I would really have to start it in like... 2007? I don't really remember when Regeneration was to be honest. But since the clan was such a stagnant POS, I began experimenting with making my own clans. I had horrible, horrible things like "The Apocalypse Clan" (not named by me), "The Shadow Warriors," and a few others that were essentially nothing more than a 13 year old fucking around with invisionfree and learning HTML. Eventually TM/The Mercenaries was created, which was the first "legit" clan I led. We were pretty bad-ass, not going to lie. At our peak, we pullled ~15 to 3 straight weeks of Wednesday KBD's. I remember a group of 8 or so high levels we had always wore matching Karils outfits and called themselves K-Unit. Oh, and we had a signature events tree that we called the "Spartan Events." We had different branches of it, like "Spartan Fight Pits" and "Spartan Clan Wars," etc. I'm pretty sure it was around the time the movie 300 came out; one of our members created an outfit that looked EXACTLY like the RS version of the 300 armor. We always matched outfits and did lulzy shit in RS while screaming cliche lines from the movie. Fucking hilarious. I think our war pulls were usually high-teens to mid-twenties, but you also have to remember that the clan was 90+/100+ and our combat averages were very high. Sadly our war record totally blew (by this I mean like .500) since we were warring other 100+ clans that were actually serious about it, and none of our leaders at the time (me included obviously) knew jack about warring. Fun fact: AL was created a bit before TM had died, and they were always afraid/refusing to war us because they knew we would pound their asses.Many of my friends from that time joined the clan at level 80-90, which was about what I was. Now, every single one of them are over level 135. Big Nugget, Koi248, Mithos, Lotal, and Tootall19 were all Council Members we had, and my frans. We had some seriously good times in IRC.Anyways, the clan went on for like... 1-2 years. I know for a fact I over-lapped some of my earlier attempts at creating a clan with Regeneration, but I'm pretty sure Regen was totally dead before TM. Eventually, things started to die down as members retired from RuneScape and I lost interest. We merged with our allies, The Shadowed Legion (I think - it might have been The Shadow Legions or something to that effect, it was a really generic name that I get confuzzled). We changed our name to "The Resistance" and created a slogan, "Together as one - we fight." It ended up doing more harm than good since we only gained like 4-5 members from TSL, and none of them were very active. I still have all of the old TR/TM banners, maybe I'll upload them later.The Resistance forged on for a few months, but I grew bored and promoted Big Nugget to leader, who was the only one motivated enough to try to reach our previous activity. Meanwhile, old folks from Regeneration (Cherry Oak, Skoal, and Illini) started hanging around the old IRC channel again. After talking for a bit, we decided we wanted to start a new RS clan. I pushed for restarting the original TRR simply because I loved the banner, and none of us had the GFX skills necessary to make a new one. They agreed, and a new site was created. Skoal and Cherry were unchanged from their time in Regen, they were essentially there for lulz, or just "for the ride" so to speak. Disinterested in RS and just around for the nostalgia. There's nothing wrong with that, as long as you don't expect to be leading anything. Anyways, TRR grew slowly to a few members besides us after a week or two. Meanwhile, The Resistance had had a catastrophe - ALL of the user accounts had been deleted. It was a huge controversy, and some members believed I did it. I discovered that Big Nugget's account was the source of the issue, but he swore he didn't and blamed me behind the scenes. I don't really know what happened to this day, besides the fact that it wasn't me. Big had a history of being hacked, so that could have easily been the cause. There was also some bug with invisionfree that resulted in something similar, although I don't know if the time-frames matched up.So, what did we have then? A new clan project I was working on with a great site and few members, and tons of members without a site. I looked on the bright side of the account deletions and attempted to merge the two clans. Let's just say it didn't go so well. Very few TR members followed us to TRR (probably because going from 100+ to no reqs turned them off), and Cherry/Skoal thought that I created some type of conspiracy and the whole "memberless TRR boards and boardless TR members" was all too convenient. None of the previous two things really mattered two shits to me since the reason I was bored with TR was the member base and Cherry/Skoal didn't do anything in the new clan anyways. What did bother me, was that my friends/Council from TR butted heads with Cherry/Skoal and the whole "no reqs" idea and drifted off to their own clans.After awhile Cherry/Skoal officially called it quits and went off to get married IRL or w/e. Mithos, who came to TRR from TR to be Council left. It was Illini and I then, and this is what most of you old TRR members remember joining, so I'll stop here.