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0 New Accounts Since Changing Theme


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We went from averaging 1-2 a day to literally, like, 0 after the theme switch. I thought you guys said this was better?


I initially guessed it might be because we don't have that giant-ass 400x200 block with reasons to register for guests. I don't really want to bring it back because I like the cleaner look of not having it personally, but stats are suggesting that's just me...


Anyways, need some feedback or something, because I don't know what's going on. Log out and try to view it from a guest perspective. I did add this completely kick-ass "Create an Account" button effect, but no returns from it thus far.


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I guess it could just be a fantastic 12+ day coincidence.

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I've been away for so long... Seems like everything is falling apart because of it.


Nah, traffic and posting and everything has been normal; it's just that new registrations have oddly fallen off. Do you have any ideas why that may be, or ways we could improve from a guest perspective?


Edit: I can post! I've had some problems posting, on mobile atleast. It said I didn't have permission to post. Then  I cried. Then I went away. Now I got flu.


Was this just recently or has it been going on? Specific threads? If it was just this thread it might have been because I created it in the Staff forum and then moved it.

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Nah, traffic and posting and everything has been normal; it's just that new registrations have oddly fallen off. Do you have any ideas why that may be, or ways we could improve from a guest perspective?



Was this just recently or has it been going on? Specific threads? If it was just this thread it might have been because I created it in the Staff forum and then moved it.

Offer them a cookie.


It happend 2-3 times, in threads I'm pretty sure was public. Can't remember where it was, but it happened like a week ago. When I stopped posting. I was so sad, and went into neglect.

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No point taking away that "Why to register" box or whatever - for one, you can't even see it when you're logged in. Secondly, I bet there were a load of people have no idea of how to use a forum, probably think there should be a massive box where you type a question without being logged in. Lol.

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No point taking away that "Why to register" box or whatever - for one, you can't even see it when you're logged in. S


True for members, but it looks pretty awful for guests now that the site is fixed width - it pushes the actual content way down the page so that the "WHY REGISTER" is all you see until you scroll 800px. I guess an alternative is to give it its own unique web page and then create a small "Why Create an Account?" button that's visible everywhere linking to it. Not sure if that would be effective at all, though, since clearly people already don't click the "Create Account" button.

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True for members, but it looks pretty awful for guests now that the site is fixed width - it pushes the actual content way down the page so that the "WHY REGISTER" is all you see until you scroll 800px. I guess an alternative is to give it its own unique web page and then create a small "Why Create an Account?" button that's visible everywhere linking to it. Not sure if that would be effective at all, though, since clearly people already don't click the "Create Account" button.


Solution: Make it smaller! Maybe make another page/popup for why to register and leave a brief and tidier box, including a link.

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I've created a page that  I'm calling Account Perks; I'll link to it from every page for guests. In the mean time, any suggestions on increasing the sex appeal? Any benefits that I left out worth mentioning? I may add images under every sub-heading, but I'm a but strapped for time at the moment.


Instead of adding that large box back, I just put this red button where there was some empty space.


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I was thinking one of the great things that you could possibly do with the new format (and mind you I have virtually no understanding of whether that would even work) is to put those sorts of "register now" ads on the sides of the page and possibly have it so that it scrolls with the page. That way its not in the way but its still clearly visible.

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I was thinking one of the great things that you could possibly do with the new format (and mind you I have virtually no understanding of whether that would even work) is to put those sorts of "register now" ads on the sides of the page and possibly have it so that it scrolls with the page. That way its not in the way but its still clearly visible.


That's a good idea. I already tried making the button I posted above scroll with the header into the page after you go past it. It was a cool effect, but I decided it took up too much space. I might try your suggestion later tonight; it's only difficult because some screen resolutions don't have enough space on the empty sides, so you'd have to account for that.

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I've created a page that  I'm calling Account Perks; I'll link to it from every page for guests. In the mean time, any suggestions on increasing the sex appeal? Any benefits that I left out worth mentioning? I may add images under every sub-heading, but I'm a but strapped for time at the moment.


Instead of adding that large box back, I just put this red button where there was some empty space.


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Inb4 white strip at the bottom

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I was thinking one of the great things that you could possibly do with the new format (and mind you I have virtually no understanding of whether that would even work) is to put those sorts of "register now" ads on the sides of the page and possibly have it so that it scrolls with the page. That way its not in the way but its still clearly visible.


I just incorporated this so that the button in its usual static place in the photo I posted above. However, when you scroll past it (as a guest), it reappears to the very right of the page. This means it will be way off in empty space if you have a high screen resolution, or right over the search bar if you have a low one.


Not really sure about the placement, but the effect is what I think you were talking about. 

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