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Everything posted by David

  1. It isn't front-paged because there's no category for stories. The link is just autogenerated.I'm also still in the process of reading/revising it.
  2. Should people not be allowed to have kids if their IQ isn't at a certain level? Post whether or not you agree with this and what the hypothetical cut-off would be, if any.
  3. The Blades are a pathetic bunch of do-nothing losers who have failed every one of their tasks since their order's inception. Think about it. Oblivion Completely fail in every possible task. Tiber Septim is slain right in the middle of like six of them by one level 4 assassin. They can't locate his heir, so the main character has to. After being delivered their new Emperor they proceed to get attacked; the fortress they've spent like 500 years building for one purpose is overwhelmed in minutes and Septim only survives because of the player. Septim v2.0 dies within a few in-game hours of being delivered to their capable hands. 0/10 for actually hindering everything they were involved in. Skyrim There's only two left in the entire order, and they're both bumbling incompetents. Delphine, despite somehow having this reputation as a bad-ass, does literally nothing during the entire game. She won't even do simple fetch-quests and makes you go in to take out simple bandits to get Esbern. Oh, Esbern. His only redeeming quality is somehow memorizing thousands of line of historic text that is of no practical use. Yeah, the world is ending and the Blades desperately need combat capabilities, but why don't I just stand here and tell you the history of this stone wall with three different voices? After doing literally everything for them the entire game, they throw a hissy fit and refuse to talk to you if you refuse to kill Paarthurnax, who up to that point has helped the Blade's cause more than the Blades. Emperor is killed. Again. 1/10 because Esbern sounds like Shaun Connery.
  4. [*]The Daedric quests are always a waste of time because the rewards are crap. The exception being Azura's Star. [*]Every recurring series quest line (Thieves Guild, DB, Mages, etc.) was worse in Skyrim than in previous TES games (except for the Thieves Guild). [*]The Blades are useless and lame. [*]Magic is breathtakingly useless. All mage-only characters should be deleted in protest. [*] Not having custom spells is a travesty above all others. [*]You should be able to kill any NPC you want (even essentials) and fuck up your game beyond all reason.
  5. My confessions... [*]I never even started the Companion's quest line. [*]Never been a Werewolf. [*]I've only been like a stage 1 vampire after curing myself almost immediately after being infected. Wrote a guide on the whole of Vampirism anyway. [*]I've never married in Skyrim or even started the quest past the first amulet dialogue. Wrote a guide on it. [*]Haven't played a single second of any of the DLC despite owning it all (basically because of college, but whatever). [*]Never finished the Thieves guild quest line because that would mean giving up the Skeleton Key (which I've never used once). [*]Haven't experienced any types of armor other than Daedric and whatever you start with. Started power-leveling smithing for it almost instantly. [*]Haven't done like 80% of the quests people ask me for help with. There's definitely more I'm forgetting.
  6. What race would you most prefer to have your back? You only have one of whichever it is. This is the nerdiest thing I've ever typed.
  7. It's been a good while since anything of substance has been released regarding ESO. The front page is bare of any actual content. I suppose I could write opinion pieces, but so little is known I fear I'd just come out looking like a complete idiot. At this point, does anyone still see a possible release during the summer? I'm almost skeptical of a 2013 release since the first beta invites were just sent out at the very end of March.
  8. Yeah, those are definitely fantastic tracks. I might have been too critical when I said that TES games are generally only notable for their main themes. I suppose I just meant that, relative to Zelda and a few of the Final Fantasy games, I can't really justify moving them even higher. 4th is still a great ranking. With that said, I still think that if the average gamer listened to a random track that wasn't the game's main theme, they'd have a better chance of recognizing a Zelda/FF score.
  9. First, open the console by hitting ` , which is generally the button to the left of the "1" key. Type in the following after selecting a wife. [*]removefac 51596 [*]player.removefac C6472 [*]resetquest 74793 [*]resetquest 21382 [*]setstage 74793 10 You should then be able to marry after waiting 24 hours. Let us know if it works.
  10. Hm. Have you tried the other suggestions in this thread? It seems like a lot of people are having the same issue. For some it's an easy fix, and others can't seem to figure out the cause.
  11. Still waiting for Blake to post his bracket.
  12. The most likely reasons are that you're either infected with vampirism or you have a bounty.
  13. That list is clearly just a rip-off of my article.
  14. TRR closed (along with most other clans), unfortunately. Our Clan Chat and such are still open, but there's no longer any official clan events and what-not. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news. It's really nice to see old members coming back. Many of the old TRR members are still around on this site (which is now a larger gaming community), so hopefully we'll still see you around now and again.
  15. 18 Likes and it's not even in Google yet. Have you joined the sensation? http://hemansings.com/

  16. You can't be a Werewolf or a Vampire with the Dawnguard.
  17. Are you trying to reverse-steal items into his inventory? I'm confused what you mean by the "R" key since I use the PS3 myself. If I remember correctly he takes your items during his dialogue, so there's no need to reverse pick-pocket things (if I understood the issue correctly).
  18. The Following Was An April Fools Joke According to the following release on EA's official site by CEO John Riccitiello, the company has made a shocking move to acquire Bethesda Softworks, Ltd. Stay tuned; we'll be covering this story as it develops.Click here to view the article
  19. The Following Was An April Fools Joke According to the following release on EA's official site by CEO John Riccitiello, the company has made a shocking move to acquire Bethesda Softworks, Ltd. Stay tuned; we'll be covering this story as it develops.
  20. I'm guessing this was an April Fools from Google, but still. I was awestruck for a few seconds. The following picture is a graph that's available to webmasters in Google Analytics. It displays an image of where all the visitors are from that are viewing your site at that instant. It's completely live, so had I made this a gif you could see the "space station" moving across the map in real time relative to where it actually is.
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