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My position (reflection)


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I have started this topic to talk about my position in EC, so let's start.

I saw a few posts in the topic about tye newspaper saying that ppl need me in the ET but what I feel is that Im not deserving of it, what I have done in the past few days and weeks was that I didn't work that much.

I think that In all the events that I have put in the calendar since I am EC till now, I did like 7 or 8 and I only hosted/went to 1 and thats is terrible... What person am I if I apply for council and then I don't work. I don't realy desearve the position I am in.

I was supposed to host a event yesterday night and I didn't did it because I got unexpected guests in my house and I had to leave the computer but the truth is that it isn't much different from the other times, were I forgot about the events I was suppose to host.

After last night I kept thinking that I should realy be in this position.

ppl say I'm needed in the events team but till now what I have do it's not much I only took care of some topics about events, I edited some to help... I closed some old topics. Nothing more so I don't realy think ppl need me in the events team.

I don't know if I should keep here as I am right now or if I should change team or if I should just be a normal member.

It's up to you.....

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Well, i mean. Its honestly your choice just as it is the real world. You can choose to stay on the EC Team or you can choose to Quit. You can Choose for your self if you want to send in a application to David and Mono that you want to be part of the Newsletter team. Honestly bro, its YOUR choice, not ours, and all we can do is back you up 100% of the way :)

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Consider the following when deciding.1. There likely won't even be a Publications team. Aliath hasn't been on the forums for about a week last time I checked.2. If the team does happen, what's the longest it's ever lasted? A few issues, equating to about 2 months? 3. Aliath would be in charge of accepting applications, and there's no telling whether or not you would be accepted.And for the love of god guys, please stop randomly posting things in Community/Clan/RuneScape/TRR Discussion forums interchangeably. Each forum has it's own topic.

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The main reason here is not about go to the other team is about if you guys think I should quit or not EC, there is one guys I don't remember who, it was or terravila or kaiden that said in the other day to me that I was doing a very bag job as EC because I was going to my events and yesterday all ppl say I should stay in ET because Im needed blablabla.....I don't know anything anymore.

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