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Status Updates posted by Jake

  1. Blex, why are you banned? Is Traag testing the new label?

  2. Anyone know of a website that can teach me C++ or Java? I need to learn some programming if I want to work in the industry one day.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      http://www.cplusplus.com was what one of my profs recommended as a reference.
    3. Jake


      Thanks guys. I'll check these out over the weekend.

    4. Fergal


      I don't want to seem unprofessional about this shit, not using websites/books anymore, but he hasn't got 250k+ subscribers for nothing. http://www.youtube.com/user/thenewboston Btw, be prepared for C++, it's a lot harder than Java.

  3. I honestly hope this reverse discrimination thing is sorted out before I join the workforce. It's racism all over again.

    1. David


      The supreme court upheld affirmative action in Grutter v. Bollinger (2003), but the court also stated it would probably be unnecessary in 25 years. So start working in 2028.

    2. Jake


      I guess I could also learn learn Korean or Japanese and move to South Korea or Japan. They seem like pretty cool places to live, and I don't think they have affirmative action.

  4. Gotta love the trolls who purposely disagree with me, don't back up why they think that, and say I have to respect their opinion. At least I can back my opinion up with reasons.

  5. Considering becoming an Agnostic. Any thoughts?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tynisa


      I do not understand how this can be a thing.

      I believe there could be something on the other side, or a higher power, but i also get the feeling there could be fuck all.

      It's just an idea, you can't really follow it, or be it?

      Not everything needs a label. Meh.

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      Meh shit happens. do what you wanna do and form your own opinion.

    4. gotab0ner4xmas


      yea.. you dont convert to be agnostic. you use logic, science and whatever faith you may or may not have...

  6. Doing my homework on Edgar Allen Poe while listening to a dubstep remix of Spoonman. Now that's class.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jake


      Ha Carnival, that's exactly what I was thinking. And seriously, if either of you haven't heard Spoonman by Soundgarden, look it up on Youtube. Right. Now.

    3. CarnivalofSoulz


      haha i listen to sound garden. but havent heard that song, id look it up but yea... im at school... damn internet blockers haha

    4. Tynisa


      His name rings a bell, this Poe guy. He sounds like a dick.

      All he reminds me of is the Poe main character from that airplane film, where he kills every mother fucking badguy on that shit.

      Swears are cool.

  7. Sunday night...most depressing time of the week.

  8. Vote for Squishyman as your October MotM!

  9. Women call me ugly, until they see how much money I have. Then they call me poor and ugly.

    1. Tynisa


      Wimen call me ugly.

      Then they see my LoL ELO and are like - FUCK ME NOW.

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      Tynisa your priceless lol

  10. Just beat Dragon's Dogma. Up until the end, its story was all over the place, but the ending was amazing and made up for it.

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      havent had the time to play this... im guessing it was good? not too sure what its about but my freinds have been talking about it alot

    2. Jake


      Hmm...well, I loved it, but you didn't like Dark Souls. The combat is like a mix between that and Dragon Age, with Shadow of the Colossus sprinkled into the boss battles.

  11. So, my parents say I can only play video games on weekends, then get confused as to why it's the only thing I do on weekends.

  12. My wisdom teeth are out, and I feel really numb. My bottom lip feels huge. However, at least I didn't make an idiot of myself. Now, I'm off to play Dragon's Dogma while my hand eye coordination still sucks!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tynisa


      Teeth things are not good.

      Im pretty sure in order to be a dentist, you have to love dishing out pain.

    3. Labush


      Really Tynisa? Im gonna be a dentist xD second year in univ.. 4 more to go :)

    4. Tynisa


      YARLY BRO!

      I think they wear tight leather under the clothes too. This would make sense.

  13. Anyone else think this clan could use a Dragon's Dogma and Dark Souls section?

    1. CarnivalofSoulz


      man i hated dark souls... lol

  14. Getting my wisdom teeth out tomorrow. No school, so that's good.

  15. 21 notifications when I logged in. It's a new record for me.

    1. Tynisa


      WOOP WOOP!


      the forums are quite active as of recent, not bad.

    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      yea id say. the topic about the horse back ridin is gettin some insane attention lol

  16. I got into another argument with the kids at school. They think that Fifa is better than Shadow of the Colossus because Fifa is in the real world. My faith in the industry is wearing thin if this is the demographic.

    1. David
    2. Jake


      I know, right? I said I thought Shadow of the Colossus was the best game ever (recently decided it was better than DA:O,) and they responded that Fifa was the better game. They didn't give any reasons other than that it's in the real world, and I seriously doubt they even played SotC.

    3. Tynisa


      PES is better than Fifa, because Fifa is for children, PES is for men.

      I have never played SotC meh.

  17. Got into an argument at school with some kids about whether single player or multiplayer is better. I say that multiplayer is a luxury, but they say single player is dead. What's happening to this industry?

    1. Blake


      Don't agree, but I can't blame them for saying that. Not a lot of games these days have a lasting single player mode with good replay-ability. The thing about multi-player is its replay-ability is drastically broader. Still, single player is far from, and I like to believe never will be, dead.

    2. Jake


      I agree, I enjoy single play more. However, if the multiplayer isn't tacked on, I do appreciate it. I believe video games are here to let nerds escape reality, so having multiplayer on all games is rather counterproductive.

  18. So, my computer can run Portal 2, but it can't run Slender. That's logical.

  19. You know, I think I may have given up on Dawnguard. If I get Dishonored, I will be buying it used.

  20. Just thought of an interesting Dynasty Warriors 7 build, but my Dad won't let me play until the weekend! Nooooo!

  21. A couple of my friends put their money together and bought me Dragon's Dogma. How nice of them. Can't wait to get home from the sleepover to play it.

    1. Tynisa


      Dunno what this is. :-(

    2. Jake


      An RPG I wanted to get for months. It has elements of The Elder Scrolls, Dark Souls, and Shadow of the Colossus.

    3. Tynisa


      Sounds interesting, is shall look this up.

  22. Would people mind checking out my new article? The lack of views saddens me a bit.

    1. Nathan


      Its a great article, the lack of views is probably more to do with the fact that the topic isn't as well known not anything wrong on your part. I also didn't realize it had actually been posted yet as on the main screen it was buried under older articles.

    2. David


      Yes, you have to remember that it's quite niche. When you do a niche subject most of your traffic will be from search engines, and it hasn't been indexed in any yet.

    3. Jake


      True, true. I knew it wouldn't get as many views as my others, but I thought I would get at least 1 comment in 24 hours.

  23. Swords>Guns. I'm just saying. Real men use swords.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Blake


      @Paul We talked about this scene in British literature like two days ago, explaining how the Knight in the Canterbury Tales was becoming obsolete. Here is the link if anybody is interested.

      Meh sword's are cooler and more entertaining, but I'd have to go with the Nuns with guns.

    3. Tynisa


      Hmm. Real men use Lynx Africa.

    4. Jake


      I love Raiders of the Lost Ark.

  24. Anyone else here watch Shut Up Cartoons on Youtube?

  25. I honestly find feminists to be worse than the Wesboro Baptist Church.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. CarnivalofSoulz


      how does that even out if women are sucky drivers?? shouldnt their insurance be higher than mens then cause that aint fair? and hey.. im a chick and i aint that bad of a driver. lol just sayin

    3. Blake


      The joke was "they pay less, but get in more accidents." And I don't believe the stereotype, just spreading it.

    4. Jake


      Actually it's been proven that men's brains are more suited to driving. Women are better at multitasking while men are better at doing one thing thoroughly. Driving a car fits into the latter category better. The reason their insurance is higher is because teenage boy's testosterone causes them to take unnecessary risks and get into a lot of accidents.

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