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To All People Advocating For Armed Teachers


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This is the favorite facebook picture I have seen yet.


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LMAO. I swear I just want to slap the idiots that keep sharing this back into their mothers vagina.


1. Redneck carhart advertising? Check.

2. 18.25? Really? How is that even possible when police stop thousands of incidents DAILY across the country, and when the most awful "mass shootings" in history aren't even mid-twenties besides one.

3."2.2 when stopped by civilians." HOW IS IS A "MASS SHOOTING" = 2.2 people?

4. How in the fuck do you quantify "mass shootings" when they were "stopped"?

5. How do you know when civilians that had guns did nothing to stop it or were useless in other ways? It's just as easy to say that for every shooting the police had to stop, armed citizens failed to do so.


Just lol. I could go on and on, but that image has taken the cake.

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Just go to school like where i used to, onground armed police patrol, occasional armed students, right off naval weapons station, and surrounded by friendly neighborhood that have home protection and hunting firearms that if their children are threathened would not hesitate to kill the culprit, lulz, public school in the south.

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tighter gun laws?  really?  how many guns are already out there.  how hard is it to get a gun off the streets.  tightening regulations will not solve the problem, arming more will.  i'm not saying every person should have a gun but the best defense is a good offense.  if the teachers had been trained or at least had prior weapons training this COULD HAVE (not for sure) been prevented. have a lock box in the principals office. dont arm everyone but the key people in the upper management.  have the ability to defend yourself.  all places of business should be armed.  you want to preserve the future of this country by shielding children to the horrors of the world. no one will make it under that reformation.  america was built on violence and acts of horror.  and in todays society of "who has the latest ipod or phone"  have you stopped to think that the less fortunate or greedy will become spiteful to the rich and those with more.  children are precious and innocent. why would you not want to protect them in the fiercest way possible making any person with bad intentions think twice before harming the innocent.  ask any parent of the children who died what they think and listen to the responses.  now ask what they would do to that make mentally handicapped or not if he was still alive and they could get away with it.  we all have violence in our system, its in our blood. and we have suppressed it to where only in times of need does it actually come out.  at the  very least we should continuously protect  whats dearest to us.

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No one said anything about instituting tighter gun laws, just that the notion of armed teachers is ridiculous.Both of my parents are teachers, as are all of their friends. I can tell you for a fact that 90% of them would not only not want to carry a weapon, but would outright refuse.

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i understand and its based off where you are from to what background you have.  my grandfather  was 30 year marine corps.  then when to teaching.  with that background he always had a firearm on him.  he was requested by the administrators to carry.  along with the 7 other teachers in his wing of the high-school. no kid ever knew they had them,  but out of the 10 to 12 incidents he delt with he always had one on him, and 4 of those incidents the student had a weapon.  

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i understand and its based off where you are from to what background you have.  my grandfather  was 30 year marine corps.  then when to teaching.  with that background he always had a firearm on him.  he was requested by the administrators to carry.  along with the 7 other teachers in his wing of the high-school. no kid ever knew they had them,  but out of the 10 to 12 incidents he delt with he always had one on him, and 4 of those incidents the student had a weapon.  

That's very true. I'm from a very rural "backwoodsy" town where firearms and hunting are the two main means of entertainment. What would work in a town such as mine, where everyone has had extensive weapons training and the worst crime committed in 50 years was a half-assed failed bank robbery, is very different than the rest of the country. Arming the principal or something might work fine for my small town, but having teachers with weapons in an urban area already filled with gang violence simply isn't practical. Many schools in such situations already have metal detectors and hired guards at the entrances making sure students don't bring in weapons. What would happen if 3-4 18 year old "men" overpowered some female teacher that was carrying, or even found a school-endorsed weapon laying around? Gang war in the cafeteria.

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<blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Huygens" data-cid="24751" data-time="1355839489"><p>Just stop allowing people to own guns...srsly...</p></blockquote>I kinda agree. I understand that guns would be easy to get hold of in the US even if they banned them, but if you don't start banning them, the problem will probably just get bigger.


Quoting doesn't seem to work for me. Possibly a bug in mobile version. I didn't change the code.

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90% of america does that.  oklahoma, texas, utah, kansas, arkansas, alabama,  most of the southern states

There was a man in Virginia who tried to buy a gun. He showed his medical records to the man behind the counter. Every single doctor he visited said he was mentally unstable, and to never trust him with a weapon. He was still able to buy a gun. He then went and massacred a group of people.


And that's why gangsters buy their guns in Virginia.

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That's so sickening o.0 where do you live? Souns like some kind of medieval country, but I've got a feeling you're from the USA o.0



South Carolina, 'Murica.


Easily influenced people will always be that, doesn't matter the source. If you want to know why a majority of people are violent its a mix of their mental state and environment. Think about it, a lot of people blame video games but its really the parents of that child are to blame for their lack of involvement in their children life and don't make enough time for them. I've seen teens and children(so far all white(ha)) who are complete dicks and would even yell at their parents in public and pretty much get away with it. Their parents are pushovers and do whatever their child wants them to do, hell they even threaten to kill their own parents, curse them out and what not. Their parents believe that time outs and taking away their phones and shit are appropriate ways of punishment but its really not. I always had somewhat strict parents but were very loving and they would whoop my ass when i would misbehave as a child, many of my friends were the same way and even though they are annoying at times, i trust them with my life if needed. 


The parents are to blame.

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