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T ranger101

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Status Updates posted by T ranger101

  1. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

    1. Fergal
    2. Huygens


      you just have a shitty pc, dont you ?:D

  2. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  3. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  4. I always wanted to play Skyrim, but then i took an arrow to the knee.

  5. Oh yes, yes i can go around and stock people unnoticeably ;)

  6. David, for christmas i give you the gift of the #1 Poster on the forums! Merry christmas everyone!

  7. David has beaten my amounts of posts on the forums. I'm sad

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fergal


      You seem pretty confident I will. Okay probably...

    3. FunnyPirate


      Noob :D back guys, fuck school

    4. Fergal


      MusclePirate! Good to see everyone coming back for Christmas. :)

  8. If anyone needs anything or someone to take their spot for something just text me, 678 862 4769. I really don't care about giving my number out

    1. Fergal


      Guests can see these Status Updates I believe, be careful!

    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      Very very true... haha xD Thanks for the heads up ferg.

  9. I knew you were crazy :o

  10. Thank you all for the prayers and the beer (tynisa lolol), My fathers health is getting better slowly. :)

    1. Tynisa


      Beer always helps.

      I went a little too far and had a couple Whiskey's for him too. It sounds like it did the trick though. No need to thank me my brother.

    2. T ranger101
    3. Tynisa


      Get your ass on GoW3. By this, i mean BUY IT DEWD.

  11. My father is in the hospital, please pray for him

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Timber Wolfs

      Timber Wolfs

      What's his first name? I'll include him in my prayers every day and night. Hope he gets well soon man.

    3. DOLfan


      All my thoughts and prayers are going out to him. Hope he gets better real soon.

    4. rebelmal


      Hoping he gets well soon, my thoughts are with you.

  12. Thinking about Stepping down possibly :(

  13. I feel very special to know that i'm the first person to Rick Roll David in 2 years <3

  14. Did you get your shirt off the internet? xD Cus i'd love to have one of those xD

  15. Is gonna apply for Clan Jester!

    1. Blakelington


      If you get jester, I got dibs on Clan Prostitute.

    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      I will vote for you my good sir!

    3. Blakelington
  16. Excited because i go back to my old high school tomorrow to get my Transcripts for college :3

  17. Had a really really rough day :(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      lol actually Video games make me more depressed (Common Psychology) but talking to my buddies like you David and all the rest of the people in the IRC cheer me up :D

    3. Deus


      Hope you liven up a bit bro :)

    4. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      :P I had, thanks for the encouragment guys :)
  18. Hosting 2 events in one day..... exhausted!

  19. Being a peacekeeper is hard work!

  20. So 6 days of Being the leader in the arcade..... Go to work?

    1. Aliath


      Beat my Tetris score and I will recognize you as superior.

    2. T ranger101

      T ranger101

      Oh, but i AM superior baby ;)

  21. Aliath, we both know it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to beat your amazing tetris score xD

  22. and good game to you as well my son :)

  23. The more trophies i win, the more awesome I am, yet the more it shows that my childhood i had no life and just played games constantly :P 9 TROPHIES!

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