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Terrifying Predictions of the Future



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  1. 1. What do you think is most likely?

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I have been doing a lot of research about the future on the internet lately, and have come to the realization that there are some pretty scary possible outcomes. Allow me to share them:


1. Genetic engineering is perfected. People begin giving birth to perfect humans, who are far beyond the physical and mental capabilities of the average human. All the natural born people lose their jobs to these superhumans. Along with losing our jobs, the human race loses what it means to be human, and part of the beauty of the world is lost.


2. The US's debt with China and several other countries grows larger and larger. Eventually, China says "screw it," and gives us an ultimatum, which we obviously do not follow. They are backed by several other countries that hate our guts, namely Iran, Iraq, North Korea, Palestine, and maybe even Russia. WWIII breaks out, and Iran, China, North Korea, and Russia, all are armed with nukes. The world as we know it is destroyed.


3. The technological singularity occurs. We are able to transfer our minds into a computer and live for an infinite amount of time. While only the rich can accomplish this at first, it's soon available to the common folk as well. Eventually, almost everybody's mind is hooked up to this machine. The system crashes at some point and we all die.


4. You may not know this, but there is a LOT of artificial estrogen in the environment, namely in things like plastics and fast food products. This obviously needs to stop, but the farmers and manufacturers are too retarded to see the consequences of their actions. This artificial estrogen negatively impacts both sexes. For women, it increases the chance of cancer. In men, there are many negative effects, but the biggest one is loss in fertility rate. Since we have been using estrogen in foods and plastic, men's sperm count has gone down. If this continues, all the future men may be infertile and the human race will die.


5. Feminism wins the war against MRAs. I think it goes without saying why this would be bad.


6. Jesus rides out of the sky on a pterodactyl, yelling about how we aren't righteous enough. He then sets the Earth on fire.



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2. The debt won't ever lead to WWIII. U.S. debt, in general, is something that is massively exaggerated as an issue.


4. Won't happen.


5. No one takes either feminists or MRA's seriously. A non-issue to most, I'd imagine.


6. More likely than the ones above. Laughed at the image.


1. Wouldn't happen fast enough for people who were "normal" to all lose their jobs because of it. Everyone would slowly just become genetically engineered as the preceding generation dies off naturally. I don't really know why this would cause a loss of humanity, or why that in turn would result in beauty in the world being lost.


3. People would still have to be living outside of said computer. Computer dies, people are forced to "wake up" or whatever, life goes on. Although it would be all lame and real and stuff.

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You called farmers (i.e. me) retarded. Your argument is invalid.

Depends how much artificial estrogen you give your animals. The estrogen-carrying waste from the animals runs down into the rivers. While it's negatively effecting humans, the effects on fish are even worse. Several species would have died out if scientists didn't intervene.

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1. Affirmative action for regular humans is implemented. I keep my job as an astronaut. Oh, and the whole thing seems unlikely to begin with.

2. MFW China associates with Iraq and Iran. MFW North Korea isn't completely destroyed by the time this becomes an issue.

3. No. Just no.

4. See #3

5. I'm willing to bet all of us here (not including you, Squishy) are feminist. The problem is radical/extreme feminism that gives the title a negative connotation.

6. Not possible. pterodactyls don't exist.

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