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Bot discussions are too common and extremely annoying. Especially within this clan. I mean, as often as I'm on, bots are always mentioned, condoned and BRAGGED about. Why does it have to be a topic of conversation? Its honestly the only thing that's ever made me legitimately want to quit the clan at one point in time. No one cares if you bot, stop being arrogant enough to assume anyone cares.

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Bot discussions are too common and extremely annoying. Especially within this clan. I mean, as often as I'm on, bots are always mentioned, condoned and BRAGGED about. Why does it have to be a topic of conversation? Its honestly the only thing that's ever made me legitimately want to quit the clan at one point in time. No one cares if you bot, stop being arrogant enough to assume anyone cares.

I agree with you that botting is stupid and retarded. but I have never heard anyone talk about botting once in the clan and im always in the Cc and Fc. are you making a joke?
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nah man, idk maybe its slipped from my view all these times. But who knows, anyone could be a botter.... even Guthix O.o

I agree with you that botting is stupid and retarded. but I have never heard anyone talk about botting once in the clan and im always in the Cc and Fc. are you making a joke?

Also btw, sorry bro, didn't mean to make a post like that. Im bi polar. Literally :)
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I'm sure there are a couple who do. The vets will remember Sire Murlock, he was fairly active, and then constantly botted and no one knows what has happened to him since. There was a point where Runescape was extremely boring for me, so I botted just about everything. But now I'm completely legit again.

l0l void this is oranges remember when we were killing bots about a month ago at castle wars ivy? Murlock was there chopping ivy and never answered when I said hi :) hmm maybeee...
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