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Everything posted by Fergal

  1. I could make it on all days, usually, just I am very forgetful, but if this becomes a habit of showing up, I'll probably just automatically show up so it isn't much a problem. Just remembered I'm F2P. *facepalm*
  2. By team, I meant a few people who volunteer for this, not some official rank, so honestly, I don't see how it's a bad idea considering everyone who said they'd help also said they can't make some of the events due to work etc.And sure, whatever days suit best. (@Boss Hunting on Saturdays)
  3. Congratulations to our most recent promotion. Say hello to your new Council member, Anarchy!We have high expectations of you; hopefully you can bring some new ideas etc into the clan in your new position. :)On that note, don't be afraid to apply, we are eager for new applications!
  4. Perhaps we should set up a "team" that make sure the planned events happen, like an Events Team, just instead of making events, you... yeah.
  5. Nah, what I meant was to sure events take place and people show up. And all of the events are completely negotiable.However, I was only checking, you aren't forced to run this.
  6. Okay, anyone feel like stepping up and running this? Anarchy perhaps? ;)I have had a bad experience with running events in the past...
  7. Mhm, a reset button would be nice, even if there is a limit of how many times you can use it, perhaps even just once. Making bad perk choices can really screw up a character in some ways.
  8. You're talking about F2P here bro, so it isn't that bad. But really, I generally stay away from F2P money-making because it is just a lot of work for a less than pleasant reward. "Just fucking around", lol, looks awesome. Nice PS skills.
  9. So I'm banned off my PS3 during weekdays now. Fuck that shit.

  10. Lol, clues can be so random. Grats on 63 dung and stuff.
  11. You need to realise that the time of getting ~3-4 apps a day (yes, I remember) was a long time ago; back then, RuneScape wasn't such a dying game and the majority of RS players weren't all in big warring clans.I think the logos etc would help a lot, so if you have time on your hands, it would be great. Appreciated.
  12. If they are considered TRR members, they'll get added to the Runehead, but I'm not going on some wild goose chase to track them down to be added. They can post here or ask me in-game if they want to be added. However, I will sometimes ask who needs to be added but yeah.
  13. You should get some more adsense money or whatever it is. ;)Great to see Elder Souls has been successful; honestly, I thought it would be a failure in the sense that making gaming forums just like that are hard to run, but you've done a great job.Pity that there are so many inactive accounts though.
  14. We've only got 1 or 2, which is really concerning, but then again, we are relying on recruitment topics alone, which are being bumped often, yes, but since there are no looking-for-clan topics besides the ones on Zybez (which are always for top-10 warring, dung or PvM clans), it's hard.
  15. Changed title to see if more people will post.But yeah, more people need to post to be added to the Runehead!
  16. Oh, I never realised it changed from the old one because I never used it. *logs on to check the current one* Edit: Meh, it's alright. Still think green is better though.
  17. Yes? It's supposed to be moved asap to be reviewed. And it has.
  18. That's not what I meant Huygens, but I see your point. I meant for fun because I know there's no way we could get past tier 3 or so even if we try hard unless we pick activity up.
  19. I know we have stopped using this useless enough feature of the Clan Chat/Camp a long time ago, but recently enough people have been saying that if it returns, they will use it and want it to return.I myself never liked the citadel when I found out it wasn't as great as that trailer Jagex threw up pictured, but if people want to use it for free xp etc, why not?You must be P2P to use the citadel; keep that in mind.
  20. Well then, I guess we should resign the actual symbols?
  21. I think farming toadflax in every possible farm patch is very profitable. Honestly, for 5 mins work, like you said, you can make a lot of money.Currently clean toadflax are 4291, which is alright, I remember when they were 5k+ but the seeds are over 3k, which is worrying because they were always very cheap.I guess this isn't very profitable with the rising of the seeds, was when I used to though. >.>
  22. To be fair, it should be green, because that has always been our clan colours. Shade could be changed though. What exactly is wrong with the design anyway?
  23. Yes, yes, but who cares about your slayer level. It's not like your RS account is ruined if it's low. I'm just saying if you want fast exp, it's good.I know about barrows, yes, I've used the black sally and ancient magicks there before, incredibly easy, but not very profitable unless your lucky. Which is a problem when barrows is awful exp.
  24. What do you mean a daily tracker? All RS trackers use the hiscores so the only way to get the info you need is for F2Ps to screenie before the competition starts and after, which is awkward.
  25. Thanks. <3 Posting the January MotM topic.
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