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So what did Santa bring you this year?


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My Dad got me an Aur Rifle, wich is the only rifle you can have in Norway without training. It's rather odd he would buy me that. He is a pacifist and my mother hate guns. However, he was at a sale, and when he's at a sale he doesn't think. I really wanted it last year though, but I thought i'd never get it. I also got a telescope, some vlothes and some other stuff.

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I had mostly clothes and some money, nothing major. Being old on Christmas is kind of lame. My mom bought my sister and I mace. Pretty funny since, as a guy, I'll be attacked for carrying that around if anything. I think it was to get my sister some without making it a big deal since she goes off to college next year.

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I got a pullup bar and a couple of discworld books. Interesting contrast...


 And yes, ACIII is amazing.

I agree, but I've had it since it came out and I'm still only about half way through it since I wanted to finish the Halo 4 campaign first but my brothers hog the Xbox and I can't be bothered arguing. I'm somehow still spoiler free for both though (probably shouldn't have said that, lol). I just really wanted to rant about that...

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I got a lot of food...No seriously, we don't have Santa Claus, but we have what we call 'Sinterklaas', which is a really old Dutch tradition, it's like nearly the same, but instead of a fat old grey man, it's a skinny old grey man riding a white horse and instead of elves he has what we call 'Zwarte Piet', which can be translated to 'Black Peter'. I shit you not. It has NOTHING to do with racism, however.



But we also skipped Sinterklaas this year, getting too old for that crap, I'm glad my parents fund a lot for me throughout the year, I'm grateful for that.




I got myself book 2 and 3 from the Game of Thrones (yes, I already had the first one..)

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Looking at that image out of context, it's hard to image a background story that's not racist.


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I just looked it up on wikipedia, it says that before the 2nd world war 'Sinterklaas' only had 1 helper, which was black, for no named reason. Just after the 2nd world war the Canadian soldiers in the Netherlands all dressed up as Black Peters and since then it's a tradition for Sinterklaas to have some kind of army of black people, lol.


This Black Peter idea originates from 1850.

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