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Clan Skill& Chill/ Tasty's 99 wc party/ Picture blow-out/ and Drunkens house party EXTRAVANGANZA!

T ranger101

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Ok so where to start? We started out meeting at Faladore square on world 93 to start our very first Skill & Chill event. We had started by leaving falador in a HUGE line consisting of TRR and random players because they were probably thinking i was talking to them when i said "Follow me in a straight line" so we had a huge like 15 man line going on xD. So we left falador screaming T R R! and while leaving, Tasty gave my event the honors to obtain his lvl 99 woodcutting! CONGRATS TASTY!

We had headed up to varrok yew's to only find it over run by bot noobs (Who woulda known? ;D) so we decided to try the yews in edgeville, BOTS THERE TOO! Then we decided to have a race down the river with our canoes and sadly Rebel had to use his teleport to lumby spell because his wc wasn't high enough (We <3 you!). So when we got to lumbridge, i led the team towards draynor so we could chop willows, but thanks to my Nub like navigation skills, i walked the wrong ways probably 3 times hahaha. We got to the willows, saw a little bit of bots there and then decided to do the teleporting thing to the clan camp, and take a picture of us doing it in sync. Then over there, we met inside of the tent at the clan camp in a private meeting and we all did little formations and picture attempts which we failed with misserably and hilariously. :) Then after that drunken came into the tent and bragged about his house and so i Screamed House party and we went off! Turns out DRUNKEN DOES HAVE BRAGGING RIGHTS FOR HIS EPIC HOUSE!

We had 10 people show up:






D the Tiger

tasty pie





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Us all saying Trr i loved the comment about AL and how we raped them B)

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Tasty stretching before he chops his last tree.

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Tasty achieving 99 wc!

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Tasty's official Bragging Rights

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Funny how Rebel in both of them isn't doing what we are doing..... WHAT A REBEL! ;D

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