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Your thoughts on N-Korea (and Iran, possibly Syria, ....) vs USA


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So, as we all know, the United States of America aren't loved by all. They are loved mainly by themselves and I think us Europeans also have some sympathy for the USA; (without them German would be my native language, if you know what I mean, and for that we thank you).


Also, some of the countries where the USA have fought over the last years, should be grateful to the USA (Afghanistan, Iraq, etc.?) as well. I don't know the current situation there, but I guess it's better than it used to be; Taliban and shit.


However, some countries seem to really (I mean really) dislike the USA. I wonder why... Yes, their pattriotism can seem a bit arrogant (''america is the fucking greatest country in the world, fuck yeahhhhhhhhhhh, 'merica fuck yeahh'' - not an actual quote, February 6th, 2013). However they have been the greatest military power in the last....110 years? Sometimes I do look at the USA as some kind of superhero that helps countries in need.


And maybe that's the reason that countries like N-Korea seem to hate the living shit out of the USA. I woke up this morning and saw this on the news: http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=N7fjnvnQvLY#! . It's a propaganda video from N-Korea where a really happy (and American) song (we are the world) plays on the background and they seem to have changed the lyrics, although my N-Korean isn't what it used to be. It shows how N-Korea attacks American cities. It's repulsive, I don't even understand why the fuck it's still on youtube, it's quite offensive isn't it? 


What are your thoughts on the hostilities against the USA? Do you think the USA tends to interfere in stuff that's nowhere near their busines? Or do you think USA has the right and the power (and the duty?) to command other countries that they can't build nuclear missiles, as they please?



*No hate was intended here, I do not hate the USA, I actually like the country :), but I used some sarcasm to explain why other countries might seem to think differently.

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So, as we all know, the United States of America aren't loved by all. 


Wait, what?


All kidding aside, that video perfectly encapsulates North Korea - crazy as fuck. It's not even a Hitler / Saddam / USSR "we disagree with you so war!1" thing... I don't even have a word for it. It's like the country is literally run by mildly retarded psychopaths.


As far as the video, I know 4th graders that can put put together better and more coherent animation. If that's the best their highest level of government can do, well, there you go. They can't even feed 90% of their own people yet here we are discussing how they're going to destroy the world's greatest military power.


As an American it does sort of annoy me that we interfere in everything, mainly because I don't think hardly any of the endeavors are worth having soldiers die over. What annoys me more, though, is idiots from 3rd world countries that do nothing but bitch about how awful the USA is for "ruining everything" yet are the first ones to cry/whine/beg when some warlord slaughters a bunch of kids in their country, or when they want their own asses saved. They're hypocrites; it isn't enough to bother me unless they're not even smart enough to realize it.


Or do you think USA has the right and the power (and the duty?) to command other countries that they can't build nuclear missiles, as they please?


I think all civilized nations do. Nuclear missiles are terrible in the hands of anyone, much less the North Koreans and like who place absolutely no value on life.


As far as the video being offensive, well, yeah, it's obviously a terrible thing to do. With that said, my reaction was kind of just "meh" because it's North Korea. It's expected. Some day they'll do something that pisses everyone off and be overrun in a matter of weeks.

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syrias more worrying right now... being allied with China, thats why no ones touched it yet ;)


but theres a lot of shit we dont know about :P


like the brit army helping the french with these pro mussys, they told us they only send aircraft carriers, but of course these air craft carriers had to manned to the brim with our troops, 2 of my best mates are in the army so i hear lots of random shit :/


I also know for a fact some our troops basic training is being rushed through for something...

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Wait, what?


All kidding aside, that video perfectly encapsulates North Korea - crazy as fuck. It's not even a Hitler / Saddam / USSR "we disagree with you so war!1" thing... I don't even have a word for it. It's like the country is literally run by mildly retarded psychopaths.


As far as the video, I know 4th graders that can put put together better and more coherent animation. If that's the best their highest level of government can do, well, there you go. They can't even feed 90% of their own people yet here we are discussing how they're going to destroy the world's greatest military power.


As an American it does sort of annoy me that we interfere in everything, mainly because I don't think hardly any of the endeavors are worth having soldiers die over. What annoys me more, though, is idiots from 3rd world countries that do nothing but bitch about how awful the USA is for "ruining everything" yet are the first ones to cry/whine/beg when some warlord slaughters a bunch of kids in their country, or when they want their own asses saved. They're hypocrites; it isn't enough to bother me unless they're not even smart enough to realize it.



I think all civilized nations do. Nuclear missiles are terrible in the hands of anyone, much less the North Koreans and like who place absolutely no value on life.


As far as the video being offensive, well, yeah, it's obviously a terrible thing to do. With that said, my reaction was kind of just "meh" because it's North Korea. It's expected. Some day they'll do something that pisses everyone off and be overrun in a matter of weeks.


Thanks. Your post was funny and makes sense at the same time :)

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I guess I'm in the minority here, but I have no problem with other countries building nuclear bombs. In my opinion, either every country is allowed make them, or no country is allowed to make them. The UN is being a bunch of hypocrites. Even if they did create nuclear weaponry, very few countries would be stupid enough to attack the USA. We would wipe them out in weeks, just like we did in Iraq.


Speaking of Iraq, why the heck are we still there? We captured Sadam Hussein after two weeks, and since then we have just sat there for TEN YEARS.

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I guess I'm in the minority here, but I have no problem with other countries building nuclear bombs. In my opinion, either every country is allowed make them, or no country is allowed to make them. The UN is being a bunch of hypocrites. Even if they did create nuclear weaponry, very few countries would be stupid enough to attack the USA. We would wipe them out in weeks, just like we did in Iraq.


Speaking of Iraq, why the heck are we still there? We captured Sadam Hussein after two weeks, and since then we have just sat there for TEN YEARS.


Yes you COULD wipe them out, but only after they attack first, I guess, which may well cost a few million lives.

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Yes you COULD wipe them out, but only after they attack first, I guess, which may well cost a few million lives.

The leaders of the third world countries are stupid, but they're not THAT stupid. Would they really risk destroying their entire country just to kill a small percentage of the USA's population?

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The leaders of the third world countries are stupid, but they're not THAT stupid. Would they really risk destroying their entire country just to kill a small percentage of the USA's population?


Lol like the N-Korean leaders care about their people :P Millions of people starve each year and they do nothing..


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