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Do You Even Read?


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Books, that is.


I've tackled:


Twilight 4 books  - IDC what anyone says, i liked the books.  Blow me pls.


Hunger games, 3 books - Loved them, completely addictive.


The "Watch" 4 Books by Sergei Lukyanenko - Amazing set of books, vampires, werewolves, witches - but in a city setting, really worth a read.


Name of the wind, and Wise Mans Fear- Awesome, it really got me started into reading books that are specifically about one person, and that persons life.


Leads me into my current series - The Assassins Apprentice - apparently quite a famous set of four books, great reads once again about one person and his life, from young boy to kings assassin.


Anyway, there are probably some of my favourite books in my recent past - anyone else actually read these days?





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I read all the time. I suppose I haven't read anything in the last year or so due to time constraints, but whatevs.


My most recent large book(s) were World Without End and Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet. They look intimidating, but they're fantastic stories if you're interested in historical fiction even remotely.

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I'm in to fantasy, call me gay, so far I've read: 

Bernhard Hennen; the 'Elven' saga (these were ok)

Markus Heitz; the Dwarven saga (these were ok, a bit far-fetched)

Raymond Feist; Magician saga (10ish of the 20ish books) (better than LOTR and GOT combined, though LOTR did it first, so LOTR>all)


Currently reading The Game of Thrones, which we all know, is awesome. I nearly finished the 2nd book.


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I also enjoy Tom Clancy's (spy/war related stuff) and historically correct'ish books like those from Valerio Massimo Manfredi (remember the horribly failed move 'The Last Legion'?

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I don't read regular books; the only books I've read in over 2 years has been computer programming books, lmao.


But in primary school (middle school?), when I had to read, I read a nice lot, none I remember though besides the Darren Shan vampire books and some Alex Rider books.

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Tynisa... I've read the Twilight books too... I liked them, but not the movies. I haven't even seen them all. In my defence, I was recommended the book and started reading it before the first movie came out.Anyways... I've read the Hobbit. Nice little book. Starts a bit slow, like LOTR. I'm like half-way through LOTR, started part three. I just can't finish it for some reason. I haven't been reading much lately, except some comics (Star Wars and Spawn).I've read all the Harry Potter books 2-3 times or more.The Bartimeus Sequence is a really great series. It's about magicians and such. Read through the series twice. The magicians doesn't have much magical power, instead they make magical creatures do magic for them.

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I used to read. I haven't been reading lately, though. Not sure why.


Howl's Moving Castle

Dragon Age (The books were actually quite good, especially The Stolen Throne.)

Forgotten Realms

The Hunger Games

Percy Jackson and the Olympians

The Hardy Boys


Howl's Moving Castle would have to be my favorite book of all time. Such a shame the second book was average, and the third was mediocre.

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I haven't read for a while but some of my favourite books are;

  • [*]The Discworld Novels: By Sir Terry Pratchett (I've read about 6 of them and I have another 2 or 3 but I want to read them in order and since there's about 50 of them its really hard to find the ones your after.) Actually its probably a decent part of the reason why I haven't read much for a while, I kind of have a thing where I can't start something new until I've finished or given up on what I was doing and since I really enjoy Discworld but can't get the books...you get the idea [*]Harry Potter (I've read through the entire series about 3 times and I've read the first 5 about 10 times in total) [*]King Arthur Trilogy by M.K.Hume (quite a good Historical fiction series with an interesting twist on the King Arthur Legends, essentially that he had a wife and kid well before he became king, its based in the Dark Ages which is far more accurate than what most King Arthur stories are like (which are usually based in medieval times instead)) [*]The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr and Inheritance)

There's quite a few books I want to read (most of which have been mentioned above) eg. The Hunger Games, The Hobbit and LOTR, Game of Thrones, and I have also been planning on reading the Halo novels (I have most of them but have never read them). Like I said though I haven't read for a while, unless you count manga in which case I'm probably beating you all :D (I guess I could possibly count Sword Art Online as something I've been reading recently, but I've only read like one chapter of the online translation of the novel)


The Bartimeus Sequence is a really great series. It's about magicians and such. Read through the series twice. The magicians doesn't have much magical power, instead they make magical creatures do magic for them.

That's the series that Amulet of Samarkand is part of right? I've read up until part way through the 3rd book when I got really fed up with the main character. I enjoyed it up until then though.

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I haven't read for a while but some of my favourite books are;


  • [*]The Discworld Novels: By Sir Terry Pratchett (I've read about 6 of them and I have another 2 or 3 but I want to read them in order and since there's about 50 of them its really hard to find the ones your after.) Actually its probably a decent part of the reason why I haven't read much for a while, I kind of have a thing where I can't start something new until I've finished or given up on what I was doing and since I really enjoy Discworld but can't get the books...you get the idea


idk if this will still quote but w/e




Rincewind is definatly one of my top three favourite characters to ever grace the planet.


Did anyone play the discworld PS1 games?  They were point and click adventures based on Rincewind and his adventures; well the first two were, the third game, noir was something to do with something i didnt care about, so i never played it.  However the first two games were AWESOME.




As for LOTR, i watched the films, will probably never read the books.  I imagine it would be a great read .. but i've ruined it by watching the film first.

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Rincewind is definatly one of my top three favourite characters to ever grace the planet.


Did anyone play the discworld PS1 games?  They were point and click adventures based on Rincewind and his adventures; well the first two were, the third game, noir was something to do with something i didnt care about, so i never played it.  However the first two games were AWESOME.


Rincewind is awesome, in fact most of the characters are. I really like Death and the Night watch stories are pretty cool too.


I didn't know that there were PS1 games but I had heard that there were some early games that was some kind of text based Discworld RPG or something that modern hospital computer systems are based on.

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Rincewind is awesome, in fact most of the characters are. I really like Death and the Night watch stories are pretty cool too.


I didn't know that there were PS1 games but I had heard that there were some early games that was some kind of text based Discworld RPG or something that modern hospital computer systems are based on.


The death books are also some of my favourites too, i loved Mort.  The Guards books were good, but at the time i started reading them, i'd already tackled all of the Rincewind books - so i was always looking for a character i loved as much as him, and never found it, so i lost a little interest.


Never liked the Witches books though, a friend told me they are worth reading, but idk if i can be bothered.




Discworld I and Discworld II, featuring Rincewind, point and click adventure.  God damn these games are awesome, they were before the time of "GameFAQS" and the like, so actually completing these games without a guide was damn hard.  It was my mum and dad who played the game when i was small, i would just watch and try to help in the best way i could.   --  That mostly consisted of telling him to put items with things that OBV made no sense together, so Rincewind would say "Lets just leave well enough alone.


They are still worth playing, if you can get them cheap enough, but even if you can't i bought both games for £40, and re-sold for £50 - so it depends on what time and day you pick to buy them from ebay.

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That's the series that Amulet of Samarkand is part of right? I've read up until part way through the 3rd book when I got really fed up with the main character. I enjoyed it up until then though.

It is. And yeah, the main character (I think he's called Nathan, coincidensly) does get a bit annoying, but I love the Djinn or what they were called. The main character does change by the end of the book I think. He's a bit too good though sort of.
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It is. And yeah, the main character (I think he's called Nathan, coincidensly) does get a bit annoying, but I love the Djinn or what they were called. The main character does change by the end of the book I think. He's a bit too good though sort of.

Now that you mention it I think its Nathaniel, but close enough. I heard about something at the end of the book that redeems him a bit but I didn't want to read a whole book through where I hate the main character just so that at the end of the book I don't hate that character.


The Djinn were cool, it was actually the way the main character ended up treating them that made me dislike him. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

I read all the time. I suppose I haven't read anything in the last year or so due to time constraints, but whatevs.


My most recent large book(s) were World Without End and Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follet. They look intimidating, but they're fantastic stories if you're interested in historical fiction even remotely.


he is a the husband of a ex-MP of my hoometown, js

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