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Don't Crash.


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This is just a general thing that really grinds my gears. And I hope nobody here does it, because you automatically lose respect points :(. Don't crash. Maybe I'm using the wrong terminology, but when you go somewhere to do something in Runescape (Mining, Slaying, Boss Killing, Hunting etc), don't crash in on someone who was already there. This is rude. People who do this are assholes. Seriously. Just hop to another world. Why ruin someone else's experience.Yes this is a slight rant but seriously, this bothers me more than anything in the game even bots. Today I finally saw the Shilo Gem Mine empty, so I decided to mine for a little bit. 10 minutes later, someone gets on and is pretty much competing with me for the rocks. I ask him to hop, please don't crash "Make me". FFS. I'm killing Aberrant Spectre's the other day, and finally found a semi-unpopulated spectre world. 4 Spectre's all to myself. 2 people come in, I ask them to not crash "Oh, I'm here with a friend, and there's 2 of us, one of you...so you hop". WTF.Assholes./Rant.

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I completely agree. I hop if I'm asked to by someone who was already there. But if I've been there a while and then someone steals my kills or resources and is a douche about it, then it becomes an irritating competition. Boss monsters are the worst for this, KBD and the easier GWDs especially, because you often have to hop find a world you can use anyway.

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Have you ever thought.... hmmmm there are less than 200 worlds, and there is always more then 150,000 people playing so sometimes you gotta crash or you can't do it, who are you to say it's my area/kills/resources. On the other hand I don't believe they should be a douche about it, I just want you to think about it in their shoes; I just hopped threw 5 worlds this one has the least amount of people outta all the ones I went to, so I'll bother less people and benefit the most. Now don't take this the wrong way there are some douches who are gonna say "fuck you 2 vs 1 go hop" but in general those crashers are just like you and me who wanna go do whatever with all the resources to yourselves. Example: when I go chinning I go to the spot where I always go, if he asks me to hop, and I think it's reasonable (more then 2 people in the same spot) I'll hop but I'll do this 4 times until I say fuck it I'm going to the one with the least amount of people.Hope you understand my reasoning, plays out well in my head. Posted Image

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On double exp weekend I hopped nearly 20 times, before I found an empty world for red salamandar's. Yes it's frustrating to keep trying over and over, but it's so you're not a raging asshole. It's not that these resources/monsters are "mine", it's just some mutual respect this game "should" have. Granted Jagex can do a LOT to fix this, but they won't. There's also foreign world's too. I'd love to see people crash on people in real life. Let's say I'm playing basketball with friends on a court, and all of a sudden other people just start playing. Believe me, there will be a fight if they don't move. It's not macho bravado, it's respect. The only reason people don't do it on RS, is because a)They might even enjoy ruining someone else's experience b)There's nothing the other person can do. c)tired of hopping. d)Just don't care...and I guarantee it's usually A or B.
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On double exp weekend I hopped nearly 20 times, before I found an empty world for red salamandar's. Yes it's frustrating to keep trying over and over, but it's so you're not a raging asshole. It's not that these resources/monsters are "mine", it's just some mutual respect this game "should" have. Granted Jagex can do a LOT to fix this, but they won't. There's also foreign world's too. I'd love to see people crash on people in real life. Let's say I'm playing basketball with friends on a court, and all of a sudden other people just start playing. Believe me, there will be a fight if they don't move. It's not macho bravado, it's respect. The only reason people don't do it on RS, is because a)They might even enjoy ruining someone else's experience b)There's nothing the other person can do. c)tired of hopping. d)Just don't care...and I guarantee it's usually A or B.

There's never a fight. That's a horrible example. I play at the rec center all the time and the group of people who has the most people always get the court if they need it. Most of the time, they invite you to participate but it's just the way it works. You can't monopolize a resource and expect it to be yours. I suppose you'd be against "taking turns" too? Whose to say you can just chill at a highly trafficked place and disallow anyone else from enjoying that part of the game? It's not a matter of respect; it's a matter of efficacy. You're only faulting those who "crash," not those that refuse to share or compromise. If I'm more than capable of "crashing" and the other person is a douche who won't compromise, I will crash him.
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There's never a fight. That's a horrible example. I play at the rec center all the time and the group of people who has the most people always get the court if they need it. Most of the time, they invite you to participate but it's just the way it works. You can't monopolize a resource and expect it to be yours. I suppose you'd be against "taking turns" too? Whose to say you can just chill at a highly trafficked place and disallow anyone else from enjoying that part of the game? It's not a matter of respect; it's a matter of efficacy. You're only faulting those who "crash," not those that refuse to share or compromise. If I'm more than capable of "crashing" and the other person is a douche who won't compromise, I will crash him.

I don't know how it is where you live, and I don't think a rec center is a great example. I assume a place you pay for/or can get thrown out of etc. I live in Brooklyn NY and if we're playing on courts (this goes for handball, basketball, baseball etc.), another group of people are not just going to show up and start playing on your court without asking to play, asking for next etc. You say horrible example, and maybe for your rec center it is, but where I'm from, it doesn't happen often, because when it does, a fight does take place, or one of the groups is just walking off because they don't want to fight.If there's enough room so that people can share without hampering someone else's or their experience's I'm all for it. And who are you to say I'm not sharing or compromising? By all means if someone shows up, I ask not to crash, and they offer to share (such as coal mines, I had someone crash me, and he offered to share. He got top half, I got bottom half). Same thing happened at Kuradel's Iron Drag's. 4 Dragons, I was there with 1 person already, 2 joined later. We agreed 1 dragon a piece, no stealing others). The thing is I know not everyone hops. People will just crash in an effort to make the other person leave, or force themselves in. I'm annoyed solely at those people. The ones, where the resources/monsters are tight, yet they don't care, they won't hop, they will ruin your experience, to benefit theirs.
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I don't know how it is where you live, and I don't think a rec center is a great example. I assume a place you pay for/or can get thrown out of etc. I live in Brooklyn NY and if we're playing on courts (this goes for handball, basketball, baseball etc.), another group of people are not just going to show up and start playing on your court without asking to play, asking for next etc. You say horrible example, and maybe for your rec center it is, but where I'm from, it doesn't happen often, because when it does, a fight does take place, or one of the groups is just walking off because they don't want to fight.If there's enough room so that people can share without hampering someone else's or their experience's I'm all for it. And who are you to say I'm not sharing or compromising? By all means if someone shows up, I ask not to crash, and they offer to share (such as coal mines, I had someone crash me, and he offered to share. He got top half, I got bottom half). Same thing happened at Kuradel's Iron Drag's. 4 Dragons, I was there with 1 person already, 2 joined later. We agreed 1 dragon a piece, no stealing others). The thing is I know not everyone hops. People will just crash in an effort to make the other person leave, or force themselves in. I'm annoyed solely at those people. The ones, where the resources/monsters are tight, yet they don't care, they won't hop, they will ruin your experience, to benefit theirs.

Yeah, you have to pay to get in. It's really courtesy to offer those of larger number your court. Or atleast allow them to participate. I've never met a person who crashes just to be a douche. They've always wanted to utilize the resource.
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Well my thoughts on this are a little on both sides, on one hand it is just a game, but then again you can't really call yourself a gamer if you don't get mad at games, you honestly care that much. It may just be a game, but you put a lot of time and work into the game so if someone is stopping you for continuing what your doing its not going to make you happy. Plus the people who crash and tell you that's its just a game, and won't share or leave etc. just shows they care as much as you do, if its just a game, they would they have a problem sharing, time spent playing or the work you do in the game to gain levels or get money wouldn't matter to them, but why are they trying so hard not to let you play as well? Its because they are wanting to get stuff done as well, and as quickly as possible, but what if they are just trying to make you mad? Well the same concept applies, they still love the game and care, but they care about making you mad, so that's what they do. Those are my thoughts, I used to have this problem as well, not as much as I used too, I guess I usually play at hours most people ain't on, I don't know but I haven't had this problem, except when I'm training at the armored zombies, it does get a little crowed there. Plus I tend to be lazy, so that helps avoid crashers =P

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