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Donation & Subscription FAQ


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Donation and Subscription FAQ

- Costs Behind the Community -
I. Background

I'm posting this reminder since our current community subscription ends on the 4th (of every month).

As you may - or may not - know, we're currently renting our hosting service directly from IPB. This obviously costs money, and we like to spread the burden around so 1-2 members don't have to pay excessive amounts to keep TRR going. We'll gladly accept all donations, and we DO offer small incentives as rewards through the subscription system to those generous enough to donate/subscribe.

II. Donation & Subscription Incentives

Exemplary Rebel

Those who donate (or purchase a subscription) receive this rank for a period of time dependent on the amount you donate. The rank offers a few perks besides the sexy color and icon; you're able to delete your own posts, increase PM limits, view hidden forums, participate in team-planning, as well as other forum based powers. For more complete information, see the subscription tab.

    • New forum rank and icon (see above).
    • Access to private and exclusive forums.
    • "Sergeant" rank in clan chat.
    • 5 display name changes every 30 days (opposed to 2).
    • +20% increase in gathering forum points for ibEconomy.
    • Ability to open, close, and delete own topics; also able to delete own posts.
    • Ability to store 200 personal messages (opposed to 50) and to include attachments.
    • Ability to give up to 5 negative reputation points per day (opposed to 1), and 15 positive reputation points (opposed to 10).
    • Ability to see who gave forum reputation.
    • Exclusive 'behind the scenes' access to team-specific planning forums.
    • Automatic voice (+) in our IRC channel.
    • The satisfaction of helping keep TRR operational by chipping in to help with costs! ohmy.png


  • Members who donate also receive the following awards...

    monah3.gif - Member has donated at least $5.00 to TRR.

    monah2.gif - Member has donated at least $20.00 to TRR.

    monah-1.gif - Member has donated at least $50.00 to TRR.

    75donated.png - Member has donated at least $75.00 to TRR.

    100Donated.png - Member has donated at least $100.00 to TRR.

    These awards command respect from your clan-mates and other community members by letting people know you've contributed to the effort. Additional award tiers will be added/adjusted if people donate money past those tiers.

    III. Information: Donating


    The easiest way to donate is to simply click the large "Donate" button on our Header. This will take you to a Paypal screen where you can insert the desired amount of money to donate.

    Please be aware that Paypal DOES charge fees for this type of transaction; it won't cost you anything, but instead of receiving $5.00 we might receive $4.50 (the difference is more significant for larger amounts) . In order to waive the fee (this method requires a paypal account with money already in it), you can send your donation as a GIFT to us. Please note that you do NOT use the donation button on our forums if using this method.


    IV. Information: Subscriptions


    The subscription system is a way for us to encourage donating by offering some benefits back to the community. I hope that this will encourage members who otherwise wouldn't donate anything to contribute just a bit to help out with our costs. Now, to our major donors - this is not something that will replace donations. If you wish to donate an amount larger than what the subscription plans cost, or an amount inbetween pricing tiers, we still accept (and greatly encourage) regular donations through the "Donate" button.

    Order a Subscription

    Exclusive Benefits

    • New forum rank and icon (see above).
    • Access to private and exclusive forums.
    • "Sergeant" rank in clan chat.
    • 5 display name changes every 30 days (opposed to 2).
    • +20% increase in gathering forum points for ibEconomy.
    • Ability to open, close, and delete own topics; also able to delete own posts.
    • Ability to store 200 personal messages (opposed to 50) and to include attachments.
    • Ability to give up to 5 negative reputation points per day (opposed to 1), and 15 positive reputation points (opposed to 10).
    • Ability to see who gave forum reputation.
    • Exclusive 'behind the scenes' access to team-specific planning forums.
    • Automatic voice (+) in our IRC channel.
    • The satisfaction of helping keep TRR operational by chipping in to help with costs! sad.png

    Plan Pricing

  • Time: Cost [ratio]
    1 Month: $2.99 [$2.99 per Month]
    3 Months: $7.49 [$2.49 per Month]
    6 Months: $11.99 [$1.99 per Month]
    1 Year: $19.99 [$1.66 per Month]

    Note: Paypal has fees (charged to us, not the buyer) that will take off about $0.42 per month from the original price.

    We're still working out the pricing tiers. If you think this is too expensive (or too cheap), post your thoughts! Keep in mind that the idea is to have the prices as efficient as possible without turning people away. The main point of this is to raise money to stay operational; not to sell a forum product with ridiculously low prices.

    V. Frequently Asked Questions

    Is donating to TRR required?

    No, you do NOT have to donate to TRR to be a member of our community. Donating is simply highly... HIGHLY appreciated since it helps keep the clan operating.

    Do I still get "Exemplary/Exclusive Member" if I donate, but don't do it through the subscription system?
    Yes, our administrators will manually add you to the new group after the payment is received.

    Do you need Paypal or a credit card?
    As of right now, since we do everything through Paypal, yes (however, the subscription system may allow credit cards THROUGH Paypal, but shouldn't require a Paypal account). I'd be open to alternative methods should they be suggested.

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It depends. How long until you open a new bank account? It might be best to set whatever you intend to donate aside until you open it up. Do you still have an old account? I guess you could also send a check to the account that Paypal's linked to.How'd you donate before?

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I transferred money from my Bank Account / Debit card to my Paypal and then donated. I could get a reloadable Walmart Card and then use that to send money to my Paypal. Would that work?

Anything that can get money to your Paypal will work.Thanks Blue, you're a god. :D
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Too bad it doesn't matter cause you ditched us. NO AWARDS FOR YOU RAWR!!!!!!!!!!!!

Did not ditch.Trr was quite dead.I went on forums, nothing.Irc, desolate.Friend Chat, lone botter.Clan Chat, empty.All Trr members on my friends list offline.No emails or anything.Was like this for days.So i joined my other friends(bgs/fergal) clan(tlol).4days after i joined tlol people started popping up again in trr.After awhile Trr had a new site and I joined as clan friend.So explain how did i ditch?
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Did not ditch.Trr was quite dead.I went on forums, nothing.Irc, desolate.Friend Chat, lone botter.Clan Chat, empty.All Trr members on my friends list offline.No emails or anything.Was like this for days.So i joined my other friends(bgs/fergal) clan(tlol).4days after i joined tlol people started popping up again in trr.After awhile Trr had a new site and I joined as clan friend.So explain how did i ditch?

I'm just kidding around Pinhead. I see why you did it, but you could come back, as we are clearly Superior.P.S. Computers need sarcasm font.
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