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Posts posted by APOLLYON

  1. Is this one of those "become a member today and get some epic christmas stuff" event that Jagex have been making lately? I don't even think they are as fun as they used to be.



    Is this one of those "become a member today and get some epic christmas stuff" event that Jagex have been making lately? I don't even think they are as fun as they used to be.


    agreed, hmm for somereason my mouse does multiple clicks haha

  2. That's so sickening o.0 where do you live? Souns like some kind of medieval country, but I've got a feeling you're from the USA o.0



    South Carolina, 'Murica.


    Easily influenced people will always be that, doesn't matter the source. If you want to know why a majority of people are violent its a mix of their mental state and environment. Think about it, a lot of people blame video games but its really the parents of that child are to blame for their lack of involvement in their children life and don't make enough time for them. I've seen teens and children(so far all white(ha)) who are complete dicks and would even yell at their parents in public and pretty much get away with it. Their parents are pushovers and do whatever their child wants them to do, hell they even threaten to kill their own parents, curse them out and what not. Their parents believe that time outs and taking away their phones and shit are appropriate ways of punishment but its really not. I always had somewhat strict parents but were very loving and they would whoop my ass when i would misbehave as a child, many of my friends were the same way and even though they are annoying at times, i trust them with my life if needed. 


    The parents are to blame.

    • Upvote 2
  3. I'm starting to play again, normally around 12am-4am eastern time, depends if i workout or not, stay late at work, or want to drink haha. Eastern time btw, currently looking for an active rs clan that is on when i am, if yall get active again(round when i get on) let me know.

  4. Just go to school like where i used to, onground armed police patrol, occasional armed students, right off naval weapons station, and surrounded by friendly neighborhood that have home protection and hunting firearms that if their children are threathened would not hesitate to kill the culprit, lulz, public school in the south.

  5. $20 or less - $5 tip

    Round $50 - $10 tip

    Round $75 - $20 tip

    Round $100 - $30-$40 tip


    Give or take $5-$20 depending on their service.


    Least thats what I do, I used to work as a Hibachi Chef and tips kind of determined if the next time that person comes how willing we are to cook for them, we still would since its our job, but we would try to con each other into taking their table.


    Tips are how a lot of servers and such make their money, their paychecks(if they get one) are mostly only used to pay taxes.


    Remember people, Always tip your strippers, oh um servers.

  6. Wild Animals/Do penguins exist?


    Expert: Dyan deNapoli - 12/1/2012

    QuestionI was hoping you could resolve a dispute between myself and my ex-girlfriend. She says that penguins are a genuine living creature, but I have been told that they are a mythical half bird half fish invented by an advertising company to sell chocolate bars. On the grounds that birds can fly, while penguins can't, but they can swim, like fish, I feel that logic is on my side but my ex won't accept this, claiming that she has seen penguins at the zoo (I believe this may be false memory, or possibly the use of animatronic puppets to perpetuate the myth). So, quite simply, do penguins really exist?AnswerDear Danny,While you submit a compelling argument for the nonexistence of penguins, I must inform you that your ex-girlfriend is correct in this case. I'm afraid she wins this one, flippers down.As an addendum, might I suggest that, using the same logic, a better question may be whether or not your ex-girlfriend really exists. You have implied that she is a genuine, living creature; however a little birdie (could've been a penguin) informed me that she's really a mythical creature invented by a conglomeration of advertising companies to sell beer and shiny red sports cars.It's possible that your ex may actually be the false memory here, or perhaps the use of an inflatable...well, you know...to perpetuate the illusion of having an actual girlfriend. In which case, we would have a false memory having a possible false memory, which is some sort of weird double negative that I imagine can only happen in an alternate universe. My guess is that they would then cancel each other out, making your question moot.So, in summation, to get a more lucid answer to the question behind your question, I might suggest you resubmit it to an expert who's well versed in philosophy or mythology, or perhaps quantum physics. Maybe one of these experts could be of more help here. Or maybe they don't exist either...Good luck to you!Dyan



    • Upvote 2
  7. A full grown gorilla could lift a car... hell an adult chimp is stronger then 2-3 adult males.

    A charging fully grown gorilla would easily crush the knight.



    Taken from the all mighty internet.


    " The strength of a silverback gorilla has never been measured, but it should be sufficient to say that anecdotal evidence of animals observed almost casually bending and snapping objects such as tempered steel bars (2 inches thick) and giant bamboo stalks, suggest that the gorilla has the muscle power of between 8-15 men and possibly more. Jersey Zoos Jambo was observed to hang from one arm (he was over 400 lbs) while methodically ripping over 200 ft of inner ceiling planks from the roof of the new gorilla house with his other arm (the planks were securely screwed and nailed), simply because he didn't like them. No other animal outside of the great apes has such a combination of strength and dexterity. The fact that gorillas don't use their strength to attack other animals in the manner of chimpanzees or baboons means very little as they are by their very nature, peaceful animals. Gorillas also have one of the most powerful jaws of any animal, which they use to get to the piths of various trees and plants. They can also use them in defense, and can inflict serious wounds with their bites if they so wish. Stories of their ferocity are largely unfounded, and when left alone, gorillas will never attack humans.  "




    Posted Image

    Alright squishy lets replace one of these gorillas with you in armor:P

    • Upvote 1
  8. This is for all you hardcore RPG fans:

    zomg i was just there ahaha,also for those that felt underpowered all the time, try playing in teams... with my friend we tore through everything, sure i died a lot, but i was pretty much always the tank/rambo/survival/suicide build, and my friend was always the sniper/massive damage support type.There are tons and tons of weapons in this game and the skill trees if used right will like any other game make u godly or newbish.Oh and pay attention to the dialoge and cutscenes, theyre what make the game worth playing in my opinion. Hell I even copy some of it, my new favorite phrase to say is "whut-chu-want".
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