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Hello, well to start off my real name is Coty, which you probably could have guessed as my rs name is Coty530. I have been playing rs for about 6 years now, off and on, been a couple of clans. I'm a pretty easy going person, I love to make people laugh and have a good time. Also love to help people, so if you ever need help with anything (as long as I know how to do it) I'm willing to help. I live in Flordia for the next three days, then moving back home to tn, I will be getting an apartment with my cousin and going to school, to be a auto mechanic, after that I want to get my teaching license for high school history. If you have any questions or just want to talk go ahead and pm me in game.

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Welcome into the clan and enjoy all of our events! Be sure to stay active within the Forums and within the Game Im sure you will find many good friends within the clan and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! :)*In order to join our clan chat, please speak to traaginen or mstr. Monopoly to be able to talk to the whole clan within Runescape :D

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