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Clan Raffles


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Anyway throughout games I have played raffles were commonly hosted among the members. One of the good thing about raffles is it makes people want to buy a ticket because they could win a large prize for spending so little. So, I'm going to ask you guys, would holding a raffle be a good idea here? Would you think that something of this sort be worth the time and effort? And this does not necessarily have to mean the participants to spend money.

Perhaps we could say if you collect 1K in the citadel for a week, take a screenie on it and show it to us you could be entered in a drawing for some sort of prize. That way it does not cost them anything (except their time) so anyone could possibly enter this event with possibility. But the issue is if there would be that many people that would enter. That would depend on the prize that is given. The prize is always the knowledge you've done something to your clan♥ but of course, some people just have no heart! I am aware that a lot of people would collect their 1k regardless if this sort of raffle is held but it could be sort of a incentive to do your part as a clan member.

Or maybe if you attend 5 events in a certain time-frame and you'd also be entered in some sort of raffle. And the prizes do not necessarily have to be big. It could be like a dragon scimitar, or maybe like 500 yew logs. These types of raffles are not particularly meant to create clan profit but rather an incentive for clan members to be active, and it could also be a reward for clan members that already do their part. Regardless, we can always still have the classic ticket-and-win type of raffle.

But the final question is, would hosting this be worth the effort? Do you guys think that enough people would take advantage of it? Leave your thoughts and vote in the poll!

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I'll personally host a Raffle for the Clan that has the following stipulations.1) If the weekly max-cap for Resources are met inside the Citadel, the Raffle will be held.2) If you max your weekly resource gathering, your name gets entered.3 The prize (reward) of the Raffle will be cash or an item, depending on the number of people who participate.

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I'll personally host a Raffle for the Clan that has the following stipulations.1) If the weekly max-cap for Resources are met inside the Citadel, the Raffle will be held.2) If you max your weekly resource gathering, your name gets entered.3 The prize (reward) of the Raffle will be cash or an item, depending on the number of people who participate.

That sounds like a great idea. That way it enforces us all working together as a clan as well as doing your part.
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Before i close this topic, have we decided if we are gonna do this or not? If so, Lia please put this on the calender with the date you plan on doing this, and also make a new post in the Clan Events section in the Events Format making this a legit Event. If we decide we are not going to do this, then ill just close it.

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