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Everything posted by Delroth

  1. Mine isHelm of NezzyAmulet of Power/Salveblack d'hide BodyBlack D'hide ChapsWhipGuthix Book/D DefenderD bootsBarrows glovesRing Of Wealth (teleport)If I die I keep Whip, Boots, Barrows Gloves loss of like 40k but I rarely die and with protect Item I keep those 3 plus Wealth
  2. From Saturday the 16th to the 23rd I will be on holiday in England I'll have no/little internet access depending on if the site has some I'm sure I can thieve my little sister laptop at night. We're going camping it's an outdoor holiday so if it rains i'll try and get online in a library/laptop. Till then cya.
  3. Blakeington please edot your original post no need to post 12 times in a row
  4. Table Of Contents God Wars Dungeon [*]Aramdyl [*]Zamorak [*]Saradomin [*]Bandos Non-Gwd [*]Dagonnoth Kings [*]Corp Beast [*]Kalphite Queen [*]King Black Dragon [*]Bork Bosses! Armadyl Zamorak Saradomin Bandos Bandos is a very popular boss for teams and solo's with semi-regular drops of around 21m, There are two roles at bandos. Tanks and Attackers. Tanks have the harder job by far. Tanks, must protect from Melee and tank the range and mage hits, Non-Gwd Dagonnoth Kings Dagonnoth Kings is a popular group of bosses to kill, especially since the meele king, Rex, can be safe spotted by mages. The Dagonnoth kings use all three corners of the combat triangle, Mage, Range and Meele. and are equally weak to the opposite side of the triangle. Mage to Range, Meele to Mage, and range to Meele. The most popular king to kill is dagonnoth rex as it drops the highest valued items including the berserker ring and dragon hatchets. The best way to solo mage Rex is to where meele armour and have a negative mage attack bonus of above -30, Rexies mage defence is so low it will take damage up to -50 mage attack. Okay here are some sets. On the left is the set for people with sublime amounts of cash (60m+), In the middle a drop to maybe 7m and on the right like 2m. Corp BeastKalphite Queen King Black Dragon Bork
  5. Delroth


    Hello, MY name is Delly and I am an alchoholic..
  6. Hai Guys, TRR has been running with the same graphics for almost 3 years now but that will change. We have some real talent in this clan and some people who can produce amazing graphics. We need templates for the forums, Signatures, Banners and Headers for the advertisments, Here is what we are using currently. .:: | Quick Links | ::. How to Join | Forums | Calendar | Runehead ________________________________________________________________________________ .:: | Introduction | ::. .:: | About TRR | ::. TRR is a very unique clan, with a strong focus on community. Everyone is accepted and welcomed into the family, no matter how new to RuneScape or clans they may be. The main goal of TRR is to provide a fun, relaxed, and enjoyable environment in which all players can enjoy the game in the company of others. After all, isn't the whole point of RuneScape to have fun? By now I'm sure you've noticed we have no combat level requirements, right? If you're wondering why a clan would do such a thing, it's really rather simple. Our clan believes things like activity, personality, attitude, and loyalty are all more important than how many hours someone has played RuneScape. Many people believe having no requirements is one reason why our community has blossomed. After all, every member is treated as an equal regardless of their experience in clans or RS. We help each other out, whether it be in RS or giving advice for real life situations. ____________________________________________ .:: | Key Information | ::. .:: | Primary Time Zones | ::. GMT | Atlantic | Eastern | Central | Mountain | Pacific We have members from all over the world, and take pride in our diversity. .:: | Clan Leaders | ::. MstrMonopoly Traaginen .:: | Home Worlds | ::. P2P: 64 | F2P: 93 .:: | IRC Channel | ::. #Rebelz .:: | War Record | ::. [ 19 - 7 - 0 ] .:: | Base Types | ::. F2P and P2P .:: | Clan Chat | ::. TheRebelz ____________________________________________ .:: | What We Offer | ::. .:: | Professional and Understanding Staff | ::. The only reason we have clan officials is to keep the clan running smoothly. Clan Leaders and Council Members exist solely to help you achieve the best clan experience possible; they aren't around to flaunt their power and show off the ban-hammer. If you ever have a problem with a clan member or an official, the dispute will be settled swiftly and in a fair manner. .:: | Top of the Line Experiences | ::. Thanks to our community, TRR is able to offer several advantages that very few other clans are able to provide. We boast paid IPB 3 forums, Ventrilo, an independent website, and even an official 24/7 clan radio! .:: | A Spectacular Community | ::. TRR boasts one of the largest and most welcoming communities in RuneScape. Whether you enjoy browsing forums, talking about RuneScape in clan chats, or discussing aspects of clanning with officials in IRC, you can be sure that there will always be someone willing to carry on conversation in TRR! We also offer VoIP communication with Ventrilo, something many clans don't offer. .:: | A Variety of Events | ::. Do you rarely see clans host your favorite events? Don't worry! In TRR, all members are able to host their own events. Our clan puts its members first, and everyone is heard no matter how new you are or what your combat level may be. As a result, we boast what's probably the largest variety of events ever hosted by a clan. ____________________________________________ .:: | What We Ask Of You | ::. .:: | Clan Chat Activity | ::. It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'Therebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. .:: | Forum Activity | ::. As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. .:: | Respect | ::. Clan officials and clan members are participating in TRR for their own enjoyment, thus we ask all members to show respect towards our staff and other members. ____________________________________________ .:: | Clan Media | ::. .:: | Videos | ::. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iqP3st5Xfw .:: | Pictures | ::. ____________________________________________ .:: | Frequently Asked Questions | ::. .:: | How Do You Join? | ::. We have an extremely fast and painless process for applicants. Click Here For Directions! .:: | Can I Join The Forums Without A RuneScape Account? | ::. Of course, just follow the directions posted above and explain your situation. We'll welcome you into our community! .:: | Aren't There A Lot Of "Noobs"? | ::. Actually, our message has attracted a GREAT deal of experienced RS players. People that like to do more demanding events such as God Wars shouldn't have a problem finding others to play with. .:: | I Have A Few More Questions... | ::. Feel free to visit our forum and post any remaining questions you may have in the Guest Forum. ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Thanks for considering TRR, we hope to see you soon! We need some more advanced graphics. Something that catches the eyes of people casually browsing! Post all your graphics below or pm them to me or Monopoly if you're to shy Good-luck guys I'm counting on ya!
  7. Hai this is a classic, post your irl pics here! Ughh Guess I have to start?
  8. Bandos 5 Man Ls, Corp Beast 9 man Cs, Fire-FestBandos 4 Man Cs, Corp Best mass Ls, Mass-Recruit around RsArmadayl Trio Ls, Corp Beast Marathon Mass, Dueal Arena TournemntsArmadayl 4 Man cs, Revenent Mass, Pest Control Armadayl Mass, Race Around RS Bandos Mass, Non-PveArmadayl Duo's, Dagonnoth Kings 2 Brid, Pvp-Trip, Dagonnoth Kings Trio, Pvp - Multi Rushing, Dagonnoth Kings Mass, Group Questing Weekly/Daily, I tend to Stick towards the PvE side of things but obviously there are variations onthem. E.g Armadayl 4 Man cs could be Armadayl 4 Man LS.
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