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The State of Boss Hunting


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People used to fish/mine/woodcut for money to pay for the gear to go boss/monster hunting (where they could make similar money and have more fun). Those were the days imo.

Maybe like in 2005. After abyssal demons and especially since GWD came out, monster hunting's always been a better moneymaker. I was pretty noob in terms of levels before GWD though.
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Prices do need to go down, just not tank.

It should be a viable money-making option but it shouldn't consume the market and allow the rich to get even richer. It needs to be secondary and dependent upon resource-skills; not the other way around.

This part I agree on - your skilling levels should enable you to boss hunt better. With the exception of Herblore and Dungeoneering skilling is somewhat useless while monster hunting.
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I'll boss til I die. I do not, not only for the moderate amount of money it brings in (considering supplies consumes versus drops obtained), but it's also exciting and dangerous at the same time.

Boss hunting should always be at least slightly more profitable than skilling due to the risk involved.Unless someone finds some way to make skilling risky.
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You don't think harpooning a fucking shark from a dock with your hand 6 inches from the water is risky? But you're right; it's just that skilling brings 60k/hour and MHing brings like 3m.

Yeah, I guess they attempted to make it risky with the rocktail update a couple years back, but that's still only like 300k/hr maximum. Basically, they need rarer, more elite skilling "drops".
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Nothing is unbottable and when it does become bottable the minigame is ruined. Take dung - it's supposed to be unbottable yet bots account for a large percentage of experience earned a day. More than half. (20,000 users, last time I checked) They also monopolize frost dragons, in which case the bots were undoubtedly botted entirely up using a dungeoneering bot.

I do, however, believe you have a point. They need to make more untradeable, useful, high-leveled rewards. (Similar to chaotics) Bots cannot ruin and affect the economy if these things are made available. It'd make botting more of a multi-tiered effort in which case those who wish to bot would have a harder time obtaining multiple bots. If you were to make each requirement a variety of skills, bosses, etc it could work out. You don't see anyone botting task-lists or clue scrolls, yet they have some wonderful rewards and do a lot to further a player's personal progress. High-tiered untradeable armor has yet to be released. Boss drops should be secondary earnings that provide a means to an untradeable end.

Resource skills should always be a primary method of economy. Not armor or equipment. Equipment should be the fruits of hard work and time, not getting lucky at a boss. Skills should contribute to a gain, not become obsolete because of a change.

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For me is since ever, now and for ever!! »»»» Green, blue, red or black.. whatever colour I found in a dragon I kill it simply because I love to slay dragons ( Not metal dragons the others o.0) SO I realy like to kill drags :(Join my drags club :DI think in the future in about a week or event less!! we I get P2P I will start my non metal dragons killing blog :) To show my work and my rewards

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