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IRC & TeamSpeak 3 Guide


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Internet Relay Chat Guide (v2)

I. Choosing an IRC Client

SwiftKit IRC - Recommended

SwiftKit is a very handy toolkit for RuneScape with an IRC Client built in.

Download SwiftKit - Posted Image

Once you have downloaded and installed SwiftKit, please follow these instructions:

1) Open SwiftKit

2) Click Launch SwiftKit

3) Log into your SwiftKit account (Of course you will first need to make one by clicking Create New)

4) You should now be looking at the news page, from there click Utilities in the toolbar, click IRC Client (Chat).

5) Click Options, then Add.

6) Fill in the details:

Posted Image

Server Details

Enter your desired profile name in the Name slot.

Enter irc.swiftirc.net in the Server hostname slot.

Enter 6667 in the Server Port slot.

There is no server password.

Login Details

Enter a nickname of your choice in the Nickname: slot.

All other slots/fields are optional, but if your nick is registered it is recommended to enter your nickname password in the Nickname Password slot.

Auto Join Channels

Add #Rebelz as an auto join channel, there is no password to this channel.

Feel free to add any other channels you wish to join :).


It is suggested that you tick/check all the boxes here.

Click Save, then Ok, then select your profile in the dropdown list and click Connect.

You should be in our IRC Channel now :)


XChat is a full-featured IRC client and includes all basic functionalities that are found in most other IRC clients. XChat allows you to write scripts(or plugins) in computer languages (including C, C++, Perl, Ruby and others) to extend the features and customize the functionality of XChat.

> Download XChat <


mIRC is pretty much the same as XChat with not much differences, mIRC is a very popular IRC Client used by many people. I personally use mIRC, it's pretty awesome, I think everyone should be using it. ^^

1) Download mIRC

2) Install.

3) Open mIRC.

4) File File (top-left) and click "Select Server".

5) In the list of servers, look for "SwiftIRC" and double click it. Then double click "Random Server".

6) Then enter your nickname and click OK.

7) Click on the lightning bolt towards the top left to connect.

8) Once connect, type "/j #rebelz" and you should be in our IRC.

Posted Image

Browser Based IRC Clients

Now I could just write out a load of shit about this but I'll just make it easy and base this part on the one on our forums I got yesterday.

> Click HERE to go to our forum's IRC Client. <

Note: When entering a Browser Based Client you will get a Pop-up asking if you want to Block the IRC, click no. You might get another Pop-up (before the block one) asking if you want to run the Client, click Run.


II. Registering and logging into your Nickname

NickServ - Commands for your personal nickname

In order to have a nickname, you are required to register a certain nickname, other commands can then improve you nickname.

Registering a nickname

Once you have found a nickname you want (using /nick newnickhere to switch nicknames[i use Fergal as mine]) you can register it for it to become yours.

Note: If the nick is already registered by someone else you will get the following:

[15:45] -NickServ- This nickname is registered and protected. If it is your

[15:45] -NickServ- nick, type /msg NickServ IDENTIFY password. Otherwise,

[15:45] -NickServ- please choose a different nick.

If that is the case, please choose a different nickname until you get a nickname that doesn't show that.

To register your nickname do the following:

Type /msg nickserv register password password email email - Replace password and email with your own password and email.

E.G. /msg nickserv register ihackedyou56 ihackedyou56 [email protected] [email protected]

Once you have that typed you should get something like this:

[15:53] -NickServ- A passcode has been sent to [email protected], please type /msg NickServ confirm <passcode> to complete registration

You should now get an email from SwiftIRC (check spam as well if you don't find it in your inbox) with a code someone down near the end saying: /ns confirm *********

Congratulations, you have just registered a new nickname!

Logging in and out of your nickname

To log into your nickname use this: /ns id password obviously change password to the password you set.

To log out of your nickname simply type this: /ns logout



Service Bots

Service bots are bots who are assigned to most channels in order to help the channel. Without these bots, a lot of what a channel can do wouldn't be possible.

It really makes no difference which someone uses but Captain_Falcon is currently assigned to #Rebelz.

> BotServ Commands <

Help and Stat Bots


You will see RuneScript in our channel nearly all the time, RuneScript is an extreamly helpful bot for helping with RuneScape and can also be really fun with its fun and funny commands! Now I could go ahead and type out its features but instead just have a look at the link below for all its commands/features.

> RuneScript Commands <


Vectra is a bot quite similar to RuneScript, some often say its more annoying and spams a lot, thats why it isn't in our channel xD Even at that it is still fun and helpful :)

> Vectra Commands (Right hand side of page) <

Miscellaneous Bots


iDM is a very fun bot where you fight off against others in the channel in a Death Match using strong RuneScape weapons, spells and more! Winner takes all the loot which is sold to make cash(atleast most, GodSwords are kept as a special item :P ). Clans can also be made and loot is split. There is also the option of getting a group together and fighting a random boss from GWD(the more people, the higher HP for the boss =/ ).


[COMMANDS] Account [money, equip, account, top/wtop/ltop N, dmrank name/N] Clan [startclan name, addmem/delmem nick, joinclan name, dmclan nick, leaveclan, share on/off] Item [dmclue, solve answer] Misc [on/off att, !max att, hitchance att dmg] Control [dm [noadmin], stake [amount], gwd, enddm, status]

[COMMANDS] Magic [esurge, fsurge, wsurge, blood, ice, smoke] Range [dbow, arctic, bbolt, mbow, dbolt, ebolt, onyx, rknives, snow, surf] Melee [bgs, corr, gmaul, dhally, ags, dclaws, dmace, sgs, zgs, dds, dh, guth, whip] PVP [statius, vlong, vspear, mjavelin]



The name says it all, its a bot that keeps stats of a channel stored on a website.

Think its just all boring stats that you don't want to here about? It is, but it can be very funny at times with the Random Qoute box, and much much more!

You can view our stats of our channel by typing in !chanstats in our channel.

> #Rebelz ChanStats <


IV. SwiftIRC Commands


NickServ commands are used to control your nickname.

> NickServ Commands <


ChanServ commands are used to control channels.

> ChanServ Commands <


MemoServ commsnds are used to send short messages to users (even if they are offline) and to channels.

> MemoServ Commands <


BotServ commands are used to control Service Bots(see III. IRC Bots -> Service Bots).

> BotServ Commands <

Other Commands

Other commands are commands that aren't already mentioned above. These are generally helpful and sometimes just fun xD

> Other Commands <

Thats the basics of it, if you have any problems or found something that is wrong in this guide, please PM me or post here.

TeamSpeak 3 Guide

I. Downloading TeamSpeak 3

To download TS3, click the following link: Download TeamSpeak 3

From that page, choose your OS, and download the CLIENT 32/64-bit. Not the server. And then click download.

After downloading, install and open up TS3.


II. Connecting to our TS3 Server

1) Open TeamSpeak 3.

2) Click on the Connections dropdown on the top left and click Connect.

3) Enter in the address:

4) Enter a nickname and click connect. You should now be in our TS3 Server.


III. How to use TS3

- To change channel: Double click on any channel to move directly there (unless its password protected)

- To change nick: Double click on your name in the channel list and type a new name.

- To talk with mic: Click the Settings dropdown, then click Options. From there, select the Capture tab and there will be 3 ratio buttons to select from.

Push to talk - Push and hold your desired button to talk; let go to stop.

Continuous Transmission - Just talk into your mic, no push to talk.

Voice Activation Detection - When you press your push to talk button, it will show that you are talking. With this option, it will do the same any time it hears you talking.

+1 if I helped! :)

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  • 3 weeks later...

Updated.But seriously, everyone download TeamSpeak 3 for our next wars. I don't give a shit if you have no microphone to talk, during a war, you shouldn't be anyway. Be there, listening to Brad or whoever. If they call someone, you attack that person. Much faster than typing! xD

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