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Late night Pest Control


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Event: Pest Control

Amount of show ups: 5 and one of kaidens friends ;)

Names of show ups:

T Ranger101 (no body likes that guy)

CrazyCow73 (Crazy For Council!)

Heated Dues (Dues For Council!) (The guy i steal trophies from :3)

Arcuse (The all legendary Kaiden)

Rebel4lifex7 (The best protector we had all game!)

Description: First we had decided to meet up on our home world 64 and we were gonna play pest control on the easiest level. We played tiredlessly through many games and I was the only casualty we had all night (I died once :c). We had fun killing things, raping things from behind and well Kaiden offered me his whip :3 (which i can't use cus im a noob :c). We were joined right in the beginning by Kaidens friend who seemed pretty cool :). He could be a possible new recruit in the future *cough* *Cough* :3

Pictures :3

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