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Everything posted by David

  1. I was wondering what the hell you were talkin about, but cba to google it. The last time I trust you. >
  2. What are the chances that guy gets a girlfriend with tits like that?
  3. Adding an entire new type of nirnroot kind of cheapens the whole concept behind them imo.
  4. Didn't read anything after I read "married the Dark Elf" from the college. That is one ugly broad.
  5. The refs can't penalize the team until after the ball is snapped though, so BEST case the QB notices and spikes the ball for a ~2 second loss. If using 12-13 guys the QB would never notice since he's in hurry up mode and has to snap the ball. Hopefully it's changed in the off-season.
  6. In IRC you made it sound so profitable and great. :)Meh. Guess it puts adds to the time before Skyrim gets boring.
  7. I was really bummed when I read about how the Mages Guild was destroyed very shortly after Oblivion's lore ended. I really prided myself as the Arch-mage; I maxed every magic skill, and wore the robes on every adventure I had after I received them (hundreds of hours). After putting all of that effort into the Guild and its questline, Skyrim has the audacity to tell me that my character wasn't only a bad Guildmaster - but the worst one ever. To the point that the entire fucking guild was lost? Wow, subtle insults. Apparently some random message board poster on another site claims that it's because your character disappears to become Lord Sheogorath, which 'kay... I guess. Seems like a cheap out to me. Not to mention that none of the other guilds had to endure such blashemy on your former character. What gives?!
  8. Hm. Hopefully Fergal comes around and sheds some light on high methods, because I'll be damned if I actually make it to 100 at this rate.
  9. Mystical beings are meant to be killed. y i no cna kill dem?
  10. Yeah, doesn't seem very legit. Did it work?Try not going to bed at 11am?
  11. Remember to write out your question in the body where the directions are and not in the title (which is just the topic of your question, e.g. the tower of mzark).
  12. You have to tire her out with tons of orders to pick up heavy objects.
  13. Am I the only one who felt almost blind-sided by their appearance in Skyrim's Winterhold quest line. I'm not huge into the lore, but I'd never heard of them - the quest didn't provide many answers either. Thoughts?
  14. So I've just started initial preparations for my alchemy power-leveling blitz. I know I just wrote a guide on power-leveling for every skill, but alchemy is one of the few I'm inexperienced in. For one thing, can anyone point out a legitimate method I can add to the guide? Or are just mass-puchasing ingredients and mundanely creating random potions the best you can do? Almost makes me long for the days of duping wheat and cheese in Oblivion.Anyways, numerous people I've talked to... Well, Fergal.... Have claimed that you make tons of money training alchemy. I've just recently started and my potions are low-tier garbage, but I'm still losing money on ingredients. Does this turn around or is it the norm?
  15. Hey, welcome to ES! Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions. :)

  16. Hey, welcome to ES! :) Let me know if you ever need anything or have suggestions.

  17. You can find Werewolfs locked in cages at Silver Hand bases; these include... [*]Gallows Rock [*]Driftshade Refuge There are also several NPC characters that are Werewolves. [*]Sinding [*]Farkas [*]Vilkas [*]Aela the Huntress [*]Skjor [*]Kodlak Whitemane [*]Arnbjorn ______ You should consider creating an account here. It comes with several benefits, and also makes it much easier for you to post questions and answers. It's completely free!
  18. You won't ever get all of the spells exhibited by Master NPC Vampires. However, as a stage 4 vampire you will get a few spells and abilities that they have. This is all explained in our Vampire guide, including what powers you get.
  19. All races can become vampires. For example, if your character is a Nord, you will get the Nord bonuses AND the vampire bonuses. However, you can't, for example, get the ability of a High Elf by feeding on one as a Nord Vampire.Oh, and remember to write in the main body area to explain your questions instead of just the title.
  20. Welcome to ES. :) Let me know if you ever need anything.

  21. Question - Brady has the ball at the 50 with 20 seconds left. Giants get a penalty for having 12 men on the field (one extra in coverage) but they don't reset the clock, so the Patriots lose a good 10 seconds on the play. Intentional? Why not put 15-20 guys out there every time and just take the 5 yards?
  22. The Giants might be my most disliked team in all of sports. Always ridiculously mediocre and then get absolute bullshit calls / luck to make it through to the play-offs.
  23. So I googled this guy and came up with this list of characters he's apparently done. I'll be damned.
  24. Alright, thanks for the tip. I edited both guides that mentioned it to include that information.
  25. Oh, yeah, you're right. That should only be listed under Restoration training - it doesn't increase Alteration.
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