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The Hunger Games


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Are there any fans of the book / movie / series here? After my family was raving about it I decided to watch the movie on Netflix. It was okay, I really don't see what all of the hype was though. I'm assuming the book was much better than the movie (which is always the case), but man... If I had to write a plot holes article on it I don't even know where to begin. I mean, even the basic premise doesn't make sense.


Ignoring the plot holes, Katniss was annoying as hell. Despite being some sort of "God-Tier" archer who can hit a fucking flying duck with a homemade arrow (hard as fuck with a shotgun), she manages to miss targets about a billion times throughout the movie, most of which are <15 feet away and not even moving.


Her personality is annoying. I get the "I'm shy" bullshit that's supposed to be endearing and relatable, but she just comes off as a huge douche the entire movie.


Anyway, it's 4am and I can't form coherent thoughts. There's my review.

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I'm a fan of the book series, and I suppose the movie was okay, too. The casting for Haymitch and Cinna were EXCELLENT. Cinna played a much, much larger role in the book, though, so I was disappointed that I didn't see much of Lenny Kravitz. Hopefully he'll get more screen time in the sequel.


I have three main complaints about the series, however. Don't worry, I'll keep it spoiler-free:


1. I found Prim to be an incredibly annoying character. It seemed like the book was trying so hard to make her likeable, and it made her boring with no personality whatsoever.


2. The series needed more Gale. I thought he was a very likeable character who needed more time in the spotlight.


3. The ending to Mockingjay sucked.


Despite these qualms, though, I still enjoyed the series overall. I'll probably see Catching Fire when it hits theatres. I REALLY hope that Catching Fire's theme song will be a Lenny Kravitz song. It would be so fitting.

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I actually thought it was sort of odd how large of a role Cinna had in the movie as I was watching it. Of course I haven't read the books yet, so I didn't know any background information. How it all happened just seemed odd; they seem to be instant best friends even though she never really talks to him.


I thought Katniss had almost no personality in the movie. Prim didn't really have much screen time so I can't comment.


I've decided to read the book for comparisons sake. I'm a fast reader and it seems fairly short so we'll see.

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I actually thought it was sort of odd how large of a role Cinna had in the movie as I was watching it. Of course I haven't read the books yet, so I didn't know any background information. How it all happened just seemed odd; they seem to be instant best friends even though she never really talks to him.


I thought Katniss had almost no personality in the movie. Prim didn't really have much screen time so I can't comment.


I've decided to read the book for comparisons sake. I'm a fast reader and it seems fairly short so we'll see.


I read all three books in a very short space of time.  Its a been done idea, but never with children (?)


I enjoyed them all, however there is quite a lot of "boring building" before you get to the actual action.  Its not that i don't enjoy a scene being set, but i wanted more action, as that was the most enjoyable part to read.


The first FILM was good, it didn't really cut much out that i fully noticed - however i did read the book AFTER watching the first film.


The only part that bugged me was HOW she got the pin from a random seller in the "market", instead of from the village "in charge person who i cannot think of the term for's" daughter.


I believe that Cinna becomes her "best friend" because he is the only one who seems to treat her more as a person, than a tribute.  This is just my minor not well thought out rambling though.


I think i went off track.


tl;dr  I enjoyed the film and all three books.

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yer I read the books in a really short time as well... there addictive.


Watched the film and it misses so many key plot points out, I had to explain to the person I was watching it with why certain things were happening...



Like adam said the Jay Pin annoyed me too -.- that was supposed to be a strong symbol from the mayor of her district.



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Finished last night. Never in my life have I seen a movie stick so closely to the story of a book. It was almost word for word in some places, and really the only section that had minor changes in a significant number was the end. You can watch the movie and miss out on only a couple of details that help the story make sense, and they're nothing major.


I almost feel like the story is already better suited for a movie as-is. Honestly, the quality of writing in the book was quite bad. The grammar and sentence structure specifically. There were tons of really poorly worded sentences and missing words. This is probably mostly the editors fault, but whatever.


Toward the end I was getting sort of annoyed with Katniss and her Twilight-esque boy problems that for some reason took center-stage in a death arena. The book drags the "OMG IS HE ACTUALLY IN LOVE WITH ME? NO. YES. MAYBE" bullshit on for far too long and it still isn't resolved at the end. That's not really bad for a trilogy of books... But it's mentioned dozens of times and it just gets old reading.


I'll read the following books in the next few weeks. Nothing else to do right now.


Its a been done idea, but never with children (?)



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Well, the story goes something like this:


There is a secluded village in the middle of nowhere. Every year, they have a drawing. During this drawing, the children build up a giant pile of stones. They draw one person's name from the box, and that person is stoned to death to bring good luck to the harvest.


No, but the whole Peeta / Katniss romance is hilariously like Romeo and Juliet right down to the suicide.

The suicide was really the only similarity, in my opinion. What else did it have in common?

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The whole story of their romance is that it's forbidden and can never come to fruition. They're forced to be enemies in the games and may even have to kill one another. It's exactly like the situation of romeo and juliet and their families.Of course both couples go against outside pressures. Of course, when faced with the inevitability of their situation in the end, they choose suicide.

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The whole story of their romance is that it's forbidden and can never come to fruition. They're forced to be enemies in the games and may even have to kill one another. It's exactly like the situation of romeo and juliet and their families.Of course both couples go against outside pressures. Of course, when faced with the inevitability of their situation in the end, they choose suicide.

I suppose so. And, of course, the Sonnet introducing the R&J play mentions star-crossed lovers.

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In regards to "what".


The idea of people fighting in an arena has been done to death, but i havent heard about, read about or watched anything in this style to do with Children.


Most books are based on things though, its hard not to base a book on something else, or have overlapping themes.

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Just finished the series.


They were pretty good. Not great by any means, but addicting reading nonetheless. The ending to Mockingjay was pretty damn terrible, but whatevs.

I'm disappointed in her choice. The other love interest was much more interesting.

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