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Posts posted by Blakelington

  1. So I've been thinking about different F2P events that we could have and researching a bit, and then I remembered one time Roach offered me and I forgot who 1m to find him. Of course I won, but that's not important. I just need to know if anyone is interested. I was thinking if we set up some kind of entrance fee then it would pay for itself. Not sure how much that should be, but yeah. That's all I got! And if someone had another way of running it that would be fine with me..

  2. So we've got a lot of advertising pages on different Runescape-related sites, and I noticed we didn't on this one. It's the official Runescape Clan Wiki. I think it'd be a good way to publicize us in a way we never have. We can talk about our history, what the clan is like, and all sorts of stuff. So if someone would like to volunteer to do this that would be great. If no one else will though, I'll gladly do my best to fill it.Runescape Clans Wiki Home

  3. Yeah, I can add people to the Rebelz clan chat. PM me in game if you need to me recruited.

    Since you're on a lot, I can use that to my advantage when I start recruiting again. We can quickly accept and add them, which is great for impatient hopefuls.
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