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Forum and Category Re-Ordering


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Forum and Category Re-Ordering


New Forums

Since we're moving to a new community format, several new forums have been added. Please suggest new forums if you can think of any that are actually needed. (I've considered a PvP forum, but don't know how much use it would get. Other ideas include MHing and Skilling forums)

Community Events

-Community Event Reflections

-Community Event Planning

-Community Calendar

This forum is for community events only; NO clan events. If someone that's not in the clan wishes to host an event, he can do so here. The EC is still in charge of helping out.

Clan Discussion

-Clan Wars

Please note that this is NOT our old Clan Discussion forum, this one is for the discussion revolving around the clan community in general. It's not specific to TRR. Our new clan-specific forum has been renamed "TRR Discussion" (more on this later).


Re-Named Forums

Old - New

General Discussion - General & Off-Topic

Clan News - TRR News and Announcements

Clan Discussion (original) - TRR Discussion

Team Discussion - Team Planning

Event Discussion - Event Planning



All clan-specific forums are now located under the category, "TRR Clan Forums." Most of them aren't viewable to any groups that aren't in the clan (Community Member, Guest, Applicant, etc), the exceptions being Clan Applications, Alliance Requests, and War Declarations.

The discussion forum has turned into "Community Forums."


Forum and Category Names

If you hate the new names for the forums, please suggest new ones. These are just placeholders until the kinks are all worked out of the new system.

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