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Making Money in the Early Stages of Skyrim


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play through all the way to whiterun where you buy your first house if you so choose.   talk to the black smith. many of the towns have blacksmiths but the one in whiterun has a daughter who has almost identical items as her father inside the shop.  when you buy leather from her (usually 17 pieces) her father also has the same amount.  increasing the smithing perk quick and easy.  make the hide armor and the leather armor after the tutorial she gives you.  sell the items to her or use them in your travels.  the father usually has 2k in gold.  she has about the same giving the player an opportunity to make 4k every interaction with the right amount of items.    SIDENOTE: buy items from the merchants then sell your big items to them.  increasing the merchants available gold increases the amount of items you can sell and get top dollar for.   its a drawn out process but an easy way to make money and increase skill level quickly.

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Not bad...become a bit more active in the community, and improve your layout a bit more, and you might make a fine Content Team member. As I am the only member at the moment, I'd hardly call it a "team" currently, and we need some more people so we can have a more active front page and more to offer to guests.

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The easiest early stage way to make money in skyrim (without leveling) is to actually get out of the whiterun borders and continue to take everything the master smith on the rock has (it's been a looong time since I played Skyrim, lol) you'll get around 1k-1.1k gold every minute or so, not including what you can sell. I can post a video or explain it manually how to do it, but you just need to quick pass through two days in-game and talk to him again. it is possible to do with more ease with Whirlwind Sprint 2 but you can do it right after finishing the "tutorial".

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