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Who was the worst boss you ever had and why.  where did you work.


my current boss,  codname: dickhead

chrysler jeep dodge dealership

insensitive asshole



so heres a recap of why he is one.  

my grandparents are like many, old.  grandma is weak and brittle and cannot do many things that younger women can.  grandpa is a 30+ year marine corps vet who taught for twelve year and has went through prostate,kidney,and test cancer.  thus he cannot do things that he would like and its mentally frustrating.  today they put down their dog who theyve had for 2 years (bought to try to make things easier for them mentally, feeling like they can still take care of something created a fulfillment in their life that only a few can understand)    many familys burn their animals or bury them in a place of meaning.  my grandparents bury theirs.   but because of the previous reasons they cannot bury the dog and have asked me to do so for them.  the conversations is as follows


me: hey im going to bounce out early today i have to bury my grandparents dog in the backyard and then help them with some persian rugs being thrown out.


dickhead: if were busy your going to stay


me: i understand but if were not slammed then im going to try to get out just a bit early, the dog is in a box just sitting in their house and its just not right for them to have to sit their and look at him all day.


dickhead: its not like hes going anywhere and your grandpa probably has seen death before so whats the problem.


me:  right a man who was in the breakout of k'san certainly needs to revisit death by watching the box with his dead dog in it that makes alot of sense phillip.


dickhead:   whatever just bury the mutt and get it over with.


end of discussion.

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Eh, kind of have to side with your boss on that one depending on how close your quotes are to what you said. You sort of came across like you were just straight up telling him "I'm going to leave." which is bad, because he's the boss. If instead you asked and said something like, "Hey, is it alright if I head out a bit early to do xxx if the place is slow?" I agree with you.


Haven't had any horrible bosses to be honest. There aren't any jobs in my small town that are available where I don't already know everyone who works there.

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My current boss.

Codename: Catholic School Girl

Job: Writing


Me: Hey CSG, I'll make sure to have that thing written up by tomorrow

CSG: Okay, do it soon or else lulz.


CSG: You haven't written up the thing I wanted you to yet.

Me: Yeah I've been super busy

CSG: Well I'm going to change your color from yellow to green



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yer my current boss

Nickname: The Chimp, PinHead, karl pilkington, that fkn twat (theres a lot more...)

Job: Floor Manager



This guy does a lot of shit but he pisses you off at least once a day... whether its going back on his word or just being a complete twat.


everyone now emails him every request, just so they have his reply in writing.



He managed to spindle it that me and my team leader owed 2hrs toil, we went to see HR about the utter shit he was spouting and they told us I was owed 1 hr and my team leader a lot more... he still wouldnt drop it so we got the union involved...


hes just a twat and that was the most recent example

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