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LucasArts - End of an Era


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Battlefront 3 has joined the Lochness Monster, Bigfoot, a representative democracy, and Sphinx and the Cursed Mummy 2 as things I'll probably never see in my life time.


Also, I wouldn't discredit the Star Wars sequilogy just yet. Just like what they did with Marvel, Disney is keeping the business separate, even though they own them (because why mess with a good thing?). And if how The Avengers turned out is any indication, the new Star Wars won't fail because of Disney interference. I'll might fail on its own merits, but that is another topic entirely.


Also, I'm pretty sure Star Wars was defaced with the introduction of Jar Jar Binks. Anything just as bad or worse done to it now is just parading the dead body around for others to see.

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I thought that Star Wars was already ruined by Ewoks, Jar Jar Binks and some of the other Ep. 1-3 movie additions. Disney can't possibly make it more stereotypically "Disney" than having a Jar Jar Binks character.

You think Ewoks ruined Star Wars? I hope you're not referring to them as one of the Ep 1-3 additions (since they were in Ep6...)

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Ewoks didn't ruin it, but the large role they took was terrible. Destroying futuristic mechanized weaponry with sticks and small rocks? Kthnx. They made the storm troopers look even more pathetic than their usual just "miss everything you shoot at." Took away any sense of suspense or danger.


I know the Ewoks were in Episode 6. I omitted the oxford comma to try to clarify that the new additions and Jar Jar Binks were their own separate thing, but it was still poorly written.


I am a Star Wars fan and thought that Eps 1-3 were enjoyable, but the main gripe most fans have with the series is the "It's actually for kids" mentality that Lucas tried to force in the Ewoks/Binks. Disney, if anything, will do that aspect better.

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Ewoks didn't ruin it, but the large role they took was terrible. Destroying futuristic mechanized weaponry with sticks and small rocks? Kthnx. They made the storm troopers look even more pathetic than their usual just "miss everything you shoot at." Took away any sense of suspense or danger.


I know the Ewoks were in Episode 6. I omitted the oxford comma to try to clarify that the new additions and Jar Jar Binks were their own separate thing, but it was still poorly written.


I am a Star Wars fan and thought that Eps 1-3 were enjoyable, but the main gripe most fans have with the series is the "It's actually for kids" mentality that Lucas tried to force in the Ewoks/Binks. Disney, if anything, will do that aspect better.

Fair enough, just clarifying.

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I like Jar Jar...


  But honestly star wars movies are classics, no matter if you do or don't like them, they just are. And the main attraction for me was that it was written and directed by george lucas.There's no way disney could do any better.



 I'm obviously biassed towards lucasarts, but still about the time star wars came out (late 70's) disneys best animations were fucking cartoons, not saying that I don't like early disney, or that it didn't have plenty of classics itself, but star wars was pretty damn advanced, which made it an instant classic to everyone of that time period.



 The way I see it, if disney makes another film for star wars it wouldn't be a classic, and would fall into the "halo 4, GOW Judgment" category of modern day fails, or at least for me it would, but I suppose that's just my opinion.

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I think the Star Wars movies are classics, and I do like them, but if we're going to go on how "advanced" or "cutting edge" the movies are, the new ones are going to disappoint regardless of who's directing them. They'll never replicate the first three because they were so different than everything else that was out there at the time - CGI is common now.


In any case, I feel there is a lot of room for improvement after the three newest episodes. They were mostly <7/10 on IMBD the last time I looked, so Disney could definitely improve on George Lucas if they do a good job. It's not like Disney only makes animations. They've done all the Pirates of the Caribbean movies, Tron, Prince of Persia, Remember the Titans, Narnia, National Treasure, etc.


JJ Abrams is directing it, so if you want to see an example of what it's likely going to look like, look at the Star Trek movies. The biggest problem Disney will have is moving past the whole Darth Vader meta-plot, which is synonymous with "Star Wars" now even though his story has ended.

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JJ Abrams is directing it, so if you want to see an example of what it's likely going to look like, look at the Star Trek movies. The biggest problem Disney will have is moving past the whole Darth Vader meta-plot, which is synonymous with "Star Wars" now even though his story has ended.


That's only because aside from the deceased darth maul, darth vader is one of the most bad ass characters in the trilogy

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