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Posts posted by Blakelington

  1. No doubt Obama's a nice guy, but he's a pussy. As are most democrats.

    I'm actually anti-government, but that's not something I'm willing to stand on voting/political wise. I consider myself a Tea Party Republican and also liberal. Sorry, I'm weird.
  2. i think you touch on an important point.Let's say Jagex develops super advanced bot detection systems that ban a lot more players. It has a guess rate of 95%, meaning for every 19 bots banned, 1 legitimate player is banned. Let's say this system kills every bot on RS. Well, gf to you too, 100,000 legitimate players. Jagex can't ban without overwhelming botting evidence, and as the bots grow more and more advanced bans become harder and harder.

    With AI becoming more and more popular/advanced, it's sure to spill into RS. There's always something to complain about when you have a bad attitude :(
    • Upvote 1
  3. Blake, could you make/buy me a lot of iron platebodies? I need them for an ingredient in summoning pouches... about 1500 will do. The cheapest way to do this would be to buy 100 at a time from the GE (damn buying limits). I'll pay you a healthy interest on whatever you paid.

    I've started. But it's going quite slow, if you ask me :(
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