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Mithos Introduction


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Hello everybody my name is Mithos or Joe (irl). I was in the clan that was the precursor to TRR back in the day and joined TRR at one point a long time ago aswell.A little about myself. I enjoy the occasional round of Pac Man at my local arcade and spend most of my time grubbing quarters off of my mother so I can spend a few hours down there. My favorite would have to be Mrs Pacman due to her magnificent female form. I also play Call of Duty sometimes but I'm not very good so I just run around trying to get a spy plane kill streak. I have been playing Runescape for many many years and it has contributed to my lack of social activity as well as general unwellbeing however I have put it in check this year and turned my life around in a positive way. I throw shot put in school on the track team and lift regularly and don't mind an envigorating jog every now and then. I like all types of music from emo rock to stoner rock to "gangster" rap and many types of techno. I am well learned in many areas academically sporting an impressive 3.6 GPA which I maintain with much disdain to the class of "Spanish". As I don't know who the hell needs to learn spanish anyways just speak American please. I like to watch youtube videos my favorite people are the machinma respawn crew (SEANANNERS), Jon Lajoie, Kassemg, Phillip Defranco, OnlyuseMEblade, Seannaners again, and a few others which I can't remember at the moment. EPIC MEAL TIME. My favorite food is chick fil a and I could probably eat a spicy chicken sandwhich with medium fries and water every meal for the rest of my life. I also enjoy indulging myself in a wildberry poptart whenever I can find them, which is usually at the ghetto walmart near my river house. I am a 16 year old living in Virginia in the UNITED states of Ameirca and I can not tell you how much this state sucks. I would like to rate myself around a 7/10 on physical attractiveness although I am not as they say "getting the bitches" on a daily basis. I hope this has shed some light into your dreary worlds as members of the TRR community and clan and can help provide a better understanding of me as a person and an internet diety.Also I have 2414 total levels on RuneScape and I play it a bunch.I'm just a regular everday normal mothafucka. - Jon Lajoie.

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OMG WILDBERRY POPTARTS?!Best. Introduction. Ever.I laughed at several of the things you said, especially hating Spanish. I took a placement test for college-level Spanish and failed miserably. Answered like 2/96 questions. Thanks HS Spanish teacher who gave me an 'A' for the 2 years I was in your class. @_@

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Welcome into the clan and enjoy all of our events! Be sure to stay active within the Forums and within the Game Im sure you will find many good friends within the clan and if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! B)*In order to join our clan chat, please speak to traaginen or mstr. Monopoly to be able to talk to the whole clan within Runescape B)

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