marvel movies) movies more true to their origins in the comic books.The spiderman movies made peterparker a joke imo. Which is why I am looking forward to the new one.Thanos as the villian for the next avengers will be badass( i hope).

  11. I could buy both, but it doesn't change the fact that Diablo suck...

    Now sir I respect you right to speak your mind and will fight for your right to speak it but however I do not have to agree with what you speak, and you are speaking blasphemy and I know I shouldn't but I feel much pity for you soul for you sir are lacking in some way for believing in what you believe, bless your heart.
  12. Pfft, Diablo 3... Diablo 2 was boring, and 3 looks just as bad.

    This coming from a guy with a perfect Barbarian name? You play Rs lulz. You shall buy the game and play! If not you shall be laughed at for all to see.
  13. Congratulations to... Anarchy!

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    Well this is kinda awkward since I ran it...!

    Thanks to everyone who voted for me (:

    Just some comments from voters...

    “You’re our leader and you keep the clan running smoothlyâ€

    “You deserve it!â€

    “Great recent achievements and graphic designingâ€

    Remember to vote for next month’s MotM when voting opens.


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