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King Black Dragon


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KBD, the King Dragon

No pictures sadly, but Blue and I did duo the King Black Dragon for a good 15 kills in a thirty minute span. A semi-decent trip considering what we were dealing with and the idiot female who tried to crash us. Fuuuuuu.

I actually died at the end, but Blue blessed and I tele'd out to the KBD to fetch my stuffs. Tried to go again with Skippy and anyone else, but couldn't get another turn out and Skippy/Kai just wasn't working.

All in all, fun times.

Lots of lol's.

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S'ok buddy. I had fun and so did Blue. It would have been able to go on longer if I wouldn't have drug it out to where I died before I restocked, and Blue and myself could have probably went another round without feeling drained :/Next time?

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  • 2 weeks later...

S'ok buddy. I had fun and so did Blue. It would have been able to go on longer if I wouldn't have drug it out to where I died before I restocked, and Blue and myself could have probably went another round without feeling drained :/Next time?

im game for next time you ll have to let me know i go to kree quite a lot but im up for anything. let me know
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