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The Shittiest Meme of All Time


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My vote goes to actual advice mallard.


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    [*]Even when used correctly, has no potential to be remotely funny. [*]Has literally no context with the image at all. May as well just use text. [*]The only people that use it are 9gaggers, enough said.
      [*]Actually, no. That is not "enough said." The commentators on that site are so hilariously ignorant/retarded/unfunny that it's cringe-worthy. ALL OF THEM. If you've ever commented there, I have bad news for you...

    [*]Half the advice is just completely wrong. See every mallard meme that has anything to do with relationships, females, or common sense. [*]Forced bullshit. [*]Shitty picture. [*]Mallard has uneven brown/white gradient. 1/10 would not bang.

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I actually like the advice mallard ducky thing, my vote goes to the whole 'indestructible Nokia' hype, if that counts as a meme for itself, else it would be the chocolate factory dude, cant remember his name atm;


Not even remotely funny, ever...


I hate the Nokia thing too; it's like a blatant advertisement. Plus Nokias suck.


You're thinking of Willy Wonka. I actually like that meme because it references a classic and makes sense in context.

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All rage faces because they encourage unfunny comics.

And Overly Attached Girlfriend. Was never really a fan of that or the other shitty memes it spawned.


Rage Comics are awesome, they have the most variety out of any of the memes.


I am sick of the OAG memes, as well, though.

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I really just find them all to be stupid. Here is an example (albeit, exaggerated)


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Rage comics are a really hit/miss thing. There are a lot of great ones out there if you stay away from 9gag. I think they're best used for general lulz that everyone relates to, which has a limited "lol" potential itself... For example if we made our own memes here at ES that others wouldn't understand (Squishy's hatred of women), we probably wouldn't use them.

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Rage comics are a really hit/miss thing. There are a lot of great ones out there if you stay away from 9gag. I think they're best used for general lulz that everyone relates to, which has a limited "lol" potential itself... For example if we made our own memes here at ES that others wouldn't understand (Squishy's hatred of women), we probably wouldn't use them.

Fair enough.


Similar to your hated meme, not of a fan of Courage Wolf/Bravery Wolf/whatever it is called. For pretty much the same reasons.

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