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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. RSN: Whos Mad Now P2P or F2P: P2P. Gonna be F2P for this I believe though. Are you a Boss Skiller: If I'm motivated, no. Lol, but nah, I'm alright. Congrats on 400 posts nub.
  2. Jessica; http://therebelz.invisionzone.com/topic/1205-the-rebelz-the-gaming-forum/ for details. Just read the first post. The next few pages are just debating on whether or not we should do it. xDI'm seriously all for this idea, as long as it is 2 different boards, so good. Just remember that the login credentials are the same for both boards; however, posts are reset on the new one.ElderSouls is actually kinda good. I'll see if I can come up with some later today, never was very good with names, not very creative. Lol.
  3. Next vote in Ireland will be 2016 at the latest? Still won't be able to vote, damn.
  4. Never played it myself, is it worth the dl? My internet is rather slow so it's either definitely or no.
  5. I think we all know who we have to thank for the 30 active topics (right now)! Man, I knew you were going to post something like this, lmfao. Anyway, you know there is no way you can stop me from catching up to you unless I'm not in the clan. Don't get any ideas now.
  6. Fergal


    Roflmao @ Huygens! xDBut anyway, if David is right, that means we should kill ourselves before New Years if we want to live? D:
  7. I don't see the point of getting a santa hat unless you're really rich and it doesn't effect you. But your decision. :)Grats on breaking the 100m mark, I remember my first 20m. :S
  8. Fergal


    Ah yes, I had to use tinychat before to prove my age... Lol.
  9. Yeah, can't ever imagine myself there. Lmao. Don't even have much interest in RS anymore. Just curious. =P
  10. Wut is this. I don't even. [/David] But seriously, looking forward to reading the guide. Barbarian Assault is a tough minigame, no afking!
  11. Lol, you're always feeling sick/ill! xDYou should make some more of these if you are F2P. PKing, Dung - about the only fun events for F2P? Maybe a few more. xD
  12. Well, this is rather outdated. Do you suppose we should make another if we are getting back into warring?
  13. Anyone here ever go to RuneFest? Wonder what it's like, don't think I'll ever go though, lmao.
  14. Fergal


    Welcome to the board! Very nice intro, even if it is taken straight from RuneHQ. Actually read it. :)Hope to see you join TRR, I'm sure you'll love the atmosphere around here.
  15. Does this need to be downloaded or is it a browser game like RS? Sorry, just lazier than usual - cba to find out. xD
  16. Ah yes, slayer may be more fun, but then you get to that task that you just hate! And with Bandits, all you need to do is stay in the same spot afk'ing for however long!
  17. Most amazing Holly fits. Holly is awesome Brad! :PGood to see you more active btw. ^^ (@Holly)
  18. I would like to welcome you into our clan; congratulations on being accepted into the RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'The Rebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Friends Chat: TheRebelz Clan Chat: The Rebelz IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR, we all look forward to getting to know you!
  19. Yep. We've decided we're going to get a new domain! We're sick of waiting for Allan (ex. admin) to show his face again with our old therebelz.net, so please vote in the poll above with your choice!Traaginen also requested it is a .com domain, legit and a fitting name. Also has to be available on godaddy.com!New domain is around $10 a year.
  20. Your opinion doesn't matter because all you do is slay! Well, Judo said it too. But to be honest, if I have 99 combat stats, why would I slay if I don't even want to slay now?
  21. Revision History 17/12/2011 - Guide Posted. 18/12/2011 - Fixed align problems. Updated guide with more information.
  22. An in-depth guide for training melee on bandits! Table of Contents[*]1.0 - Introduction [*]2.0 - Getting there! [*]3.0 - Recommended Levels [*]4.0 - Equipment [*]4.1 - Guthans [*]4.2 - Inventory [*]5.0 - Bandit Information [*]6.0 - Training Spots [*]7.0 - Training Tips [*]7.1 - Noted Items [*]7.2 - The Bar [*]7.3 - AFKing [*]8.0 - Credits 1.0 - IntroductionWelcome to my official guide on training melee at Bandits! A efficient afk-able training method for members only. The guide consists of general information, tips, recommendations and the best spots maximize your exp/h! Training at bandits is afk-able, so you can easily doing other stuff while training to decrease boredom, just remember to check your RS every few minutes. 2.0 Getting There! There are other routes such as the Duel Arena with a Ring of Dueling; however, it shouldn't make much of a difference if you use this guide properly. Remember to bank in Al Kharid on your way back. Once at the Shantay Pass, either buy a pass from Shantay for 5gp or bribe the guard with 200gp from your bank or inventory. It is recommended to bribe the guard for an extra inventory space for food. Then ride the Magic Carpet (200gp - use money pouch to keep that extra inventory space) to the Bedabin Camp and walk directly south to the Bandit Camp, not far away. 3.0 - Recommended Levels Since this is a guide for meleeing bandits, I'm only given recommended levels for melee, simple as. [*]70+ Attack [*]70+ Strength [*]70-80+ Defence [*]70+ HP [*]43+ Prayer (optional) Anything lower than this isn't recommended because you constantely Depending on your gear, you're going to want a high level defence to withstand attacks from bandits - dispite their low enough level, they can hit you often. 43 Prayer is optional, but recommended to pray protect from melee if you are in the bar or just if you run out of food and want to stay a short while longer. 4.0 - Equipment This is my basic gear, since I don't have much money anymore. I mean, we're talking about bandits here, anything will do. I may go into detail in the future, but whatever. Just one important note. If you equip a god item of Saradomin or Zamorak, the bandits are aggressive forever, at least until you remove it. If you are meleeing, it is strongly recommended that you wear a Saradomin/Zamorak arrow since that equipment slot has no importance since we're meleeing. 4.1 - Guthans Since Guthans (when all 4 parts of the set are equiped) heal life points, this is a great training method. Successful hits have a good chance of healing you the same number of life points as how you hit (1:1 ratio). So if you were to hit 200, you would be healed 200 life points. If you are training attack or strength, you can't use guthans to heal you because you need the full set equiped and the spear only gives defence exp. It is a good idea to use regular gear and switch to guthans when you need to be healed. However, if you are training defence, this is very efficient method of training on bandits. Note: It is not recommended to afk with guthans if you have no food remaining because you may not always hit. 4.2 - Inventory This is an ideal inventory, costing very little. Lumbride Teleport - Again, my banking route is usually just Lumbridge, doesn't bother me. If you wish, you can equip a Ring of Dueling (Duel Arena) and have an extra inventory space. Also can be used as an emergency teleport if you are afking and your life points get very low. Super Defence (4) Potions - Recommended; very helpful for training longer and saves more food than the used inventory spaces because of the huge defence bonus. Monkfish - Any food is fine if you are using the noted items method, but monkfish are cheap and heal a lot of life points. Noted Items & Coins in Pouch - This will be explained further in the guide (Training Tips -> Noted Items) - coins are required to use these items. Bringing these are strongly advised to avoid banking. Any amount of food/pots can be brought in noted format, the more, the longer you stay! 5.0 - Bandits Information Combat Level: 57, 74 Life Points: 650 Experience per bandit: 260 xp (and 87Constitution experience) Members only?: Yes Aggressive?: Only when attacking other Bandits, or wearing Zamorakian/Saradomin items. Attack Style: Melee; Stab Max Hit: 100 Weakness: Slash attacks Always drops: Bones Examine: A tough-looking criminal. A list of Bandit drops can be found here, nothing great though. Detailed information can also be found on that page. 6.0 - Training Spots 1) My favourite spot because there are three level 57 bandits inside, so you'll never be left idle! 2) This house consists of two level 57 bandits. If the door/entrance is open, the bandits outside will often come in and attack you. 3) Again, there are two level 57 bandits! Not as good as number 2 because the bandits outside are usually closes to the house, not the tent. 4) Best exp, there are many level 74 bandits here. Why is my least favourite? Very easy to get hit and die, afking isn't half as easy because they are level 74 here and it is often more crowded with lower level noobs praying melee. xD 7.0 - Training Tips Here you will find some basic bandit training tips, more detailed information on the better tips are put under their own title (7.1 etc). [*]When training, it is a good idea to stand near the entrance. The bandits inside will still attack you and the bandits outside will clearly see you from a much greater distance. [*]Use Guthans (information above) for healing instead of wasting food; simply switch over when you need some more life points. [*]Don't share a spot with someone else! Bandits can be very crowded, just keep hopping until you find a free spot. [*]Remember to keep your life points high and keep potted up to make sure you get maximum exp and don't die! [*]If someone takes your spot, don't spend half an hour arguing with the douches, just hop or move if they won't. All you're doing is wasting valuable training time! [*]If you have kept hopping and still can't find a spot, try standing out in the middle near the general store, not as good exp, but it still works if you're stuck! [*]Really want to get the highest exp/h you can? Bring along a full super set (and in noted format too!). 7.1 - Noted Items If you are new to bandits, I bet you're wondering why I have cash and noted items! Well, it's rather simple. See the general store RIGHT in the center of the bandits camp? Yep, all you've got to do is sell your noted items when you run low on food & pots, then re-buy with the coins from your pouch. This saves a vast amount of time because you don't need to go off and bank far away when this is right beside it. ^^ Remember to do this fast and don't let anyone take your spot while getting your food and pots back, it's happened to me before! 7.2 - The Bar As I've already mentioned, the bar to the west is home to the level 74 bandits, opposed to the level 54s in the other spots. This is a dangerous spot so afk'ing for long periods of time is not advised, especially if you have low defence/bad equipment. On the other hand, this is a great way to get fast exp. Praying protect from melee ensures you get hit nothing though, so if you REALLY want fast exp and have the cash, just bring an inventory of prayer potions (but they are costly!) and pray away. You can also use the general store/noted items method with prayer potions too. 7.3 - AFKing Ah yes. AFKing while training on RuneScape, always a good thing for a person who can't stand the boredom of grinding like me! However, even if you are in combat, you will get logged into the lobby after five minutes without clicking on your RS screen or whatever, so remember to check back and click, pot up or eat. Now - what to do while AFKing? There are many things you could do, just some of them are watching a movie/TV series, chat in IRC, go on Facebook, whatever! You can ever chat in our Clan Chat or with a friend on RuneScape; that way, you can even make sure you have you don't die. 8.0 - Credits Me - For writing this guide! RS Wiki - Extra information on bandits, guthans and some nice images. Click here to view the article
  23. An in-depth guide for training melee on bandits! Table of Contents1.0 - Introduction 2.0 - Getting there! 3.0 - Recommended Levels 4.0 - Equipment 4.1 - Guthans 4.2 - Inventory [*]5.0 - Bandit Information [*]6.0 - Training Spots [*]7.0 - Training Tips 7.1 - Noted Items 7.2 - The Bar 7.3 - AFKing [*]8.0 - Credits 1.0 - IntroductionWelcome to my official guide on training melee at Bandits! A efficient afk-able training method for members only. The guide consists of general information, tips, recommendations and the best spots maximize your exp/h! Training at bandits is afk-able, so you can easily doing other stuff while training to decrease boredom, just remember to check your RS every few minutes. 2.0 Getting There! There are other routes such as the Duel Arena with a Ring of Dueling; however, it shouldn't make much of a difference if you use this guide properly. Remember to bank in Al Kharid on your way back. Once at the Shantay Pass, either buy a pass from Shantay for 5gp or bribe the guard with 200gp from your bank or inventory. It is recommended to bribe the guard for an extra inventory space for food. Then ride the Magic Carpet (200gp - use money pouch to keep that extra inventory space) to the Bedabin Camp and walk directly south to the Bandit Camp, not far away. 3.0 - Recommended Levels Since this is a guide for meleeing bandits, I'm only given recommended levels for melee, simple as. 70+ Attack 70+ Strength 70-80+ Defence 70+ HP 43+ Prayer (optional) Anything lower than this isn't recommended because you constantely Depending on your gear, you're going to want a high level defence to withstand attacks from bandits - dispite their low enough level, they can hit you often. 43 Prayer is optional, but recommended to pray protect from melee if you are in the bar or just if you run out of food and want to stay a short while longer. 4.0 - Equipment This is my basic gear, since I don't have much money anymore. I mean, we're talking about bandits here, anything will do. I may go into detail in the future, but whatever. Just one important note. If you equip a god item of Saradomin or Zamorak, the bandits are aggressive forever, at least until you remove it. If you are meleeing, it is strongly recommended that you wear a Saradomin/Zamorak arrow since that equipment slot has no importance since we're meleeing. 4.1 - Guthans Since Guthans (when all 4 parts of the set are equiped) heal life points, this is a great training method. Successful hits have a good chance of healing you the same number of life points as how you hit (1:1 ratio). So if you were to hit 200, you would be healed 200 life points. If you are training attack or strength, you can't use guthans to heal you because you need the full set equiped and the spear only gives defence exp. It is a good idea to use regular gear and switch to guthans when you need to be healed. However, if you are training defence, this is very efficient method of training on bandits. Note: It is not recommended to afk with guthans if you have no food remaining because you may not always hit. 4.2 - Inventory This is an ideal inventory, costing very little. Lumbride Teleport - Again, my banking route is usually just Lumbridge, doesn't bother me. If you wish, you can equip a Ring of Dueling (Duel Arena) and have an extra inventory space. Also can be used as an emergency teleport if you are afking and your life points get very low. Super Defence (4) Potions - Recommended; very helpful for training longer and saves more food than the used inventory spaces because of the huge defence bonus. Monkfish - Any food is fine if you are using the noted items method, but monkfish are cheap and heal a lot of life points. Noted Items & Coins in Pouch - This will be explained further in the guide (Training Tips -> Noted Items) - coins are required to use these items. Bringing these are strongly advised to avoid banking. Any amount of food/pots can be brought in noted format, the more, the longer you stay! 5.0 - Bandits Information Combat Level: 57, 74 Life Points: 650 Experience per bandit: 260 xp (and 87Constitution experience) Members only?: Yes Aggressive?: Only when attacking other Bandits, or wearing Zamorakian/Saradomin items. Attack Style: Melee; Stab Max Hit: 100 Weakness: Slash attacks Always drops: Bones Examine: A tough-looking criminal. A list of Bandit drops can be found here, nothing great though. Detailed information can also be found on that page. 6.0 - Training Spots 1) My favourite spot because there are three level 57 bandits inside, so you'll never be left idle! 2) This house consists of two level 57 bandits. If the door/entrance is open, the bandits outside will often come in and attack you. 3) Again, there are two level 57 bandits! Not as good as number 2 because the bandits outside are usually closes to the house, not the tent. 4) Best exp, there are many level 74 bandits here. Why is my least favourite? Very easy to get hit and die, afking isn't half as easy because they are level 74 here and it is often more crowded with lower level noobs praying melee. xD 7.0 - Training Tips Here you will find some basic bandit training tips, more detailed information on the better tips are put under their own title (7.1 etc). When training, it is a good idea to stand near the entrance. The bandits inside will still attack you and the bandits outside will clearly see you from a much greater distance. Use Guthans (information above) for healing instead of wasting food; simply switch over when you need some more life points. Don't share a spot with someone else! Bandits can be very crowded, just keep hopping until you find a free spot. Remember to keep your life points high and keep potted up to make sure you get maximum exp and don't die! If someone takes your spot, don't spend half an hour arguing with the douches, just hop or move if they won't. All you're doing is wasting valuable training time! If you have kept hopping and still can't find a spot, try standing out in the middle near the general store, not as good exp, but it still works if you're stuck! Really want to get the highest exp/h you can? Bring along a full super set (and in noted format too!). 7.1 - Noted Items If you are new to bandits, I bet you're wondering why I have cash and noted items! Well, it's rather simple. See the general store RIGHT in the center of the bandits camp? Yep, all you've got to do is sell your noted items when you run low on food & pots, then re-buy with the coins from your pouch. This saves a vast amount of time because you don't need to go off and bank far away when this is right beside it. ^^ Remember to do this fast and don't let anyone take your spot while getting your food and pots back, it's happened to me before! 7.2 - The Bar As I've already mentioned, the bar to the west is home to the level 74 bandits, opposed to the level 54s in the other spots. This is a dangerous spot so afk'ing for long periods of time is not advised, especially if you have low defence/bad equipment. On the other hand, this is a great way to get fast exp. Praying protect from melee ensures you get hit nothing though, so if you REALLY want fast exp and have the cash, just bring an inventory of prayer potions (but they are costly!) and pray away. You can also use the general store/noted items method with prayer potions too. 7.3 - AFKing Ah yes. AFKing while training on RuneScape, always a good thing for a person who can't stand the boredom of grinding like me! However, even if you are in combat, you will get logged into the lobby after five minutes without clicking on your RS screen or whatever, so remember to check back and click, pot up or eat. Now - what to do while AFKing? There are many things you could do, just some of them are watching a movie/TV series, chat in IRC, go on Facebook, whatever! You can ever chat in our Clan Chat or with a friend on RuneScape; that way, you can even make sure you have you don't die. 8.0 - Credits Me - For writing this guide! RS Wiki - Extra information on bandits, guthans and some nice images.
  24. If there's anything I'd here about training combat (P2P), is that everyone loves to slay.I know slayer is a great way of getting that xp, but is it the best? When you put slayer up against Soul Wars (w/ zeal) and just no lifing an NPC such as Bandits or Armoured Zombies, which really comes out on top?The problem with slayer is you can get crappy tasks which you mightn't be able to skip for whatever reasons. Soul Wars is rather dead lately, not very efficient when ice bursting for example, because the bots are gone.I find something like armoured zombies to be the best, what are your thoughts?
  25. Correct; however, I encourage everyone to post here to be added or at least ask me. The RuneHead shows our activity, if people see a small number of members, they won't join. Nor will they join if they see a load of members that are inactive and not found anywhere on the forums, IRC or CC - like it was before I swiped it again.
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