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Status Updates posted by Jake

  1. Considering writing articles again. It would certainly look good on a college resume.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Jake


      I was hoping to get a degree in Computer Science, and also take some creative writing classes. I was hoping to become a video game writer when I enter the workforce.

    3. David


      What schools are you applying to?

    4. Jake


      I was hoping to get into GA Tech, mainly. I don't know about the others. I'm only a sophomore, so I have quite a bit of time to decide.

  2. Procrastinated my week long assignment until now. Just finished at 1:30 AM.

  3. Just a little assassin build I threw together: http://skyrimcalculator.com/341668

    1. David


      But did you donate to Angel, the german shepherd?

      Also, you'd want Poisoner in Alchemy if for no other reason than the $ boost.

    2. Jake


      Enchanting daggers with banish will give you more money than you'll ever need.

  4. About to play in a Smash tournament.

  5. Thought I should get a fresh profile pic in celebration of my return.

  6. Decided to share the current Humble Bundle. Seriously, check it out if you're a PC gamer.

  7. Just realized David's Best Game Music article has over a million hits.

    1. David
    2. Jake


      Eh, I haven't written an article in a while, so I really don't have a right to be. If I ever get around to writing again, THEN I'll feel jelly. I realized that what made me so consistent before was incorporating the Wednesday article into my homework schedule, so I'll try to do that again this year.

  8. My next article: Top 5 games shown at E3!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      I'm assuming this isn't happening?

    3. Jake


      Sorry, I've been busy. I'll get to it.

    4. David


      I was just wondering.

  9. Built myself a gaming PC last week. Looks like I"m getting ESO after all.

    1. David


      Nice. You should post a thread about it.

    2. Fergal


      ^ Nice, bet it feels good!

  10. Just started playing Brutal Legend. Googled tips for a tough boss battle. Autocomplete spoiled the ending.

    1. David


      I've noticed that happening a lot recently. That and it "entering" an incorrect search that I typed half of.

  11. I haven't been to this site in a while. I feel so useless. I try to contribute more when school is out in a couple weeks.

    1. David


      Are you just busy with exams or what?

    2. Jake


      For the most part, yeah. I'm more or less in the "home stretch" of grades, and I need to bring my Biology grade up to a more respectable B. Slacking off brought me down to a C earlier, and I've been trying to bring it up ever since.

  12. And...we're back to the usual site traffic. It was fun while it lasted.

    1. David


      We're still getting 18 new accounts a day, and I haven't even networked the video once in 5 days.

  13. Plan for this weekend: New character, start game on Legendary, and never change the difficulty.

  14. Finally! It took a long time, but I've created the perfect set of enchantments on my armor!

  15. It's always depressing to see an abandoned account.

    1. David


      An account for what?

    2. Jake


      This site. People who create accounts, set up a profile, and never really visit again. It makes me sad.

    3. David


      We're in that awkward stage where Skyrim is waning and ESO isn't close enough to generate a lot of widespread appeal.

  16. Just wrote a Dark Brotherhood contract guide. Waiting for David to approve it.

    1. Nathan


      I initially read this and didn't see the word "guide" so I thought you were implying David was the head of the Dark brotherhood or something...

      ...Shutup I'm tired! I just spent 13 hours at a convention

    2. Jake


      What convention were you at?

    3. Nathan


      Melbourne Supanova (its an Aussie convention so I woudn't be surprised if you haven't heard of it)

  17. It's sad. I'm in Florida, right next to the beach, and I am longing to go home and play Skyrim. I almost finished my assassin build.

  18. Anyone wanna see me make a Goku build?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. David


      What is that?

    3. Jake


      From Dragon Ball Z. Lightning Storm would be a major source of his DPS.

    4. David


      I say go for it.

  19. An idea for an article: my compilation of my assassin, mage, warrior, an unarmed build, and the worst build possible.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Blake


      Like it all except the worse build possible. Kind of unnecessary and too predictable to even write.

    3. Jake


      Yeah, I suppose so. It just involves putting all your attribute points into stamina, and putting all your perks into lockpicking, pickpocketing, speech, and magicka reduction skills.

    4. Blake


      Well, with all that stamina, you'd be able to run from any fight you get in.

      Me taking your jokes isn't helping your guide either.

  20. Created a female character and followed a guide to make her look like Hroki. Oh, yeah...

    1. Tynisa


      YEEEEEEAH I FUCKING LOVE ... hrowkai???


    2. Jake


      Hottest NPC in the game, she lives in the inn in Markarth and shops outside during the day.

    3. Tynisa


      Just like all wimen should.

  21. Now that I've posted an Assassin build, should I create an Unarmed Brawler build?

    1. David


      Yes. Considering you'll almost have to go with a Khajiit, Blexun will cream himself.

  22. Does David's marriagable characters guide really have more than 200k hits? Wow.

    1. David


      Probably something fishy with bots tbh, though that is definitely the most popular page we have. Look at that blog I posted on the most popular articles. A few articles jumped up insane amounts. Unknown's effects guide went from 7k to like 90k+ in a month and I didn't notice any search traffic to it.

  23. Am I reading this correctly? Does Unknown's enchantment article really have almost 100k hits?

  24. Anyone think I should write an article on my ultimate assassin build?

    1. David


      Yes, I'm very interested in hearing it. Post it as a skyrim gen. discussion thread, we need more activity there.

    2. Jake


      Just posted it. What do you think? Should I maybe post it as a front page article?

    3. David


      There really isn't a front page category for it, it's probably better as a topic. The featured Skyrim guides aren't front-paged either. It's easy to move a topic to the front if need be in the future, though.

  25. You know what ticks me off? Females get more out of the Agent of Dibella effect than males. Even the dragons are male.

    1. David


      What would you have them do?

    2. Jake


      Did they have to make ALL of the dragons and other monsters male? I understand human enemies, but monsters should be about 50/50. In fact, in games like Dragon Age, the female dragons are often MORE deadly.

    3. David


      I guess, but meh. Small potatoes when I still can't make custom spells.

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