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Everything posted by David

  1. As of right now we have all the leaked videos (at least that I know of). I regularly browse for new stuff, but it's been pretty quiet lately. I imagine that there will be more content (leaked and not) after E3. There are a couple of official videos with game footage that I've yet to add to the media database if you're interested in those as well.
  2. Always been a fan of big dogs as opposed to yippy ankle biters, so I'm not sure what to think. It's pretty emasculating. They also told me I have to take care of it for 2 weeks alone since they're going on vacation, which is the hellish time of taking it outside every hour and letting it sleep by you. The following pictures are of the breed, not the actual dog. Might add some actual later if there's any interest.
  3. I think it's just some random douche that thought it would make him look like a bad-ass alpha when everyone else was probably wielder out. Of course he really just looks like a flaming douche.
  4. It's been hilarious watching r/HailCorporate because they've been going through every account that makes a thread on r/gaming and trying to out the ones that are just Sony/MS marketing employees. inb4 every console flame thread in history has just been a proxy war by low-level Sony/Microsoft interns.
  5. http://www.reddit.com/r/gaming/comments/1fv5yj/i_saw_microsoft_employees_monitoring_this/ Sort of sad that they've come to this. Basically they are employing people to pose as excited / positive fans to change public perception of the Xbox. This could be through down voting or arguing with negative opinions, posting their own positive comments, etc.
  6. I don't know how you Euro's can stand that theme. Americans got this awesome guitar solo: Either way, good choice.
  7. I do a bit, but not nearly as in-depth as you or others on this site. I mainly just restrict myself to certain skills / combat styles. Major props for writing up that whole backstory, especially since you did it on your phone! Also, there's no need to double post - just use the edit button. You won't get in trouble for double posting or anything but it's just something for Mods to merge.
  8. Brad and Tynisa have been online but just haven't posted anything. Blex lives with his parents during the summer and I don't think they have internet, but who knows.
  9. Has anyone here played Pandemic 2?

    1. Eric the Bard

      Eric the Bard


      Wait, Pandemic 2? Thought you meant Age of Empires 2, my bad. Never heard of Pandemic 2.

  10. I thought the only people who hadn't seen it are those in 3rd world countries. Then again you're all European so who knows what movies are popular there.
  11. David

    Worst TV Channel

    Slightly disappointed no one knows what GSN is. Then again you guys should be happy you've never had to watch it. Take #2 - any channel that airs 'The View'
  12. My vote goes to Hunter.
  13. They're really going out of their way to hype this. Kind of weird... I mean... It's a game guide. Everyone has already played Skyrim. It's 2013 and every question is a google query away. What they actually need is a bug / bug fixes database.
  14. It's hard to say at this point. It all depends on how the end game content is. It's a TES game - tons of people are going to buy and play it for the story if nothing else. Once they finish the main quests / story-lines, it becomes a matter of whether or not there's enough high-level content to keep people busy. Hopefully it doesn't turn out to be GW2 / Diablo III where it's active for a few months and then just completely dies because there's no end-game. Worst case for ESO, in my opinion, is that it can't keep people engaged long term.
  15. Great work on this one. I definitely think the format change was for the best.
  16. I know you can own Sevverin Manor by completing the Served Cold quest, but as far as I know there's no faction associated with it.
  17. It should be successful. There's definitely people who are going to go into it expecting a TES 6 single player experience and end up disappointed, but what can you do? Guess it depends what you consider "failing." Is it going to be as successful as Skyrim? Probably not, but it's not going to completely tank and shut down either.
  18. I swear I can load up a random movie and no matter what pops up I will have the exact opposite opinion with the RT "critics." Their system is god-awful. Compile a few reviews from " professional critics" (they count any schmoe who has a fucking blog and I've been directed to sites with a 5,000,000+ alexa ranking), have some underpaid intern mark the review as "fresh" or "rotten" and then compile this ranking into a percentage. Do you have any idea how fail that is? 1. The critics are idiot nobodies who half the time post their shit just to go against popular opinion. There are almost no legit critics on RT. 2. When reviews are marked rotten/fresh, it's completely subjective. I've read several reviews that have been positive only to be marked "rotten." 3. You take a review that either A ) has no scale and give it one, or B ) has a scale and fuck it down to binary (rotten/fresh). 4. You take the above screwed-beyond-all-reason review ratings and then put it into a pool and make ANOTHER scale, this time based on percentage. There is extreme genre bias, see anything related to Pixar/Disney vs. something polarizing like thrillers. Don't know why everyone just doesn't use IMBD.
  19. It's worth watching, yes. It's not a bad movie by any means, but the hype surrounding it is really over the top. It's no Lion King.
  20. David


    If you get locked like that you're going to have to reload the game save. You can try saving where you are and reloading an up-to-date file, but there's no guarantee that will fix anything. If you do try to do that, make a NEW save and keep the old one that's prior to the glitch; if the new one fails you then have something to fall back on.
  21. Let me tell you why everyone thinks it's "great." The entire advertising hype machine surrounding the movie was about how "smart and complex" it was, how you had to be intelligent to understand anything that was going on. After a few weeks of nothing but non-stop advertisements conditioning people to think the movie was some ingenious riddle, people walk into the theater and watch some mediocre thriller with a "omg is it a dream?!1one" twist. It's not hard to follow. At all. Anyways, simpletons come out of the movie thinking "omg I gots teh plotz I am a genious!1one!1" Then hyping the movie becomes a matter of proving to everyone how smart you are, because EVERYONE thinks they are of above average intelligence and self-validation appeals to all. People who claim they didn't like the movie are then easily dismissed with lulzy bullshit like "You, like, just didn't get it, man." or "You have to be a deep thinker / smart to understand it." It's a good case of self-gratification. It's funny that the movie is universally loved when there are movies that are 100x better and more "intelligent" that are torn apart. Like Vanilla Sky. Inception is a good movie, don't get me wrong, but it's just "decent thriller" and it's not some "omg amazing smart person movie." There is your David thread of June 2nd.
  22. It's still working for me. Just make sure you're viewing it from the media database and not the forum topic (which links to a removed Youtube video).
  23. GSN and it's not even close. Can't stand any of the programming; I actually get mad when my family watches it (which is all the time). The entire premise of "game shows" irritates me to no end and I don't know why.
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