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New Website/Home Page Released!


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New WebsiteYeah, most of the people who are active on the forums/IRC probably already know about it, but here we go anyways:I've been working on this for a few days now. If you guys haven't noticed, it's gotten harder to recruit with the release of the in-game support for clans. Everyone and their mother is leading a clan now, so less people venture out of in-game areas in search of a clan. This has obviously hurt clans that maintain most of their communication off-site.The site is pretty modern in that it uses Ajax to switch between pages without actually having to reload anything (so the music doesn't have to restart!). All of the links under "Internal Links" are ajax-based. In the future, I want to add a lot of user-created content to this, such as tutorials, guides, and blog posts (leave suggestions for new things I should link to). Oh, and thank Stuart for creating the banner!Anyways, from now on we're going to link to this page instead of posting redundant advertisements on RuneScape communities. People will have access to the same clan recruitment information as before (plus more!), all the while being subdued and charmed by relaxing music and pictures. Hopefully it will increase our conversions of guests; both potential community members and clan members.Please leave feedback and suggestions to make it easier to navigate! Pretend you're a new recruit not familiar with how to join the clan or what we're about; is everything clear enough?
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Music I've considered for the site:Current: Honor Him - GladiatorGladiator - Main Themehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AlY42MmkEiMThe Shire / Concerning Hobbits - LotRhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAb-fqBrUsYRohan's Theme: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pfkm5aX3YXkRide of the Rohirrimhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DvcQuIp2AUJurassic Park Themehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D8zlUUrFK-MRequiem for a Dream/Lux Aeternahttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hKLpJtvzlEIFew others I'm forgetting atm. If nothing else you should listen to those and bathe in the nostalgia.

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Still haven't updated that about the CC eh? I'm telling you David, the Friends Chat is TheRebelz, but Clan Chat is The Rebelz (with the space), and not Traaginen! (About Page)Looking good anyway, what about a RSS Feed from Clan News/Events or something, you had this before. ^^

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Men I just came back from my second vacation and I logged to the foruns and opened the website link to see if there were any new stuff and I just said OMFG this shit is great!!it's just a awesome work big gratz to david and his work and we will all now try to display this site in about everywere i will try to make a video about our foruns and comunity to recruit more ppl :PGratz david!!

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Still haven't updated that about the CC eh? I'm telling you David, the Friends Chat is TheRebelz, but Clan Chat is The Rebelz (with the space), and not Traaginen! (About Page)Looking good anyway, what about a RSS Feed from Clan News/Events or something, you had this before. ^^

Honestly he's right. :unsure: The CC is The Rebelz. But David you are doing an amazing job with the Website, keep it up! :D
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