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To Old TRR Members/Associates: Old IRC Logs


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Before TRR was disbanded and was a part of the Elder Souls forums, Jake, Paul, and myself had a conversation going on called Meow on the old forums. In it, we posted a bunch of great IRC logs and a lot of other great content. Then those forums broke because of David or Allan, I'm not real sure who to hate forever.


Anyway, Jake has recently notified me that we did in fact start another Meow on these forums, though it doesn't have nearly as much content. They are still really great reads and if anything, reminds me how joyous and full of life I used to be.


Somebody who is probably Jeremy trolls #Mindmyskillz by speaking in Finnish, but luckily David knows Finnish or something

[05:30] dm1 ([email protected]) joined #Mindmyskillz.
[05:30] <Blexun> ..
[05:30] <MstrMonopoly> Hullo!
[05:30] <Mindmyskillz> Hi
[05:30] <MstrMonopoly> This is the MMSland
[05:30] <Traaginen> Oh hai!
[05:30] <Traaginen> Welcome friiiiiiennnnd!
[05:30] <Blexun> What's up with the randoms?
[05:30] <Traaginen> What brings you to our humble abode?
[05:30] Nick change: Mindmyskillz -> Nuggeh
[05:30] <dm1> miksi eksyin t?nne?
[05:30] <Blexun> oh
[05:30] <MstrMonopoly> Oh look
[05:30] <Blexun> that guy
[05:30] <Traaginen> It's almost free nude friday!
[05:30] <MstrMonopoly> He's finnish too
[05:30] <Traaginen> Z0mg.
[05:30] <Blexun> He was in #Fergal lol
[05:31] <Traaginen> I am also finnish.
[05:31] <Traaginen> Let us speak with our minds now.
[05:31] <Blexun> I thought he was dyslexic
[05:31] <dm1> lol.
[05:31] <Blexun> Well
[05:31] <Traaginen> He asked why he's here.
[05:31] <Traaginen> You're here because we summoned you.
[05:32] <Traaginen> A prophecy stated you were to join the great channel of MMS and be a savior.
[05:32] <Nuggeh> ITS A PARTY!
[05:32] <dm1> savior?
[05:32] <dm1> no thank you.
[05:32] <dm1> i'd like to be the evil guy this time
[05:32] <Blexun> @translate english>Finnish Can you understand this? Say yes if you can. If not, just sit there
[05:32] <Traaginen> You'll lead the mmsers across thousands of miles including desert, and even a lake, to the promise land.
[05:32] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ EN -> FI ]: Translation: Ymm??rr??ttek?? t??m??n? Sano kyll??, jos voit. Jos ei, vain istua siell??
[05:32] #Mindmyskillz: mode change '+v dm1' by [email protected]
[05:32] <Nuggeh> lol.
[05:32] <Blexun> HE can't understand us
[05:32] <Blexun> Oh god
[05:32] Blubyblue ([email protected]) joined #Mindmyskillz.
[05:32] <Traaginen> I guess we'll just have to beat and throw food at him.
[05:32] <Blexun> STONE HIM
[05:33] <Blexun> hai emily
[05:33] <Traaginen> STONE THE UNBELIEVER.
[05:33] <Nuggeh> @translate english>Finnish You'll lead the mmsers across thousands of miles including desert, and even a lake, to the promise land.
[05:33] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ EN -> FI ]: Translation: Tulet johtaa mmsers tuhansien kilometrien mukaan lukien autiomaata, ja jopa j??rven lupauksen maata.
[05:33] <Blexun> lol
[05:33] <Blubyblue> Hey blake
[05:33] <Nuggeh> Tulet johtaa mmsers tuhansien kilometrien mukaan lukien autiomaata, ja jopa j?rven lupauksen maata.
[05:33] <dm1> t?m?selv?.
[05:33] #Mindmyskillz: mode change '+v Blubyblue' by [email protected]
[05:33] <Traaginen> lmao.
[05:33] <Traaginen> Then you copy and pate.
[05:33] <Traaginen> paste*
[05:33] <Nuggeh> Just to seem like i know
[05:33] <Nuggeh> amirite
[05:33] <Blexun> @translate Finnish>english t?m?selv?.
[05:33] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ FI -> EN ]: Translation: tmselv.
[05:33] <Nuggeh> lol..
[05:33] <Blexun> We're fucked
[05:33] <Blexun> He can't speak Finnish either
[05:33] <Nuggeh> .ud tmselv
[05:33] <Blexun> oh
[05:34] <Nuggeh> Nope
[05:34] Nick change: Blexun -> Tmselv
[05:34] <Tmselv> He's referring to my nickname
[05:34] <Traaginen> Ahoy, pelastaja! Te, jotka on pelastaa # mindmyskillz suuresta vitsaus Jolla on meit?? kohdannut, on viel?? palkitaan sinut ikuiseen j??lkeen-el??m??.
[05:34] <Nuggeh> I agree 100%
[05:34] <dm1> jep, juuri n?in!
[05:34] <Nuggeh> They could be talking about us.
[05:34] <dm1> olen iloinen ett? l?ysin tieni t?nne kanavalle!
[05:34] <Tmselv> @translate Finnish>english jep, juuri n?in!
[05:34] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ FI -> EN ]: Translation: yep, just the Group!
[05:34] <Tmselv> lol
[05:34] <dm1> group, really?
[05:34] <Traaginen> just like this!
[05:34] <Nuggeh> wut.
[05:35] <Tmselv> @translate Finnish>english olen iloinen ett? l?ysin tieni t?nne kanavalle!
[05:35] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ FI -> EN ]: Translation: I am glad to ETT Lys my way tnne channel!
[05:35] <Tmselv> Oh
[05:35] <Tmselv> he's friendly
[05:35] <Tmselv> I think
[05:35] <dm1> no
[05:35] <Tmselv> Damnit
[05:35] <Nuggeh> @translate english>Finnish Do you come in peace?
[05:35] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ EN -> FI ]: Translation: Tuletko rauhassa?
[05:35] <dm1> im a hostile alien lifeform
[05:35] <Traaginen> Mit?? haluat meid??n tekev??n?
[05:36] <dm1> tappavan majavat.
[05:36] <dm1> kill the beavers
[05:36] <MstrMonopoly> @translate english>Finnish RUN EMILY RUN
[05:36] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ EN -> FI ]: Translation: RUN EMILY RUN
[05:36] <Nuggeh> lol.
[05:36] <Traaginen> THE BEAVERS SHALL DIE
[05:36] <Blubyblue> :o
[05:36] <dm1> do it!
[05:36] <Tmselv> Fear is the universal language
[05:36] <Blubyblue> meanies.
[05:36] <dm1> make your master proud!
[05:36] Blubyblue ([email protected]) left #Mindmyskillz.
[05:36] <Traaginen> But really.
[05:36] <Traaginen> Who are you.
[05:37] <dm1> TLoL
[05:37] <dm1> a member.
[05:37] <Traaginen> people join that?
[05:37] <MstrMonopoly> TLoL is for nubs
[05:37] <Traaginen> Why have you come, oh savior.
[05:37] <dm1> i am a nub
[05:37] <MstrMonopoly> MMS is the greatest
[05:37] <Traaginen> Join us.
[05:37] <Tmselv> We surely didnt invite you
[05:37] <MstrMonopoly> Join us
[05:37] Nick change: Tmselv -> Blexun
[05:37] <Traaginen> And you shall have many ah beeaaver.
[05:37] <dm1> nope
[05:37] <Nuggeh> @translate finish>english i am a nub
[05:37] <MstrMonopoly> Join us
[05:37] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ EN -> EN ]: Translation: i am a nub
[05:37] <Traaginen> Ironic.
[05:37] <Nuggeh> He's just screwing with us now.
[05:38] <Traaginen> SHUN THE UNBELIEVER.
[05:38] <dm1> i like turtles
[05:38] #Mindmyskillz: mode change '-v dm1' by [email protected]
[05:38] <Blexun> @translate english>Finnish is the translator working good enough, or do we look like douches
[05:38] #Mindmyskillz: mode change '+m' by [email protected]
[05:38] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ EN -> FI ]: Translation: on k????nt??j??n ty?? tarpeeksi hyv??, tai me n??ytt??v??t douches
[05:38] <Traaginen> shuuuuun.
[05:38] <MstrMonopoly> We're probably being too mean
[05:38] <MstrMonopoly> I feel bad for BGS
[05:38] <Blexun> Making love to sea turtles used to be a MMS inside joke
[05:38] <MstrMonopoly> He's a nice guy
[05:38] <Traaginen> Yeah.
[05:39] <Traaginen> I just wanted to be his friend. :(
[05:39] <MstrMonopoly> Emily seems nice too
[05:39] #Mindmyskillz: mode change '+v dm1' by [email protected]
[05:39] <MstrMonopoly> Jeremily
[05:39] <Traaginen> But then he got all rawr rawr show me your noodle.
[05:39] <Blexun> Ozzia
[05:39] #Mindmyskillz: mode change '-m' by [email protected]
[05:39] <dm1> MENK?? KOLOIHINNE JA H?VETK??!
[05:39] <Nuggeh> Someone translate
[05:39] <Blexun> @translate Finnish>English KUINKA USKALLATTE TAPPAA SILAKOITA KEIH?ILL??
[05:39] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ FI -> EN ]: Translation: How dare KILL KEIHILL Baltic herring?
[05:39] <Nuggeh> :o
[05:39] <Blexun> ....
[05:39] <Blexun> He's into fish
[05:39] <Nuggeh> Me too
[05:40] <Blexun> LOL'D
[05:40] <Nuggeh> We could be friends
[05:40] <dm1> no.
[05:40] <Blexun> @translate Finnish>English no
[05:40] <dm1> i am your master, you are not qualified to be my friend
[05:40] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ FI -> EN ]: Translation: well
[05:40] <Blexun> oic
[05:40] <Nuggeh> @translate Finnish>English MENK?? KOLOIHINNE JA H?VETK??!
[05:40] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ FI -> EN ]: Translation: MENK AND HVETK their holes!
[05:40] <Blexun> woah
[05:40] <Nuggeh> ' :o
[05:40] <Blexun> No homo
[05:40] <Nuggeh> Too far.
[05:40] <dm1> no homo?
[05:40] <dm1> what the hell
[05:40] <dm1> i thought you guys were homo..
[05:41] <Blexun> Wel
[05:41] <dm1> that's why i came
[05:41] <MstrMonopoly> I'm homo
[05:41] <Blexun> Only half of us
[05:41] <MstrMonopoly> But only for Nuggeh
[05:41] <Blexun> ^
[05:41] <Blexun> Nuggeh is our love child
[05:41] <MstrMonopoly> Oh and Blexun's abs
[05:41] <Nuggeh> Yeah
[05:41] <Nuggeh> Abs
[05:41] <dm1> well then
[05:41] <dm1> as you have failed me
[05:41] <Blexun> @translate english>finnish ARE YOU ALL TLOL HAS TO OFFER? BWAH! I SPIT ON YOUR FAIL TROLLING
[05:41] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ EN -> FI ]: Translation: Oletko TLOL on tarjottavana? BWAH! Syljen ON YOUR FAIL Vetouistelu
[05:41] <dm1> i shall go and kill myself
[05:41] <dm1> good bye
[05:41] <Blexun> bai
[05:42] <Nuggeh> Bai
[05:42] <MstrMonopoly> Bye
[05:42] <MstrMonopoly> Come back D:
[05:42] dm1 ([email protected]) left #Mindmyskillz.


Jake, Sauce, and me being stupid. Glad to know some things never change

[23:13] <noobsaucse> .dm
[23:14] <noobsaucse> oh wait
[23:14] noobsaucse ([email protected]) left #Mindmyskillz.
[23:14] <Blexun> FINALLY
[23:14] noobsaucse_ ([email protected]) joined #Mindmyskillz.
[23:14] <Nuggeh> Thank god.
[23:14] <Nuggeh> ono
[23:14] <Nuggeh> Hi
[23:14] <Nuggeh> Wb
[23:14] <Nuggeh> Love ya
[23:14] <noobsaucse_> (18:14:41) <@Nuggeh> Thank god.
[23:14] <noobsaucse_> whats this.
[23:14] <Nuggeh> Wut
[23:14] <Blexun> Dude Nuggeh
[23:14] <Blexun> That's rude
[23:14] Nuggeh ([email protected]) left irc: Quit: No such thing
[23:15] Heggun ([email protected]) joined #Mindmyskillz.
[23:15] <Heggun> Hi guys
[23:15] <Heggun> What's up?
[23:15] <noobsaucse_> ohai
[23:15] <noobsaucse_> nuggeh doesnt like me
[23:15] <Heggun> He doesn't like too many people
[23:15] <Heggun> He's a meany
[23:15] <noobsaucse_> yeah big fat one isnt he?
[23:15] <Heggun> what's with black
[23:15] <Heggun> voice please
[23:16] #Mindmyskillz: mode change '+vv Heggun noobsaucse_' by [email protected]
[23:16] <Heggun> thanks
[23:16] <noobsaucse_> he's really ugly in person
[23:16] <Heggun> I heard
[23:16] <Blexun> I resent that
[23:16] <Blexun> People from Ohio are glorious
[23:16] <Heggun> Meh.
[23:16] <noobsaucse_> people form nc arnt
[23:16] <Heggun> agreed
[23:16] <Heggun> they have great abs though
[23:16] <noobsaucse_> kidding <3
[23:16] <Blexun> Emily is from nc
[23:16] <Blexun> oh wait
[23:16] <Blexun> That is NYC
[23:16] <noobsaucse_> whos emily
[23:16] <noobsaucse_> fake gf?
[23:17] <Heggun> @ud emily
[23:17] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ URBAN ]: Definitions: 7 | "emily" 1. slang term for a highly attractive and sexually intriguing individual.
[23:17] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ URBAN ]: Example: she drives me crazy, shes such an emily.
[23:17] <Blexun> ...
[23:17] <Heggun> See.
[23:17] <Blexun> Appropriate
[23:17] <Heggun> That's emily
[23:17] <Blexun> Tbh
[23:17] <Blexun> Uding your name is stupid as crap
[23:17] <noobsaucse_> my bet is blex put that in because he has editor POWERS on ud
[23:17] <Blexun> @ud weinman
[23:17] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ URBAN ]: Definitions: 1 | "weinman" 1. one who does not wine, but one who weins. typically associated with a man or many men. when in the company of bags of gold, a weinman will yell until it is in its possession.
[23:17] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ URBAN ]: Example: Do you see that gold over there, you better get that weinman to shut up!
[23:17] <Blexun> lol...
[23:18] <noobsaucse_> LOL
[23:18] <Blexun> Not sure if it's an insult
[23:18] <Heggun> @ud Edwin
[23:18] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ URBAN ]: Definitions: 7 | "Edwin" 1. Word used to describe someone incredibly funny and charming.
[23:18] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ URBAN ]: Example: "Fucking hell he's Edwin"
[23:18] <noobsaucse_> i just want ot say i didnt make that one
[23:18] <Heggun> Fucking hell.
[23:18] <Heggun> @Ud penis
[23:18] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ URBAN ]: Definitions: 7 | "penis" 1. The tool used to wean and convert lesbians and virgins into useful, productive members of society.
[23:18] <[PP]RuneScript> *** [ URBAN ]: Example: The lesbian babe saw the light and became straight when a real penis penetrated her vaginal lips.
[23:18] <Blexun> lol
[23:19] <Heggun> Where is nuggeh?
[23:19] <Heggun> ?
[23:19] <noobsaucse_> dunno
[23:19] <noobsaucse_> think he went to fap it to blakes image
[23:19] <Heggun> He does have great abs.
[23:19] <Heggun> I wouldn't blame him
[23:20] <noobsaucse_> nuggeh awfully acts like he likes the men type of gender
[23:20] <noobsaucse_> is he a pirate like you blex
[23:21] <Blexun> Yeah
[23:21] <[Henry]> An ass pirate.
[23:21] <Blexun> There is a picture of me and him as pirates
[23:21] <Blexun> What Henry said
[23:21] <Blexun> We just happen to dress up too
[23:21] <Heggun> LOL
[23:21] <noobsaucse_> is that serious?
[23:21] <Heggun> So you like the poop deck
[23:21] <Blexun> LOLOL
[23:21] <Blexun> FUNNY
[23:21] <Heggun> cuze ass
[23:21] <noobsaucse_> LOL
[23:21] <Heggun> and poop
[23:21] <Heggun> HAHA
[23:21] <Heggun> SAME THING
[23:21] <Heggun> ROFLMAo
[23:22] <noobsaucse_> funny how other people are now calling you an ass pirate now too
[23:23] <Blexun> We come to many realizations over the years
[23:23] <Blexun> oh damn
[23:23] <Blexun> Sara owl is 98% hungry
[23:23] <Heggun> that's pretty hungry
[23:23] <noobsaucse_> you would choose the hooter of all the birds
[23:24] <noobsaucse_> eh that counters the ass pirate joke though :L
[23:24] <Blexun> I only got it for the ranching skill
[23:24] <Heggun> When it comes out
[23:24] <Heggun> ofc
[23:24] <noobsaucse_> ?
[23:24] <noobsaucse_> ranching
[23:24] <Blexun> nub.
[23:24] <Blexun> .m
[23:24] <Blexun> .dm
[23:24] <iDM[PK]> [DM] Blexun [Wins 404 Losses 423] has requested a DM! You have 40 seconds to accept.
[23:24] <noobsaucse_> .dm
[23:24] <Heggun> .dm
[23:24] <Heggun> oh
[23:24] <noobsaucse_> how do you login
[23:25] <noobsaucse_> irc is being dumb
[23:25] <iDM[PK]> [DM] Nobody has accepted Blexun's DM request, and the DM has ended.
[23:25] <Blexun> If you nick registered
[23:25] <Blexun> is*
[23:25] <noobsaucse_> dunno
[23:25] <Blexun> Well there you go
[23:25] <noobsaucse_> but i know i has secret weapon in this account
[23:26] <Heggun> :o
[23:26] <Blexun> Switch your nick to something
[23:26] <Blexun> anything
[23:26] <Heggun> Like a lazer beam>
[23:26] <Heggun> ?
[23:26] <Heggun> @Jiek
[23:26] <noobsaucse_> that means i have to leave again
[23:26] noobsaucse__ ([email protected]) joined #Mindmyskillz.
[23:27] <noobsaucse__> oh
[23:27] <Heggun> Like a quick-fix
[23:27] <Heggun> ?!
[23:27] noobsaucse__ ([email protected]) left #Mindmyskillz.
[23:27] <Heggun> or the bison
[23:27] <Heggun> rocket
[23:27] <Heggun> thing
[23:27] <[Henry]> .dgpot rc
[23:27] <noobsaucse_> when i get back in here nuggeh will be here.
[23:27] <noobsaucse_> HINT HINT
[23:27] noobsaucse_ ([email protected]) left #Mindmyskillz.
[23:27] <Heggun> :o
[23:27] Nick change: Heggun -> Nuggeh
[23:28] noobsaucse ([email protected]) joined #Mindmyskillz.
[23:28] <Nuggeh> hi guys
[23:28] <noobsaucse> ohai
[23:28] #Mindmyskillz: mode change '+qo Nuggeh Nuggeh' by [email protected]
[23:28] <noobsaucse> WHAT THE FUCK
[23:28] <noobsaucse> nick inst registered anymore
[23:28] Heggun ([email protected]) joined #Mindmyskillz.
[23:28] <Heggun> sorry pinged
[23:28] #Mindmyskillz: mode change '+vv Heggun noobsaucse' by [email protected]
[23:28] <Nuggeh> Hai
[23:29] <noobsaucse> that means i lost secret weapon
[23:29] <noobsaucse> heggun told me he hates you
[23:29] <Nuggeh> :IOWEF
[23:29] <Nuggeh> !kb heggun
[23:29] #Mindmyskillz: mode change '+b *!*@Swift-466655A6.zoominternet.net' by [email protected]
[23:29] Heggun kicked from #Mindmyskillz by Warcraft: Requested
[23:29] <Nuggeh> He's a fag
[23:30] <noobsaucse> [email protected]
[23:30] <Blexun> lol
[23:30] <noobsaucse> @Swift-466655A6.zoominternet.net
[23:30] <Nuggeh> ?
[23:30] <noobsaucse> bang bang you been caught


Jeremy promises to kill himself for the 3rd time and Halo thinks she has to do something about it. What a stupid bitch. Also, Tim makes me laugh. Really hard.

[01:34] <Xhalosinmars> bgs.. hes gonna kill himself.. over me.
[01:35] <Xhalosinmars> i dunno what to do !
[01:35] <[Henry]> No comment.
[01:35] <[Henry]> might make the world a better palce.
[01:35] <Nuggeh> meh
[01:36] <Xhalosinmars> I cant be responsible for his death
[01:36] <Nuggeh> You could be
[01:38] <[Henry]> Who are you again...
[01:38] <Nuggeh> that's xhalo
[01:39] <[Henry]> Play me in Draw My Thing: http://www.gifbin.co...ne clapping.gif
[02:03] <Xhalosinmars> (22:03:23) <bgs1977> I'll prove you wrong.
[02:03] <Xhalosinmars> (22:03:35) <Sarebear> fine then.
[02:03] <[Henry]> You're prob that chick who gets guilted into having sex with boys.
[02:03] <Blexun> ...
[02:03] <Traaginen> Well...
[02:03] <Blexun> Woah
[02:03] <Blexun> I never thought about that
[02:03] <[Henry]> David.
[02:03] <Xhalosinmars> i'm a virgin, for you fucking information.
[02:03] <Xhalosinmars> your*
[02:03] <Blexun> oh, lol'd DAvid
[02:04] <[Henry]> David. How long have you been sitting on that one?
[02:04] <Blexun> (22:03:43) <[Henry]> You're prob that chick who will get guilted into having sex with boys.
[02:04] <[Henry]> Waiting for a chance to use it
[02:04] <Traaginen> a good 5mins.
[02:04] <Blexun> Fixed it
[02:04] <[Henry]> Lol.
[02:04] <[Henry]> You're prob that chick who will get guilted into having sex with boys.*
[02:04] <[Henry]> Sorry Sara I honestly didn't mean it that way.
[02:04] <Xhalosinmars> (22:04:12) <bgs1977> Tomorrow morning's the first time from now my family will be out of the house for me to do it. I don't know if I'll wake up that early though.
[02:04] <Xhalosinmars> (22:04:34) <Sarebear> fine. you wont do it.
[02:04] <Xhalosinmars> (22:04:39) <bgs1977> I will.
[02:04] <Xhalosinmars> (22:04:43) <Sarebear> FINE.
[02:04] <Xhalosinmars> (22:04:50) <bgs1977> Ok.
[02:05] <Traaginen> For future reference, saying someone won't commit suicide doesn't mean dare them to do it.
[02:05] <[Henry]> Lol'd.
[02:05] <[Henry]> To be honest.
[02:05] <Blexun> Wait
[02:05] <tim_oneal91> unless they have a webcam
[02:05] <[Henry]> this is almost an all time low for Jeremy.
[02:05] <Blexun> Why does he have to wait for his family to be gone?
[02:05] <Blexun> It really is
[02:05] <Xhalosinmars> i have a webcam..
[02:05] <Xhalosinmars> what?
[02:05] <[Henry]> He's mixing in a little ninja into his act.
[02:06] <Xhalosinmars> ginsu knives he said.
[02:06] <Xhalosinmars> 22:05:47) <bgs1977> Thanks for accepting it. I know it's just because I'm making you angry, but not begging me is nice.
[02:06] <Xhalosinmars> (22:06:01) <bgs1977> I just meant to inform you, not get into a long argument abot it.
[02:06] <Xhalosinmars> (22:06:34) <bgs1977> Regardless, it's done now. If I can be awake at 9 a.m. tomorrow, you'll at least know where I am.
[02:07] <[Henry]> Here's an idea.
[02:07] <[Henry]> You even still having the conversation with him is feeding his scream for attention.
[02:07] <[Henry]> You're not making it any better
[02:07] <[Henry]> Just end it and say bye.
[02:07] <Xhalosinmars> last words i said was whatever. you wont do it.
[02:07] <Xhalosinmars> and closed the chat
[02:07] <[Henry]> Atta girl.
[02:08] <Blexun> Wonder if he'll come in mms
[02:08] <tim_oneal91> http://www.seriousea...n-sandwich.html
[02:11] <Blexun> hmm
[02:11] <Blexun> There is a Chick fil a on campus
[02:11] <Blexun> I've yet to find it
[02:11] Xhalosinmars ([email protected]) left #rebelz.
[02:11] <Blexun> Well thank god

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I have like thousands of lines worth of IRC logs on my old hard drive, but they were automatically logged, so it's everything - Would take too long to read through considering I spent way too long sitting in IRC... Guess I still have those logs pastebin'd of destiny going mad over David removing her right to use TRR content on that last attempt to re-start TRR, claiming she was founder or something. Lol.


Wasn't there a topic called "The LOL Squad" or something too? Vaguely remember that having a list of memorable logs, not sure.

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Wasn't there a topic called "The LOL Squad" or something too? Vaguely remember that having a list of memorable logs, not sure.

Yeah it did, though I think they were mainly #Rebelz logs. Meow was just a private PM between us three that was mainly logs from #Mindmyskillz.

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she got knocked up and engaged to a fellow rs nerd, all underage too.


I've never been in TRR, but I'm getting real curious about that mythical Lorena chick. Wish I could see picture or something, so I'd know what all the fuss was about.

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I've never been in TRR, but I'm getting real curious about that mythical Lorena chick. Wish I could see picture or something, so I'd know what all the fuss was about.

It should be said that Nuggeh was just joking when he typed all of that. He doesn't really care about Lorena and was just giving Halo a hard time.


That being said, it isn't that Lorena was hot or anything. I mean, it is the internet. It is pretty much a select few of people ruining my lulz with their drama.

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It should be said that Nuggeh was just joking when he typed all of that. He doesn't really care about Lorena and was just giving Halo a hard time.


That being said, it isn't that Lorena was hot or anything. I mean, it is the internet. It is pretty much a select few of people ruining my lulz with their drama.


I read the revised one from MstrMonopoly actually. But thanks for clearing that up. There was a description that said she was teen with a "sweet voice", "blue eyes" and "had tits and played runescape". So, naturally, you can understand why I'm asking.

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For a lack of any better way to say this... Lorena has to be the most overrated TRR member of all time. The discrepancy between how much she is/was discussed and how little of an impact she actually had on, well, anything, can be hilarious at times. 


Her notoriety just came from her masterful assembly of a bunch of prominent TRR groupies because she was allegedly a female and simultaneously on the internet. Then again, that's just the analysis of someone that never actually talked with her.

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Can't help it, TRR is one of the most interesting and hilarious guilds I've ever come across.


I was hoping you'd turn into The Tamriel Rebels (TTR) by the time ESO arrived, but I guess that was just a delusional dream.


What can you expect from a clan that was effectively running for several years? Clan history is a good read actually, but ridiculously long.


Well David, how's that ESO clan coming along? ;)

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I miss Tcee... And Huygens... And somewhat that communist guy. But he might have been banned in a period I was dormant. Oh well... But Huygens, WTF? Where are you? I almost want to message him on facebook, but that would be weird. Also, I want Brad and Tunisia(I never remember the spelling) to be more active again.

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I miss Tcee... And Huygens... And somewhat that communist guy. But he might have been banned in a period I was dormant. Oh well... But Huygens, WTF? Where are you? I almost want to message him on facebook, but that would be weird. Also, I want Brad and Tunisia(I never remember the spelling) to be more active again.






Lorena was a retard, but she had little homosexual kids who thought RS pixels were hot.

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She was a mother?

"Kids" as in people how followed her around, obsessed with her, and what not.


I've only spoken to her once. She was talking about the movie "The Butterfly Effect". I said something about that movie being kind of bad. Then she said I had bad taste in movies and I don't know what a good movie is.


What a bitch.

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"Kids" as in people how followed her around, obsessed with her, and what not.


I've only spoken to her once. She was talking about the movie "The Butterfly Effect". I said something about that movie being kind of bad. Then she said I had bad taste in movies and I don't know what a good movie is.


What a bitch.


Actually she did have a child with a RuneScaper, but he had nothing to do with TRR and that was quite a bit after her time in TRR, some army guy if I remember correctly. Either she deleted her Facebook or just unfriended me, idk.

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Wow, that's how TRR handled getting a female member? You guys should've totally pretended to be other women. Think of the possibilities.


Slayerbob42: Thanks for the pics you sent me, sexy. Send me more, k?

Lilybuns18: I'm not sure how to tell you this, Bob, but I'm not really a woman. It's me, Blexun. See those pubes? That's my chest hair. See that ass? That's actually my ass.

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