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Everything posted by eVirus_Neo

  1. Aw yeah! I'm getting pumped, good luck everyone!
  2. How many members do we have who play RS active anyways? I've been back for about 2 weeks now but I haven't seen much people get online and talk/be social or w/e
  3. I suppose you simply need more members for that to happen regulary, which this is for right?
  4. Ideal is a safe service to log in on your online banking account (so it directs you to your bank account). PayPal could work for me but for some issues unknown it doesn't. Try adding the credit/debit payment option and I'll try it out! If that doesn't work, sadly someone else will have to help you
  5. Good read and well written! +1 for you
  6. Ehm it's an debit card I think? I use 'Ideal', maybe you can look it up. It's basicly a Dutch bank transfer service at which my bank is connected. Otherwise I'd love to click some adds for you, lol.
  7. Ehm, I don't own a Credit Card, I have an European Bank Account, with a Maestro logo. I'm not sure if there's anything possible with that? I'm not sure, maybe I could transfer something directly to your bank account or something?
  8. Do you accept anything else than PayPal? I have my issues with it and I can't use it atm. But I would love to help out once.
  9. Cool idea, I'm in if I may; Runescape Name: eVirus_Neo Most Convenient Times: from 19:00 to 23:00 pm (GMT +1) Interest in recruiting out of game; runescape forums, other fansites possibly? Places you'd like to recruit: Edgeville Bank, Yanille mining,Castle Wars?
  10. Where there are penises, there shall be mods. Maybe a 'hide-the-boner' theme?
  11. I don't think I can be persuaded to try this again. I like the gimmick but I think most players will stick to their traditional controlles ( me included). I do like to see how far they can push this, maybe a worthy attempt at a good virtual reality game/console? xoxo
  12. What is your primary RuneScape account's name? eVirus_Neo Your RuneScape account's... Total Level: F2P/P2P: P2P Combat: 19 Have you ever been in a clan before? If so, which one(s). Mason, or massoner's I don't remember entirerly Where did you hear about TRR? The Runescape Wikia What were your first impressions of us? large, active and social Why do you wish to join our clan? After quitting RS for about a year, I'm back and with a new account. I've been playing RS since spring 2004 with my old account but it's time for a fresh start. New people, (hopefully) more fun
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