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Everything posted by David

  1. Who do you think is the most memorable character in Skyrim? Paarthenax? The annoying jesture adoring-fan wannabe?
  2. Google does penalize sites based on load times, not that this would make a significant difference.Assuming we all agree to keep them there are a few forums without them atm, the most important ones being those that Guests can see.
  3. Before anything else let me just say that I'm not a PC gamer, therefore not terribly experienced with the issues surrounding Skyrim on the PC. Before trying anything there are few things you should be sure to check: [*]Make sure all of the drivers for your video/graphics card are updated. I believe this can be checked through Steam by opening Steam -> Click on the "Steam" button in the top left -> Check For Video Driver Updates. [*]Make sure your computer meets the requirements to run Skyrim - http://www.systemrequirementslab.com/cyri/intro.aspx A quick search of others with similar problems pointed me to this unnofficial patch which many have said fixed their fire issues (and others). Here's another - again, unofficial - patch that does the same thing. You might want to research and look into these if updating your drivers doesn't fix the issue. Understand though that as an unofficial patch by downloading and installing it no one but you can be held responsible for what may happen to your game/PC. Just a disclaimer; most of the Skyrim 3rd party dev community is good. _____________ You should also consider creating an account here; it comes with several benefits and will also make it easier to post questions and answers. It's completely free.
  4. I'm not sure if you've read our guide on vampirism or not; if you haven't, it can be found by clicking that link. It may contain more information you will find beneficial.How you go about curing vampirism will depend on what stage of the disease you have. I'd read that guide to find out how to cure it first. Post any additional questions you have here and we'll help you. ___________________________________If you want to leave additional comments or details you can add more replies to your question topic by using the "Post New Reply" text-input near the bottom of the page.
  5. Welcome to TRR man, it's good to see you already active on the forums. Keep it up!
  6. Click to enlarge the following image. As you can see, Pinnacle Rock is on the most South-West point of the island, right near the "City Zones & Gates" box.
  7. Yes, you could upgrade your laptop's video card. How much that costs is going to depend on whether or not you pay for it to be installed (honestly I've never done it on a laptop and from what I understand it's more complicated because of the limited space), and which card you choose to upgrade to. I'm sure if you google the video card you intend to use they'll have general price estimates from places like Amazon.Before you go out and buy a new graphics/video card, you should first make sure you have all of your drivers updated since that could be the problem too. You should be able to find these on the website of whatever company made your laptop (e.g. HP, Dell, etc); there should be directions along with a download. Just google "*laptop name* *company name* drivers" and you should find it rather easily.Hopefully one of our computer gamers can comment on this and be of more help than me. Welcome to the site btw.
  8. I don't know how much help I can be since I'm not a huge PC gamer, but I know of a few people with similar problems and I'll ask them if they were able to fix it. Before that there are some basic things you can check: [*]Are you positive your computer has the requirements to run the game? http://www.systemreq...cyri/intro.aspx [*]Try configuring sound output, [*]Run Steam in offline mode. [*]Run the program as an administrator (find the executable that launches the game in its folder -> right click --> run as administrator)
  9. The only issues I see with it are 1) loading times for people with slower internet, or penalties from Google and 2) stretches the forums out vertically a lot. Depends what others think.
  10. Added the new ones, so most of the forums have them now.Thoughts? Yay / Nay?
  11. I would like to welcome you into our clan; congratulations on being accepted into the RuneScape Rebelz! ____________ I. What's Required of You ____________ 1. Forum Activity As a member of TRR, it is your responsibility to periodically check up on the clan forums. This is important for many reasons, the least of which is so you can stay updated on clan news and important announcements. Many members choose to bookmark the forums - Forum Index - and simply check up on them quickly before or after logging into RuneScape. Posting on the forums is a necessary part of becoming involved with our clans community, and promotions are often based on how active clan members are on the forums. ____________ 2. In-Game Communication It might seem silly, I know; but you would be amazed at how many people join and then complain that they didn't ever know when an event was taking place. To prevent that and to get to know other members of the clan, staying active in our in-game friends AND clan chat is a must. Our clan chat is 'The Rebelz', and members are expected to be in it whenever they're on RuneScape. You are allowed to leave the chat in certain situations (e.g. checking up on a merchant chat, moving chats for an event, etc), but generally you should be in the clan chat while on RuneScape. ____________ 3. Other Tips Other great communication tools that can help your chances at a promotion greatly include IRC and Ventrilo. For information on clan channels, please click the 'Communication' drop-down menu in the news header. You can learn more about using IRC specifically in our guide. ____________ Quick Information Friends Chat: TheRebelz Clan Chat: The Rebelz IRC Channel: #Rebelz It's great to see you in TRR, we all look forward to getting to know you!
  12. Is it like that with all games, even those besides Skyrim? It sounds to me like you have the resolution settings for the PS3 off. Is your TV's resolution the older 4:3 (perfectly sqaure box tv) or 16:9 (LCD's, plasmas, wide-screen)? Check to see if you have the correct one chosen under display settings on your PS3.
  13. Does the game literally freeze or does Aldiun just never land/appear? Generally you can fix that by just reloading and trying again; if you've done that, try fast traveling elsewhere, coming back, and THEN trying again.Let us know how that goes, if that doesn't help you can reply and add more details and we'll go from there.______________You may also want to consider creating an account here; after all, there are tons of benefits and it's free!
  14. the site has an age limit that restricts who can view it because some of the content is intended for mature viewers. All you need to do is... [*]Clear your browser's cookies (note: only clearing the cache does not work). [*]Reload/refresh the page. [*]Enter a DOB that it accepts (you probably have to be older than 13 or 18). Note that I do not advise anyone to lie about their age, nor do I condone it. Hope that helped!
  15. Are you sure she isn't dead? If this is the case, her body will be in the Hall of the Dead in Whiterun.Fast travelling generally resets your companions otherwise; if you haven't already, see if that brings her back. You could also try taking a new follower and see whether or not they tell you something like "you already have a companion."Let us know how those things go. If they don't work, give us the details and we'll see if we can help out more. ____If you're interested, you should consider creating an account. You get tons of benefits, including a much easier time asking and answering questions! It's absolutely free.
  16. We have a guide on this here actually - eldersouls.com/page/index.html/_/guides/skyrim/skyrim-conjuration-smithing-enchanting-guideThat's the fastest way to level enchanting. You basically just enchant iron daggers with whatever enchantment gives them the highest value.If you have further questions, feel free to reply to this message using the field below! You should also consider making an account here; it comes with a lot of benefits.
  17. Hm, that's definitely odd. Have you tried leaving the cave, waiting, and re-entering later? It may correct itself after awhile. If you have a companion, telling them to wait outside before entering may also help.Let us know if you find a fix.________________If this was helpful, you should consider joining our community!
  18. Since banish is a weapon enchantment, one of the places you'll be able to look is in stores that sell weapons. Although you can find it as random loot, I personally travel between stores that sell whatever type of thing I'm looking for with the enchantment. It's not perfect by any means, but since stores restock their stock once every 24 hours, you will find it eventually. By fast traveling in a loop between stores you can take much of the waiting out of it. After you get a weapon that already has the enchantment, you need to take that weapon to an arcane enchanter and "Disenchant" it. Note that this WILL destroy the original weapon; however, you will then have the ability to enchant your own weapons with 'Banish'.
  19. What about dual wielding? You don't seem to have asked a question in the original post; reply to this topic using the field below to add one.
  20. Hm. I know there are glitches like that with the quest, but I've never heard of those specifics. One fix for this when players were saying she was stuck in Winterhold was to re-enter the museum and take the translation off of calcemo's stone again; this apparently reset the conversations.Let us know if that works; sorry to hear about your lost gameplay. ________________If this was helpful, you should consider joining our community!
  21. I'll admit that sneak/archery is the one build that I've never done, even in Oblivion. It'll probably be my next one in Skyrim though.
  22. You don't seem to have written a question; please respond to this topic with one using the "Reply" field below.
  23. Sorry about the wait.What about the oghma infinium? You don't appear to have asked a question. You may reply to this topic using the "Reply to this Topic" field slightly above the very bottom of this page and ask that way.
  24. You'll eventually be led to the Elder Scroll during a quest - Elder Knowledge - on the main quest line. These quests occur in the following order... Act I [*]Unbound [*]Before the Storm [*]Bleak Falls Barrow [*]Dragon Rising [*]The Way of the Voice [*]The Horn of Jurgen Windcaller Act II [*]A Blade In The Dark [*]Diplomatic Immunity [*]A Cornered Rat [*]Alduin's Wall [*]The Throat of the World [*]Elder Knowledge [*]Alduin's Bane Act III [*]The Fallen [*]Paarthurnax* (optional) [*]Season Unending* (optional) [*]The World-Eater's Eyrie [*]Sovngarde [*]Dragonslayer Specifically, the scroll is locked in a contraption within a tower in Blackreach - an underground area found by first visiting Alftand. If you're currently doing "Elder Knowledge" and would like more specific directions on where to go or what you have to do, you can reply to your topic by using the "Reply to this Topic" field slightly above the very bottom of this page. We'll happily give you additional help, but we need more specific details on where you're currently at. ________________________________________ If this has helped, perhaps you'll consider joining our community! With your own account, you will have an easier time posting and answering questions, as well as dozens of other worthwhile benefits. It's absolutely free!
  25. Yes, that happens when you've reached Stage 4 of Vampirism. At that stage, all NPC's will become hostile. To end this, you must revert back to stage 1 by feeding on someone while they sleep.I'd go into more detail, but we have a guide covering this very thing; you can read it by following this link - Skyrim: Vampires. The feeding stages are what you should read first. After that, you can read the curing section if you no longer want to be a vampire.If you have any more questions or details to add feel free to reply by using the "Reply to this Topic" field near the bottom of this page. If you want, you can also join our community and have an easier time posting questions, as well as receiving other benefits.
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