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Skilling outfits!


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Men wen the P2P loyalty programe came out I didn't payed attention to what I bought, so I bought a stupid emote... Ill have all in the future :(´and I bought a costume that I felt in love so I use it now to skill

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But ofc my guy have a much better Beard and skin colour, this is more like a dark lord ascending guy... bad skin colour o.0

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Defence Cape Outfit

[*]Trimmed Defence cape

[*]Fox Mask

[*]Meat Tenderiser

[*]Unholy Book

[*]Fire gloves and ring are just for my current task of firemaking, but the still match

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Woodcutting Cape Outfit

[*]Trimmed Woodcutting Cape

[*]Moonclan Clothes

[*]Slayer Staff

[*]Book of Balance

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